JOURNAL: Arigatomina

  • ack, tsubasa spoilers/rumors 2007-01-10 12:21:13 Supposedly there was some kind of live interview/convention with Clamp where they gave some spoilers regarding the future of Tsubasa RC (and xxxHolic by default). They're gonna kill Fay.

    Okay, so they didn't actually SAY that. We all know they're talking about Fay, but what they really said was that "one" character in Tsubasa wouldn't get a happy ending. They're still promising a happy ending when the series wraps up. Just not for one of the characters. I'm betting it's Fay. He's the most obvious choice since he's the most loved non-Sakura/Syaoran character. And they'll try to misdirect us into thinking it's *not* Fay, since he's such the obvious choice. That way we'll be shocked and dismayed when it turns out it *is* Fay. Well, I'm not falling for it. I already called that months ago. Whether he ends up back in Celes with Ashura, or dead somewhere for a pointless reason, I knew he'd be the one to die. It's just obvious Clamp style to kill off my favorite character.

    I'm sure it's gonna be Fay, but just for the sake of pretending to be optimistic, there's a good chance it could be one of the Syaoran's instead. After all, they can't both get a happy ending if there's only one Sakura to go around. She's not the threesome type. And I didn't get the feeling the Syaoran's were all that hot for each other. Some people are hoping it'll be a minor character, like one of the villains of the series. My advice to them, don't get your hopes up. We have 4 main characters (5 if you count Syaoran twice). Sakura's safe because she's Sakura. One of the Syaoran's is safe because Sakura won't be happy without one of them. Kurogane's somewhat safe (maybe) because Tomoyo won't be happy if he dies (unless he's doing it to protect someone, in which case she might not mind since it'll mean he learned that whole "true strength" thing). Who's going to miss Fay if he dies? Chi. And she's a net in the manga, not a little girl going on dates with magicians (like the anime tried to portray her in its effort to make Fay less gay). Ashura might miss him, assuming he wants him alive, but let's not count on that till they get to Ceres and meet up with him. Maybe he and Fay will reconcile and live happily ever after and they'll kill a Syaoran off instead. I could handle that. I just doubt it.

    Man. All the angst recently, and now we get preludes to more angst down the road. Rumor has it they're going to see Ashura after they're done playing chess. Won't that be fun. I swear, if they kill Fay off that soon, I'm not reading the rest of the manga. I like Kurogane and all, but not enough to keep reading without Fay. It's just not the same. And you know the manga will be going a long way past the whole Ashura aspect - unless Fay's eye happens to show up in the world at the same time the team does, in which case they can kill Fay, reuinite the kiddie love birds, and have that happy ending in one burst. That would suck, too. Kinda anticlimactic and short. I don't know. It sort of takes the fun out of seeing Fay lick the blood off his fingers in the last manga chapter. Sort of. That was still hot in a macabre vampire bishy way. ;p 
  • random FF7 2007-01-09 17:29:07 There are some really cute moments in this game. If you talk to Vincent when Cid is the "leader" of the group, you get one of those moments. Vincent comments, "I wish I had your go get em attitude." Now stop. Can you imagine Vincent with a go get em attitude? Excuse me while I giggle.

    Where does the "chief" come from? Random, yes, but see the title. I know in Rocket Town everyone was calling Cid "captain", and he plays the part once they get the Highwind, with his little leader bout. But chief? I don't remember anyone calling Cid that. Unless it was Shera, when she was *not* making tea for us. There are a few parts in the game that I absolutely hate playing. One of them is during the first trip into Midgar's Shinra base. Another is trying to stop the train from crashing into Coral. I hate that part because when we finally get to the train, I'm so busy with the buttons that I can barely read the dialogue. And it's funny dialogue. Because even if I hit the right buttons to stop the train, the characters freak out about how it's going *faster* and that I'm doing it wrong. Every time it makes me wonder if I'm using the wrong buttons. But I always do the same thing every time because I know, even when the train speeds up and the characters freak out, it'll stop in time. It always does. I always use the same party for that mission, too, Cid, Vincent, and Red. I heard you can get some funny commentary if you bring Yuffie with you, but I don't think anything will top Vincent's dialogue. Because you just *know* he's saying it all in a monotone voice. ;p "Hit the brakes, chief." And I snort and smirk and wonder where the "chief" came from.

