JOURNAL: Lyne (Xenia )

  • 2006-06-01 15:16:49 JudgeHolden - and proud of it! I've been searching for a job for months!! I needed the money! well... i have to admit it... i'm a consumer......... but now i will have moneeey.... hee heee *__*

    jubjub2 - then u will have to wait a lot..! this one will take me a lot of time, but i'll try not to disappoint u and do my best :) 
  • :D:D:D 2006-06-01 14:35:04 I've got a jooooooob!!

    money money money money money :D:D:D:D:D 
  • jubjub2 2006-06-01 10:22:54 uho! i hadn't seen it yet! your op! i've just read it! thx very much. It makes me very happy you have enjoyed it.
    About future projects with other anime, I have three projects waiting for being started, of 3 different anime; angel sanctuary, chrno crusade, and the place promised in our early days.

    now i'll go to see some of your amvs, comment your op as well and today or tomorrow night (my night, of course xD) i'll return to u the op ^^ 
  • Home sweeeet hooome 2006-06-01 10:01:54 (15:46 pm here) I've just came back home after another tired-stressful school day. Tomorrow the last week's exam and this saturday my birthday aaaand... 18 AT LAST!! oh god, i've been waiting for 18 all my life...! i'm still a baby, but proud of it xDD

    i'll celebrate it only with my 4 closest friends and my family. Enough i guess. i think that this kind of things it's better to celebrate it with the closest people, and not with crowd all around but only a few loved people.

    Finally i'll be a legal person XD (a person who can do things legally, i mean!) and i will be able to go to the jail (oooh, so cool! >xD) maybe i would have to kill somebody before 18... have i? O.o 
  • Project 2006-05-31 15:17:09 Yesterday, while i was reading Angel Sanctuary, an idea crossed my mind. Initially i was going to do a typical action/horror amv of angel sanctuary with trust company's song "the reflection" without almost story... but then i thought, "god, setsuna's life is like a nightmare", and i got it; a nightmare.

    Some time ago i was going to do a special amv, a challenge, but i thought i hadn't enough experience, but yesterday i remembered that there's no best opportunity to get better that a challenge.

    So, finally, i decided to do another type of amv, my challenge. This time i'm not gonna surrender when programms fail and this kind of stuff (or this is the intention)
    The amv will develop a dream which become nightmare since Setsuna fall asleep until wakes up. I will change backgrounds, scenes, combine scenes and all this. I'm gonna prove myself the maximum.

    While i'm doing this amv, of course, i will practice with another easier, cuz i guess this one will take me a lot of time and patience.
    I'll begin it when i finish my final exams, for now, at my spare time, i'll only prepare the concept and the footage.

    The chosen song, of course, it's my favourite of Muse; New Born.
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