2007-01-19 17:38:28
I was messing with my site last night, adding a few files and shifting some others around. I was really pushing the limits - when I stopped for the night I only had about 200mbs of space left on my site (out of 5gigs). Well...
When I opened the site this afternoon it says I am only *using* 200mbs out of the available 5gigs. That's just a little error on the control panel page, right? I opened up SmartFTP to check with that and I delete a few files - then it says I'm only using 22mbs of the available 5gigs. WTF.
So my first thought is that whatever lets these sites read the space available is just messing up. It's a bug, and it doesn't really change anything about my site's actual content. I can download files that are definitely a lot bigger than 22mbs, so I *know* I'm using a lot more space than that, no matter what it says. But...
I'm paranoid and worried now. What'll happen if I edit my site while it's reading wrong and when it goes back to normal it realizes I'm suddenly using more than my available disc space? Because I *know* I only have 300mbs available at most right now. With the way it's reading things wrong I could (theoretically) go over my space limit by 5gigs - and then when it straightens itself out, which half of the files in the 10gigs will it delete to get me back within my limit? And can they charge me for going over my disc space? This isn't like bandwidth, it shouldn't be *possible* to go over the available disc space.
Stupid error that isn't even reading as an error. Now I'm afraid to do anything with my site because it might decide to delete half of it so that "you're only using 22mbs" will actually be true. I wonder if I can sue them if that happens. It took months and months to make all those pages - there's no way I can redo them from scratch. I wouldn't have the motivation if I lost them all due to some wierd (stupid) error. :(
the mind plays tricks
2007-01-17 17:01:31
I got a letter in the mail today from someone I went to highschool with - we graduated in back in 1998. I haven't seen her since. There are a number of things wrong with this letter. First, it's handwritten - 3 pages in cursive. I'm so used to emails that it was just...weird to be reading three pages of cursive handwriting. Second, she started the letter out talking about how she missed hanging out together. I don't remember us ever hanging out together. o_o; Ever. I mean, there was this one time when a group of us over-acheivers went around town and ended up sitting at McDonalds for an hour or two (something to do with the academic honors program at school). And I think I might have spent the night with a mutual friend of hers a few times - Rachel, who I honestly admired in every way. I remember Rachel very well because she had cute brothers, cute older brothers who were friends of my brother and used to stay at our house a lot. She liked to call herself the antichrist, as if anyone with a high IQ and a wildly creative imagination could vie for that position in the near future. I definitely remember Rachel. I don't remember "hanging out" with this other girl except very rarely, by association more than anything. So it's strange that she writes about "good times" I don't recall having had. I liked her, I know that, but we weren't close at all. There are only two conversations I recall having with her personally - one at McDonalds that time, and one about her hopes for a permanent boygriend (in the future) at one of the sleep overs.
It's just strange that she would write to me in particular. A handwritten note, so I know it's not something she copied and wrote to multiple "friends from back home". If it were in email form I could pass it off as a mass-produced "let's catch up" letter. This just makes me wonder what she remembers that I don't remember. If anything. Memory is a funny thing. Maybe she liked me more than I ever knew (Rachel was my favorite because I admired her, so she's the one I remember best). Or maybe I'm one of the only "old schoolmates" she remembers who still lives in this area. She did comment that she tries to avoid running into most of them when she comes through town. That's what made her think of me, since she never runs into me (and she wouldn't *mind* running into me).
That's funny, too. I never run into those people because I try not to go places in town that those people frequent. I used to run into them at Walmart all the frickin time and I hated it. So now I make it a point to never go to Walmart unless it's 2am at the earliest. I don't like being forced to be rude, but I'm not interested in pretending I like people I openly despised in high school. Why they feel safe to come up and "chat" with me as if we're old friends, I'll never know. The last time I nodded in recognition, called out something about being "in a rush" over my shoulder, and just kept walking as fast as I could in the direction of my car. Disturbing how they still run in the same little packs as they did in highschool. But they're all fat mommies now. I guess I should be more sympathetic about the way time has treated them. I'm just not. Not sympathetic, not really amused, either. I don't care. ^^; I never liked them, they never liked me, and now I don't see any point ruining my night by spending time pretending just because we happened to spot each other in a public place. Meh. I prefer to pretend I know no one in this town but the adults 10yrs my senior. Those matter how fat or bald they get, no matter how many kids they pop out, I'll always think of them as teenagers. And I'm not interested in hanging out with teenagers. Let alone teenagers I couldn't stand back when *I* was a teenager myself.