    There's an entire following in FF7 fandom because of the haunted hotel dialogue - during the keystone arc. Cid is an old man. He falls alseep listening to the mission report, he falls asleep again on the highwind when they get Cloud back. He's the token crochety old man and it's cute that he's a crochety old man. When they land after snowboarding down the glacier he says "I'm too old for this." Cute. But there are actual fansites based entirely on the implied image of Vincent dragging/carrying a snoring Cid up to his room. I think he just left him in the chair, myself. Maybe he tossed a rug over his lap so he wouldn't catch a chill (grandfather image there). But he very clearly said "let's go up to our rooms". Rooms. Plural. It was more an insult on Cloud, who can put anyone to sleep with his speeches, than a suggestion of Vincent/Cid going on behind the scenes. That's one of my favorite parts because it's so rare that Vincent gets lines, and that one is really cute (Cid is cute when he snores). I don't think it should get twisted as often as it does. If the fangirls need a suggestive scene to play with, they can wait around for that "chief" comment. ;p

    Why is it Cid is the only one Vincent gets lines around? Every time I have Cloud talk to him (any time I can *make* Cloud talk to him), he's melodramatic and dark, moody, or "..." silent. It's not fair. I even went out of my way to "leave the mansion" before finding Sephiroth so I could have Vincent in my team when I went into the library. No comment from Vincent at all. I left Barret out of my party so I could use Vincent when they confronted Hojo at the canon - the dialogue wasn't even worth missing Barret's ultimate weapon. All these potentially great confrontations that could inspire Vincent to react if he's in the team, and nothing. But him next to Cid and it's all funny comments and cuteness like Vincent actually has a sense of humor. That's just not fair. The only other character Vincent reacts around is Yuffie, and that's only when she steals our materia. You'd think he would have a few words to exchange with Red, given their mutual mutilation at the hands of Hojo, but nooo, just Cid and Yuffie (who shouldn't even count since she's also a "hidden" character).

    Meh. As much as I protest that there is *NOT* a Cid/Vincent going on in the background (no more than there's an implied Vincent/Yuffie just because they're both hidden characters), I must accept that Cid brings out the humor in Vincent like no one else. Go get em attitude, indeed. Is it any wonder my preferred team is Cloud, Cid, and Vincent? Hit the brakes, Chief. ;p That's such a one-liner. 
  • :groan: 2007-01-06 13:46:06 Jehova's Witnesses. -.-

    I asked them not to come waking me up so early Sunday mornings because, you know, I like to rest on that day, go figure. So they come pounding on my door Saturday instead. That's just not right.

    I'm hardwired to answer the door when someone pounds on it. I don't stop to think first. I wake up and rush for the door. At best, I try not to die on my way down the stairs. I don't even fix my hair first. So there I am in my doorway, rumpled and abused, itchy eyed and unamused, and they expect me to *think*?

    I've already explained to them how it works. Maybe I have low blood pressure, maybe I have sleep apnea. I cannot function the moment I wake up. My brain doesn't work. I can hold entire conversations and not remember a word of them later, just myself babbling away in a fuzzy haze. I have trouble standing up straight, I'm uncoordinated and I react ten seconds slower to everything than I would if I were awake. I've explained this, I know I have, and yet they have me standing barefoot in my doorway, blinking owl eyes at them and listening to them ask me to think.

    All I think is that I'm hungry, and I'd like to eat something so my body and brain will function like a human and not a bear woken early from hibernation. Is there a polite way to ask someone to go away and not come back? I say that I can't think and they smile and tell me to write things down, then, so I'll have a list to read from and won't have to remember anything. -_- I swear I'm being taken advantage of, just because my brain and body are sluggish and not all there.

