3x3eyesfan (Abby Jameson)
only a few hours later
2004-11-30 22:52:56
Ok i know I just posted a few hours ago.....but you will be amazed at what life changing incidents can happen in that time.....or you could just believe i got bored :p
Well I finally watched the end of Princess Mononoke....I boughts it some time last week but never watched the end propaly (i.e there were many ppl at my house) and I must say I really enjoyed it....I was also amazed that they were selling it at witcolls (god knows how to spell the name of the store)
another point is some of us finally decided who we would cosplay as at Armageddon next year (we just got the news that they will have another cosplay contest....and AMV ONE!!!!!).......and what will we be.....Well we all decided we are all going to crossdress (ie dress as guys)....which is really nothing would be amazed at how many guys out group has dresses is a list to give an example.....and believe it or not only one was for a cosplay....the rest were really for parties or plays
I was Brain(pinky and the brain) for a house drama contest....i only got that part because i was the only one who was loud enough and could do the evil laugh
I was also Yakumo (3x3eyes) for a party...,.....
I was a CEO for junior production when the part was ment to be a guy (mwa ha ha i was the bad guy)
ummmmm I was the wolf from lil red riding hood....about 3 diff times (ok so it doesn't really count but he really is a guy)
my friends have been ppl like Chiron and Demetrius (titus andronicus) for the shakespere contest we entered.........
in a play we wrote we were the Narrator, Fluffy slippers (the chracters name) and Dingelmouse (who fell in love with the cat...also played by a girl)
well you really get the picture in at least 50% of what we do we are guys
So anyway we are going al male characters....I'm going to be Naruto (K not the most originals cosplay.....but at this convention no one seems to know of naruto....last year there was one person who dresses as lee)
VIckie is thinking of being Sasuke.......the strange thing is I have the dark hair she has the blond :p
and Jackie has decided she is going to be Jing from King of Bandit King.....just because she wants the jacket :P
Oh well
ahhhh utter bliss.
2004-11-30 19:53:38
Hrmmm it seems to be another hot.....VERY WINDY summer what do i do......I sit inside with my ice pack and relax....untill 10am.....
Well i just got back from the supermarket (go me......mind you it is only a 5 mins walk) because we are having grandad around for tea and mum needed stuff......WOW don't I sound like the perfect little child running errands for my mum LOL.......but i offered to go because i wanted RICE.....yep thats right i have been having a craving for rice for the last 4 days......ahhhhh right now there seems nothing better than sitting around eating my rice with my chopsticks (don't ask why I LOVE CHOPSTICKS)......When i think about it I think there are 3 foods in this world i couldn't live without......Potatoes, Rice and Steak......I know ppl would usally have chocolate in there somewhere but who said i was normal :P
Oh well i finally decided what i would get for my birthday and dad is ordering it today YAY.....i decided to get the Vash Plushie....up to epps 36 on dvd of InuYasha (I think i have found a new anime I love) 2 dvds and 2 dvds of Naruto (k so the subtitles aint perfect but i can't download it and I want subtitle free clips)
I also has to write an essay thing today because it turns out I WAS (wehn i was told i wasn't) accepted into the Genisis Science course....OH YEAH SUMMER SCHOOL.....i didn't want to do it at first....but i have been reading the pamphlet and it sounds sooooooo fun they have forensic science......Yeah i can picture it no....Abby the detective LOL......besides it's only 2 weeks in Auckland......WHAT AM I SAYING Auckland it the biggest city in NZ and i've only been there once WHEN I WAS 4!!!!! oh well.....I get to be in group purple (i'm actully serious thats the name of my group)
Well better go.....ugg post more later....ugg RICE *chew* *chew*
I AM BACK!!!!!
2004-11-30 01:04:32
*sigh* yes finally i was let back on the internrt :) :) :).....i wasn't aloud on for a week because they wanted me to go a week with no computer...THATS SOOOOOOOOO CRUEL!!!!! then they added an extra day for the hell of it!!!!!!!!!
