3x3eyesfan (Abby Jameson)
2004-11-14 01:57:35
ok i was reading my last posts.....and from now on I stop complaining......i'm sure u guys don't want to hear me rambel on about my problems, feeling sorry for myself.
Don't think that ius what i'm like all the's that time of the year (EXAM TIME!!!!!) and i get depressed.
So i decided to change it today i mangaed to compleatly clean my room out (started at about 3:30pm) yes it was late but my friends kept coming around/ringing..........So why does cleaning my room make me feel better?
Well i believe in feng shweih (however the hell uspell it) my room was cluttered so i cleaned it.....not throwing things under the bed or in my closet.....but really huck it out MWA HA HA HA DIE DUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So now i feel better
Oh well now u know the current condition of my room....I'm sure u all really care
See ya
Oh yes
2004-11-13 03:20:43
What makes the situation even weirder is that the very same morning......i was in tears over my mum (she and dad were fighting...AGAIN)...and i turned round and said
Now this is a direct quote so plz excuse the language
"You are acting like a shelfish bitch, who cares about no one but herself."
and the scary thing......SHE AGREED!!!!!!! i really have to say whats on my mind more often :P
Yes if u havn't already gatherd i have a strange relationship with my truly is a love hate with saying that i have to say this
I am rathered screwed up....*and allen if u r reading this u r going to be hurt if u laugh at me*....i compress all my emotions into a tiny ickel ball...they u can see from the situation above.......who here can say there mum walked out once on christmas *raises hand*......I really need to talk to someone *hugs the computer* thats why i have the random strangers on the net who read this......I love u guys
*skips along to her fantasy land*
la la la
ok that was longer than i thought
Hrrrmmmm mud.....
2004-11-13 03:12:17
featuring meand abby(also me)
Me: So abby what did we learn today
Abby: well me we learnt that water fights can get out of hand
Me: now who was the water fight with
Abby: My mum
Me: and what makes them get out of hand
Me: and what is wrong with mud
Abby: The fact that it is dirty and parents don't like having it poured over their head
Me: And what do they do when u do this
Abby: Do the same thing back to u......
Yes todays lesson is don't get in a mud fight with your mother.....u may both be equale in strenght......but when neither of u give up....u seriously do turn out with a brown tan :p
But hey it's summer (well nearly) it's two weeks from holidays....and she was annoying me:P
Oh well had to tell everyone that
*breath*....inthrogh the nose.........
2004-11-11 22:51:34
OK lets see.......I am happy at the moment...i was annoyed, then calm, and now happy :)
MY DAD GOT BACK TODAY.....he was a day early YAY.......and he also fixed the computer so i was ablw to upload my latedt music vid *does happy dance*
Oh well what to say hrmmmmmmm The school year is nearly over *big grin* only 2 more exams (english and maths) and then it is relaxing holidays :):):)....and to think after that only i more year of school OMG!!!!!!!!
Oh well had to say that
bye bye
2004-11-07 15:24:45
well my emotions are all over the place lately.....*stares at journal* wow happy sad....angry....pissed off etc etc
Well right now i miss my daddy *sob* he's over in America....ppl keep asking if he is from south Africa....He's from NZ!!!!
Oh well gtg
Maybe i will post more later
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