Rhyvery (Jeremy K )
2007-09-17 09:42:49
yeah, im turning a new way.
I love peace and i dont know why i never lvied that way before...i baught a peace madallion necklace yesterday XD
and im no longer gothy or emo or what ever..
im just a poofy haired k id who promotes peace and love.
2007-09-16 16:43:43
my vegas isent running right
im gonna havta resort to windows movie maker 2
*falls over crying*
Can any one make me a profile pic?
2007-09-15 15:54:17
i'll give 5 free ops to the person who dose { must be awesome with photoshop )
Making a ne wprofile.
2007-09-11 08:17:48
yes this one has alot of my older works on it which i dont want to have on my prfile so yes.
new onme soon to be made
effect Whores.
2007-09-09 15:33:14
People who claim to be a true amv fan or turue amv editors , say its all about the effects and to them thats the only effort they see . is in Effects. Not in the story line the the creator had planed.
if they are so blind to only see it for effects and not take the time to think of the story behind the video, then they are false editors. Effort has nothing to do with effects . Not in most cases only when you decide to use them.
some songs may seem to not go with a video, but think about it for aminute, they may have actully made the best video in the world by coming up with a plot to it.
Effect whores can just give up because there is no chance for them .
What ever happened to the Old org?
When effects wernt that importent? since when did people become such effectw hores and not a simple amv ediot ro amv fan?
This Site is just as fucked up as it ever was.
The org has lost my interest, it is a pathetic excuse for a community.
and if i get baned for sayingmy mind then this just prove my statement even more truth,.
Current server time: Jan 11, 2025 19:45:16