Oh well i'm over waht have i been doing in the last week......well for one i borrowed Gemmas copy of FFX-2 (my one got scratched so two of the FMV's don't works....thus i can't progress past them) and have been playing it.....I'm trying to get 100%....but so far I only have 77% :(
other than that my friends and I have done all sorts of things......We went to the movies 3 times......we saw these following movies
Shawn of the dead-lololololol
National Treasure-pretty good....I enjoyed it
In my Fathers Den-Ok i know it is an NZ movie and ppl will think i only like it because i live in NZ But I thought it was REALLY REALLY good......k like most NZ movies the sound wasn't great but thats ok......I really want to see it again.
hrmmmmm we(being Gemma, me, Jackie, Jenna, Bubbles (aka matt) and fuzzy (aka james)) all took the videos camera to the park.....ate food and recorded stuff.....Like fuzzy pretending to be a duck by jumping into the river and making his way over to the island in the middle with a sign clearly saying NO PUBLIC ACCESS.....opps
I was also very happy yeaterday....because it was officially the last day of school for seniors YES!!!!!!....i did end up going.....for about 30 minutes.....what happened was I went there waited 20 mins for formtime......went to form time (all five mins it ended up being).....but instead of going to the prize reading....i ended up going to the artroom....meeting gemma and going home.....ok you can say i wagged....but it would really be the first time i actully walked out of school (yes i am a goody good) and Mum really couldn't care....neither could dad....I know, cos i told him when he saw me at lunch time........I fact my parent really don't care as long as i am not missing classes where i learn stuff (i.e i only leave at lunch time) i found this out when mum saw me walking down the street and yelled my name out of the car window :p
hrmmmmmmm oh well i think that is all i have to say for now....probaly type more later
2004-11-21 00:38:19
Well i said i would explain the road cone thing.....but i got kicked off last time so here goes......
It all started when my friend Leslie was still living here ( so about 2-3 months ago) we were going for a walk (with gemma,7 and Jackie as well).....but we were walking down the street and we saw this Open Home sigh on the Leslie took it (bad leslie....but oh well)....Now i have always wanted a collection of signs i stole it off her :p and stuck it up on my wall.....but i felt bad because i thought it would get lonely by i found another one...and HEy i had 2.....
Well now to the cone....JAckie saw a road cone (nice big one...about 2/3 as tall a me) and she thought it would be nice to give it to me as a present....So now i am building a small shrine of stolen signs, cones etc in my corner.......Gemmas boyfrind almost got me a Construction sight one....but he was caught.....
Evrn my mum finds it amusing...but she said the cone made me look fat :p
So yes that is the story of the cone
2004-11-20 21:28:54
Hrmmmmmm....i just worked out I can be a real idiot dad just informed me that we have adobe premier....and i never noticed ARGGGGGGGG *bangs head on desk* hisodhseakjfsa....
Right oh well nearly holidaqys so i can focus on learning to use it.....ok so it technically is 2-3 weeks...but really on 2 days for me.....cos thats my last exam....then there is a half day in the future.....but i might not go, cos they only announce who is getting prizes at end of year assembely.....but i never go to that, because they kicked my sister out because she didn't have her uniform anymore.....let me explaing what i mean by this
Well just to get this said pirnciple (Ms Greta First) is the most anul stuck up cow you will ever meeet.....almost all the student hate her.....she is really PRO GIRL.....and tries to ignore all the problems in the school (e.g....perverted teachers, a girl cutting her wrists in the bathroom, people smoking dope in the toilets etc etc...and no i am not exaggerating)
Well what happens is in 7trh form you get to wear mufti (Except for my year onwards because they felt like introducing a new uniform in the yaer I WILL BE 7TH FORM!!!!!) but at prize giving you are expected to get your old uniform and wear it again.....well my sister was diognosed with epilepsy...and her medication made her put on some weight...and she got taller etc etc.....well her uniform didn't she couldn't wear it (unless she wanted to look like a hooker) so mum rang Ms Firth.....and tried to explain...BUT NO SHE WOULDN'T mum took my sister (in Mufti) and Ms Firth kicked her out saying "It would dissopoint the girls" Like hell it would.....I mean she even kicked another girl out because she didn't have ankel socks....COME ON!!!!
*end rant*
So now you see why i don't go :)
Hrmmmmmmmmmmmm I am also happy because it is nearly my birthday (23rd December)....ok so it is quite far off.....but mum promised i could pick my present/s to a certain value.....and i can order off the net.....YAY i have my sights set on that Vash plushie i saw a while can keep my Kamui Plushie i want to get some more manga and anime...
Oh well better go.....I getting kicked off the net :p
hrmmm I wonder if JAckie will steal me another road cone....tell u about it later :p
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