    Then again, I'm honestly terrified of what might happen if I were ever wide awake when they came. Each rare time that happens, I shock them a little more. Maybe next time I'll bring one of my yaoi doujinshi to the door and show them my favorite lemon scenes. My only fear is that doing something like that might make them redouble their efforts. I must be the only one on my side of town who still opens the door when they knock. They spend far too much time on my portch.

    Another funny thing, since I'm still groggy and lax, I almost told them about a revelation I had the last time they woke me up. The more they talk about how omniscient their Jehova God (never God, it's Jehova God, like Cadillac Car or Doberman Dog) is, the more I realize I don't like the guy. How can I explain that without affending them so much more than asking them to stay away would?

    They want to know my questions, but when I ask the answer is always because "Jehova God knows everything, even if we don't understand why he does a thing, we have faith that he did it for a perfect reason, because he is perfect, and he knows everything that has and will happen, so of course his actions are always perfect, we just can't understand them because we're not omniscent."

    And I'm swaying in my doorway and thinking, "Great, so he knew how that whole Eden thing was gonna go from the moment he made the couple - and he did it anway, all the time pretending they had free will and that he didn't already know exactly what was going to happen. He's like Clow Reed." Think about it, Jehova people, if he knew what would happen ahead of time, he knew that if he worded his warning a little differently it wouldn't have happened. He knew all the possible outcomes of the entire situation, and he chose the one that happened - he must have because he's perfect and nothing happens without him knowing it inside and out. So we all got tossed out because he wanted it to happen. And then he had the nerve to lecture us like we ever had any hope of things turning out differently - not when he's in complete control as the omniscient one. Free will? Psh. Come on. How can anyone be a Jehova's Witness and still believe in that? You already told me nothing can happen unless Jehova God sets it up to happen. So don't tell me anything I do will in any way affect the grand scheme of things. Unless I'm one of the little chess pieces, in which case it doesn't matter what I believe because he'll move me if and when he wants. Pointless to even think about it.

    Yeah. Definitely shouldn't be talking to those people when I'm half asleep. My brain is so lax that I'm brutally honest. And that's just scary. I don't want to be mean to people like that, even if they do pound on my door like police officers and scare the living crap out of me on my days off. >.<

    ...Doberman Dog....heh...I like that. Their version of the bible (watchtower tracts) replaces every "the Lord" and "God" with "Jehova God" like we're gonna think it's talking about another one true god. Cute. ;p 
  • ancient, unwanted 2007-01-04 03:19:25 I got my big fluffy male cat fixed last month because he was a horndog and he kept chasing the girl cat, despite the fact that her leg was broken and she'd been limping for a week. I'd hear them howling and crashing around in the basement at night and realized with him on the loose her leg would never have a chance to heal. So I took him to the vet and -snip- fixed him right up. She was already fixed, but I always heard fixing a male cat would keep him passive and less likely to roam. Two days of lethargy later, that big passive less likely to roam male cat ran away.

    Now, I've never had a pet run away from me, especially not a cat. They like me. It's like...a fact of life. Cats like me. Always have. I picked up strays as a kid and within an hour I'd have them so lazy they'd lay in the wagon purring while I dragged them around the neighborhood. My mom claims she has pictures of that, so it's not as abusive as it sounds (I hope). When I went to to waterfall in Mexico I wasn't there more than fifteen minutes before a kitten found me (not the other way around) and ruined the day for me (depressing starving little kitten + alergic sneezing and runny nose for the rest of the night). If anyone in my family runs across a cat, they dump it on me because I'm the cat one. [My brother would be the dog one, my mom the bird one, etc.]