But back to that handwritten letter. I'm not sure how to respond to it. I think I'll email her since my handwriting is notoriously bad and I detest long telephone conversations - especially awkward "I haven't talked to you in 9 yrs" telephone conversations. I wonder if she'll get a laugh when I tell her what I've "done" with myself since high school. She told me all sorts of details about herself to encourage me to reciprocate. I can't wait to tell her I'm a stay at home mom to a kid that's not mine. ;p All my old friends swore I'd end up with a few kids eventually, because every female who swears she never wants kids ends up having them regardless. I didn't "have one" but I still got one. Oh, the irony.
I just hope she's not religious. I remember Rachel was, by default since her father was a preacher (Catholic, very rigid, hence her "I want to be the antichrist when I grow up" outlook). I don't feel like making friends again with someone who can't handle my current interest in male erotica. ;p
re: viper1255, aka reason for vidding
2007-01-15 05:24:30
Good question that I usually give a simple answer to. I'm gonna think about it for a second. ;p
Boredom. I like certain anime characters so when I'm bored I like to do things with those anime characters. I read fics about them, write fics about them, draw pictures of them, watch vids featuring them, make vids featuring them. It's entertaining for me.
Restlessness. I need to be doing something. It doesn't really matter what I'm doing, but I enjoy it more if I'm keeping busy doing something that interests me.
Collecting. I'm a pack rat. I collect and horde things. I like to have things to show for my time spent. Brainstorming a story line is enjoyable, but there's nothing to show for it unless I stop thinking and start making. When I make a vid I get the enjoyment of being busy doing something entertaining, and I have something to show for it, something I can keep and add to my collection.
Acceptance. I like to know someone likes the same things I do. I get a smile out of it. It's the same thing I get from helping someone, an ego-boost that makes me feel like I'm useful. If I can entertain someone else I serve a purpose for that moment. The fact that I entertain with something I thoroughly enjoyed making is another perk. I won't let this motive outweigh my other motives, which is why I refuse to update a story if I'm not interested in it personally - no matter how many people review and ask for more. I'm won't be obligated. But it's a perk, and it's a nice one.
Because I can. I started because there were only 2 downloadable YYH vids on this site and I didn't think that was fair. It was my favorite anime, I knew there were other people who liked it as much as me (from fanfiction), and here was a site full of amvs and no one was catering to us. As soon as I found myself with a computer that could read dvds I jumped to do what I felt the editors had unfairly failed to do - I made vids for my favorite anime. Eventually I figured out that no one was going to make vids for me, no matter how much I griped and felt left out because my tastes were *never* catered to here. And that was fine because I could make those vids myself. So I did. I still do. Because I can, and because I can't expect anyone else to do it for me.
Because we're not allowed to accept money. This goes with the last reason. If there were an underground community of good editors who did requests for a set paycheck, I'd never make another amv as long as I lived. I'd just work, save up some money, and buy them at better quality than I could make myself - and no time lost on my part. I'd still get the enjoyment of watching and sharing, without the effort and disappointment of making it myself.
Lots of reasons. I think in the end I still do it mostly because I enjoy it. After all, if I'm not in the mood to make an amv, I won't make any. At all. That's what hobbies are like with me - self motivated with an unknown duration. As soon as it's not fun anymore, I quit. ^^;
don don don
2007-01-14 19:17:31
My brother came over earlier to put plastic over my windows. o-o
The one in the livingroom, right across from my computer, is the one with the chunk of glass just sitting in a hole near the top of the window pane. I figured that was the window that needed covered. It turns out one of the windows in the bedroom is actually the one that needed covered - the lower glass pane is sitting an entire centimeter below the wood. How to describe this...there's a centimeter high crack between the tip of the glass pane and the top wooden piece of the panel. I never knew it was there. I figured it was colder in that room because there are no vents.
