dreamawake (Joey Dreamawake Schartner)
So yeah
2008-02-01 11:57:10
Should have a new video out by tonight, alot of people may not like it though, quite an old song, oldschool Zeppelin <_<
Sooo yeah, hopefully at least some people can enjoy it, most probably the older editors. Just waitin on some footage to finish it up.
Bored and "jamming to some rise against" as Jeff would say..
2008-01-30 21:21:47
yeaaaap...bored as hell, trying to think of an idea or something for the next video I start..blah'
2008-01-30 03:13:38
Emo title taken from shino, and given to you :O
2008-01-18 17:02:53
I left my aim on you bumass xD
It occurs to me...
2008-01-16 21:24:34
That I need to talk to some new people, since I generally talk to the same 5 people or so daily o_o
Sooo if you're bored, wanna see betas, or such, IM me on msn or aim :O
AIM: DZ Arashinome
Fer Shizzle |:
Current server time: Mar 04, 2025 21:03:44