    But he did, he ran away. I spent a good month looking for him because I thought he was lost or got stuck somewhere. He was an indoor cat for most of his life so he never did go very far when I turned him into an outdoor cat. It's been so cold that I figured he was dead a few weeks ago. The girlcat has been especially clingy since then, knocking on the door at night wanting some affection because she's not used to sleeping alone (I had them both as kittens together - never been apart). I started letting her in for a few hours when she knocked especially loud. Well, the other night I had her inside and when I went down to put some mail in the box that morning (4am) I saw a big fluffy male cat run away from her food dish and pause at the bottom of the stairs. Rat bastard. I know he recognized me. I'd recognize his tail anywhere. He sat there looking at me and then he walked away. From me! I went down and watched him and he went across the street, rubbed himself on the light pole (coy bastard) and then disappeared down the alley. I spent a month thinking I'd killed him by getting him fixed and here he'd just run away. And he had the nerve to come sneaking back at night to eat our food. Grr.


    Completely different subject, I realized exactly how ancient I am. I was looking around Walmart the other night for some memory cards I could buy for my playstation2. They're pretty expensive and I already have 1 so I decided not to buy another. I wanted to get some new Playstation1 cards instead - I only have 4 cards for the ps1 games, and considering how much I play them that's not nearly enough. Walmart didn't have any. I wasn't too worried about that - they don't have a big electronic section despite being a "super store". So I called GameStop last night and asked them if they carried ps1 cards. I was just checking to see if they had some in stock before I drove over there. Imagine my surprise to find that, no, they don't carry those, they don't even MAKE those anymore. Yeah...

    It's not like I asked for a game genie to replace the buggy on on our old nintendo system. I *could* have been looking for a new copy of Dragon Warrior or a cleaner kit for a sega system or something to do with an atari (my grandmother's still works). I could have asked for something ancient. But I didn't. I asked for something that was all over the place just 6 years ago. Ps1 cards were cheap! I still have one of the little carriers they made (like a cd case, they fit 4 cards at once).

    And the guy sounded shocked like I'd asked for something from the stone age. "Wow, no, they stopped making those a long time ago! Yeah, we don't even get used ones. You might try McVan's in Evansville, or a pawn shop."


    A pawn shop. A pawn shop??? What the fuck. I went to gamestop to find an extra copy of Legend of Dragoon and the guy conned me into picking up an extra copy of FF8 to go with it since ps1 games were so cheap and plentiful over there. How the hell did he expect me to play the damn things without a memory card? If they were going to STOP MAKING THEM then why won't the ps2 cards let you save ps1 games on them? I just can't believe it.

    Luckily I do have 4 old memory cards already, and a couple more in boxes somewhere in my closet. India probably has one, too, in one of the broken ps1 boxes. It's not like I can't just erase one of them and use that. But it's the principle of it. The playstation systems are nice because even when they upgraded from 1 to 2 you could still play all the old games on the new system. I never thought about the fact taht you can't *save* with the new cards because the old cards fit into the new station.

    I can't believe they stopped making the old cards, though. If I'd known that I'd have stocked up on them when they were cheap and plentiful. I still remember which shelf in walmart they had the little ps1 cards hanging. I have a bad memory but I can picture it perfectly in my mind. It wasn't THAT long ago.

    Pawn shop my ass. >.< 
  • not so pointless stats 2007-01-03 04:50:37 Hey, there, org world! My journal has 8956 hits! Bad ass shitzna!

    And just think, if I wrote a couple more entries per day and didn't wait till I had a full paragraph to write, it would have TWICE that! Yowza! ;p

    Now to fill out that paragraph worth so I have an excuse to post this entry. Hm. That's a hard one. I'm bored. I'm waiting for my car to heat up and defrost the windshields for me so I don't have to scrape the frost off. That way I can make a quick run to the gas station before the kid gets here. I want a loaf of bread so I can have buttered bread to dip in my chili flavored ramon noodles. Breakfast of champions! When you're a poor penny pincher champion and easily satisfied, that is. ^^

    As a sidenote, I like when people post their stats. It tells me where I stand in the org world. It would tell me more if the people at the top posted their stats more often though. Damn glass ceiling. I can't even see the blasted thing. ;p 
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