I think it's a little late to be covering the windows, given that December is typically thought of as the 'winter' season. But my mom reports an ice storm on its way here, so she wants the windows coverd up. I wonder how much good a little sheet of plastic will do. Really. At least I have curtains in the kitchen now. That's kind of nice. I can do dishes at night without everyone driving by being able to see my sillouete. ;p
Ripping is slower than I remembered. I haven't edited from scratch in a long time. I forgot. This series is one of the ones I rented, and made copies of, since I didn't want to buy it again when the bootleg copy is more convenient to watch (and it was expensive enough even being a bootleg). I don't want two copies of the anime, but it would be more convenient if I actually had the legit dvds to rip. I swear I have like 30+ cdr packs, each one with 100 cds, 700mbs per cd, of anime vobs. Just imagine if they were on my computer. I'd need a few more external drives to store the crap. Copying the files onto my computer is slower than fuck, though, and with the cdrs each one is cut into a rar file, so I have to "unzip" them. I'm really glad I switched to dvdr recently - it's so much faster going at 4gigs a pop, no zipping required.
The forum here makes me laugh. Overused anime. I always feel obligated to glare when that topic comes up. I'm not ashamed. I don't think there's any reason to be ashamed.
There's nothing wrong with liking an anime that's overused here. It's not a sign of low standards, or poor taste. I never said I liked *badly edited* videos using overdone anime sources. I hate the random newblet dbz vid as much as the next cynic - because they're so poorly edited even I notice and cringe. But I like most anime I watch, and I like watching amvs set to anime I like - moderate to good to great amvs set to anime I like. It's not a question of overused. The only reason it even matters if the series is used a lot or not is because an overused source means it's harder to find the good videos. That's all. If anything, fans of overused sources (like me) become better critics because they have to do a lot of wading and sorting to find videos they like out of the hordes here. What's there to be ashamed of?
That's like a fan of horror novels being ashamed just because a lot of people write horror novels. The one has nothing to do with the other. o.O
I really want to make a new YYH vid. I get nostalgic just ripping footage for it. I've had requests to do a "Kyo Kara Maoh" vid, but honestly, that series is more filler than Bleach. Well, maybe not, but it's close. I don't even watch it anymore. The pretend romance comedy aspect only lasts the first few episodes. From there on out it's just Yuuri meeting new people in each episode, the same thing over and over, until it makes Inuyasha look wildly plot-driven. Frankly I don't know enough comedy songs to get ideas for an anime like that. I make romance vids, the occassional action vid, and eyecandy action (aka bishonen dance). Comedy is the hardest thing in the world, whether it's amvs or fanfiction. I won't even attempt it unless the concept is so amusing I get a laugh just thinking about it. -.-
I'm not actually playing that anymore, but I noticed something really annoying. That "Peace Ring" blocks Confusion. Yeah. It doesn't say that in the description, or on any of the online sites I looked up. But I equipped it as an accessory and checked the character's status page - it blocks Fury, Sadness, Berserk, and - yes - Confusion. Damn it. I didn't need 3 ribbons after all. What a waste of time. >.< Story of my life.
/completely random
Why do packages of toilet paper pretend to be something they're not? "Bathroom tissue". What, is it somehow distasteful to call it tiolet paper just because you're selling it for 30 cents more than the generic brand? What's next, we start calling paper towels "kitchen cloths" like there's something shameful in using something called a paper towel? At least with "sanitary napkins" there's a standing of shame involved - no one wants to go to the store to buy pads, after all. As if buying menstruation products were as shameful as buying a condom. People are so weird.
I still call soft drinks "soft drinks" rather than pop or coke, and I'll continue to call public rest rooms "rest rooms" since they lack a bathtub. But toilet paper is paper you use on the toilet to wipe yourself. I'm not calling it a tissue - tissues are what you blow your nose with, thank you very much. ...unless your allergies are as bad as mine, in which case you probably use paper towels, but that's an entirely different rant...
back to the basics
2007-01-11 20:51:32
I'm gonna pick up an old vid concept I attempted a while back and deleted with 5 clips on the timeline. I don't know if I'll get any further on it this time, but I'm psyched to try again. Here's to getting through the ripping process! Kanpai!
Pretty easy to guess the anime - about 32 dvds for the series, 2 movie dvds, 3 ova dvds. I figure if I start tonight I can have most of the footage ripped by this weekend. Oh, a weekend video? Maybe. I'm getting strange visuals with the song right now, things that would involve ecclectic use of various filters (transform filter, love you babe) and things that would count as effects if I weren't me. We'll see if I attempt to mold the anime to fit this style after I get the vobs set up. I wonder how many vobs I can fit on my harddrive at once before I'm forced to rip clips. I'm going to use lagarith (SP) this time. Should save some space. ^^
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