JOURNAL: 3x3eyesfan (Abby Jameson)

  • HRMMMMM!!!!! 2005-03-11 03:35:09 well i am happy my sister is coming for a visit tomorrow......I know you hear me complain about her a lot....but she is my sister(we are bound to fight) and I havn't seen her in a few months :(

    Oh well had work tonight.....Man i love my job......and serena (one of the supervisors) is sooooooo nice....

    hrmmm Well we Finally got Shaman King over here in lil ol NZ....I have been watching it every now and then....but i don;t like the dubbing (4KIDS!!!! but they are getting better) ......I was looking forward to seeing it i decided to read the manga instead and I love it :).....the first time I saw it was in my one shonen Jump mag (I picked it up in auckland the only place in NZ that seems to sell it) and it had chap 51-52...and i immediatly liked i might buy the dvd's (ya never know)

    Oh well.....I fell in the river again...the river i go across when i walk home from drama has new stepping stones (AND THEY ARE UNSTABLE soooooo *SPLASH*

    Oh well better go

    see ya
  • woot 2005-03-07 04:28:38 YEAH 2 OPINIONS!!!!!! 8does dance*
    well i went to the gym againg this morning wow....again it was fun (I am getting so worked up about this :p)...then went to school....blahhh went to chemistry (during study) to finish my titrations (ohhh big word) then went to art....and finally finished my pic (so it took me two days....thats now much...but i have to pump another three out by the end of the week)....arggg I hate portraits (so i cheat and find ways to exclude the eyes)...then had admin...and drew pictures....then calculus YEAH TRIG WORK....I LOVE TRIG!!!!!!! then ended the day with art design....ahhhh i love art design...I get to draw the whole time (utter bliss) and in the manga style (because that is the style i am using for all my projects).

    Oh well i'm gonna hate tomorrow (no study + canteen duty at lunch) ....but i have no work till friday....So that means I can go into town on wends afternoon ( we finish an hour early) and on friday it's athetics (i'm not going because they make you sit in the sun all day and I got really badly burnt last time) SO i will go see Gemma and Holly and start working on cosplay costume YAY

    See ya 
  • RIGHT!!!! 2005-03-06 00:29:30 Well what afun weekend it has been...I worked quite a bit....pup up an auction on trade me and I found a converter so i could produce my music vids and put them on dvd :p

    but the best thing i think I did was join a gym.....I finally got off my lazy butt and decided to do something about my lack of fitness.....and for $60 a month (after discounts) it better work......but it was actully quite fun,,,,I liked the rowing....oh well

    Hrmmmm only thing that would make it a better weekend would be if ppl left comments when they downloaded mu music vids (But don;t we all wish that......) 
  • *sigh* 2005-03-03 01:39:53 I miss my parents.....well I do dee them every day.....but they have both been busy working on the I really only get to talk to them for about 10-20 mins a day....if they arn't asleep, oh well can't wait till next thursday....thats opening night o after that I will see them YAY.......

    on another note....I have decided to apply for the two week exchange in japan YEAH GO ME!!!!!!! and Vicki and I have finally gotten the money together to buy Naruto headbands.....she is getting the craked leaf, and I am getting a sand one YAY I am also getting Ed's pocket watch from FMA *drool*....all in preperation for Armageddon (which is in april) YAY I CAN'T WAIT......we are all dressing up on both days (random first day.....cosplay second!!!!!)

    Hrmmmm speakinf of armageddon I am still working on my muic vid for it....I know its been ages....but dad started taking the laptop to the theatre so this is the first night in ages I can work on it *sigh*....oh well.....I got upset...they made the time limit 5 MINS!!!!! arggggggg I had to chop the first two songs off!!!!! *sigh* Oh well will have to try and make the one song kick ass.....

    See ya 
  • woot 2005-02-18 18:38:37 wow i have been in anime heaven latly.....sorry for note updating my journal.....but i was also sick :(......Anyways, I finished watching all of FMA....WHAAAAAA IT MADE ME CRY (like most things)....but now i am making a music vid for it ....and I have worked out how to use adobe premier(which decided to work on this compter yay)......also I finished watching all of chrono crusade.....I really enjoyed that....but again the ending made me cry.....WHAT IS IT with me and watching all the depressing anime lately....hrmmmmmm

    wellon another good note I finally got another part time job.....but htis one is soooooooo much better.....I am working at the movie theatre YAY....last night i was training so i got to rip tickets and clean the theatres after the movies got out (which wasn't as boring as it sounds.....but I also had to go our back and roll icecreams for an that gets annoying because they all have to be between 86-94g.......and the icecream started melting GRRRRR......But the best par of the job is unlimited free movies when u arn't working YAY!!!!!!!!!  
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