2006-11-27 19:49:00
I think I get this 'cold' twice a year. Usually I get it during the summer, so I pass it off as allergies. It starts with a sore throat and excess flem. I don't cough, ever, so the first day is just a little annoying - I have to remember not to clear my throat or it'll itch and I'll hack up a lung. The second day is the worst, my throat gets dry and scratchy and I can't breathe through my mouth or it itches my throat and I get the urge to cough a lung up. Since I have alergies, I *always* breathe through my mouth. I have for years. My dentist says I have cronic dry mouth as a result. Naturally that makes it really hard that second day when I can't breathe through my mouth without coughing. I end up staying awake because if I fall asleep I'll suffocate after an hour or so due to the stuffy nose, breathe through my mouth automatically, and wake up hacking and gasping and crying. That was last night.
The third night is the best. I don't have a fever yet, but the cold chills are there constantly. I spent the entire day curled on my couch, not really sleeping so much as trying my damndest to hybernate. Everything aches, like I've been swimming or lifting weights all night (I did that in college, so I know the feeling). My throat doesn't really hurt right now - it's heavy on my chest, and my nose is prone to running - so it's easy to not breathe through my mouth. It's funny that the only time I can breathe through my nose is when I get this particular cold - it clears my sinuses amazingly well on that third night.
Tomorrow I'll be miserable. The weight on my chest will get so bad I'll have to cough it up and I hate coughing. Hate. It's disgusting and after a few hours I feel like my throat is bleeding - I find myself checking to make sure it's not, which is even more disgusting. And it's too painful to drink anything, even hot liquids (my anti-cough, constant coffee, green tea, and a sweetened cup of black tea for breakfast). Then my voice gets all scratchy, I cough constantly, and risk passing out if I stand up too fast because of the lack of oxygen. Not to mention my eyes turn cat-green because the whites are so bloodshot. That's kinda cool to look at, but painful if I have to keep the lights on.
Yeah, I get this same cold a few times a year, and it's always exactly the same, so I'm pretty used to it. What's different this time looks like I gave it to everyone else when we got together for Thanksgiving. Mwahaha~
That's a first for me. I usually get the cold during the summer, so it's more alergies than a bug you can pass on to other people. Getting it now, and passing it on, tells me that it really is just a normal bug. It's my own allergies that take the bug and magnify the symptoms till they're this bad. I'll be keeping an eye on everyone else to see when they recover. I take a week. If they're over it in a few days, I'll know exactly how much worse my allergies are making things for me.
In the meantime, I feel hot and cold and out of it and it's really not a bad feeling. I had the same thing when I was taking pain killers (Lortab, I think). Kinda neat how the body does that to itself when it's sick. Or maybe it's just me. I'm probably the only person around who likes having a fever. I don't actually have a temperature yet (not till the fourth day), but the feeling is hrm - not bad, kinda laid back, and funny. Makes me wish I could laugh without coughing. ^^;
GW/FF8 crossover amv dreamlet
2006-11-26 17:56:20
Just a little short something that came on the backend of a longer dream. It was really weired - I was 'dreaming' the part where the creator of the video put the scene together. One of the neat things about the scene - it looked like it was taken from Final Fantasy 8, the infamous dance scene from that game. It featured Wufei dancing with Relena (crack pairing, blech, I know), while Wufei's playing a violin (that's different from ff8) and after the dance he says something to Trieze, who is sitting on a bench watching, and then the three of them leave the room.
I don't know who the guy creating the video was, just that I was familiar and comfortable talking with him. He said the video cracked people up - it was some sort of parody. He said he'd thought about having Zechs be on the bench, too, but that due to the "orchestrata" and one of the keys, Wufei was "already between two winners." I swear I laughed when he said that, so I must have understood the joke in my dream. Now it makes no sense whatsoever.
What really strikes me about the dream is how the 'video' was made. I could see all sorts of little details, like how Relena's "head" was placed over someone else's - there was a blurry outline visible on her hair, almost like she had (and I laugh) eyes on the back of her head. Wufei, on the other hand, looked amazing. Gundam Wing isn't a cg anime. As far as I know there aren't any GW games with CG scenes of the characters. So I have no idea where they got Wufei's "cg face" from. It looked great, though.
My only complaints about the video were Relena - she wasn't inserted well and I hate her besides, and that it was Treize on the bench and not Treize and Zechs (or just Zechs). That "between two winners" was the punchline of the entire video, so it's just not the same using Trieze. The 'winner' is a plug on Quatre's last name (hence the violin) while the 'between two' is a play on Relena/Zechs being siblings. I think. I swear, I really did get the "joke" in my dream. o.O
Meh. Now I wanna snatch some cg game scenes and start putting anime heads on them. >.<
poor white trash
2006-11-24 15:30:13
A little quote from the forum regarding anime preference and how it determines who is the white trash backwater inbred morons and who isn't:
" get the ones who dig deeper, eventually, and find that there are more anime beyond Naruto and DBZ, wow, and start making actually interesting vids."
My immediate response: Fuck you.
Yeah, I can't post that in the forum. It's rude, for one thing, because it looks like an insult without having any reason behind itself. Plus the forum is a breedingground of supposed anime-elitists, who are in denial about anything resembling elitism while practicing their pretentious elitist preaching. No need to poke them on their own turf. I'll just sit here and wave my little "I'll like what the fuck I wanna like and don'tbe telling me I'm stupid for not liking what you like" flag from my own front porch.
What the hell? Do I go around complaining about how "blind" anime fans have to be for enjoying shows I consider tripe? No. Do I assume anyone who likes I show I consider inferior must not be aware of the wonderful "superior" anime that is out there besides that inferior show? No. It's stupid.
I've watched a shitload of anime. Yeah, some of it's that supposedly superior crap that will take fans away from the DBZ/Naruto stage and into the "finally making interesting videos because they're finally using interesting anime" stage. I still like what I like. And the idea that the anime determines whether a video is 'actually interesting' is shit. It's false. It's a stupid assumption based on personal bias against certain anime, and a generalization perpetuated by a forum full of people with like bias. Just because the penut gallery is going, "yeah, man, you tell em" doesn't mean it's true.
Whatever. Threads and comments like that just make me want to do a Linkin Park vid collection to DBZ, followed by another collection with the same song set to Naruto. All of which would be actually interesting videos I'd enjoy watching. That's why my first response is fuck you.
If you don't think a hypothetical video is interesting because you don't like the anime, clearly it's your opinion on the matter. Nothing to say the video itself would be interesting or not, because you're too biased to see clearly. It's the same reason I don't seek out Love Hina and Please Teacher videos - I know I'm biased against certain anime I consider tripe, so I don't watch them. I'd never think to accuse videos using those anime of being uninteresting just because of the way I view the anime.
I've watched a crapload of Eva videos and found most of them to be incredibly boring. I still don't jump to the assumption that any new Eva video will be uninteresting. I've found Eva vids I actually enjoyed watching. And I've found a lot more that other people enjoyed watching (while I was uninterested). I understand that 'interesting' is a matter of opinion the same as 'good' and 'bad'. I take it for granted. So who exactly is the uncultured hick?
Meh. The entire thread annoyed me. Will "cliche" videos ever stop? Ur, let me think a second. Will bouncing titty fanservice videos ever stop? No? Then I guess the other cliches won't either. It's not the anime they're using, it's the fans doing the editing. As long as they remain generally the same, the things they produce aren't likely to change. Sure, they might move from DBZ to Naruto, or from the old girly comedy favorite to the new one, but it's the same people making the same stuff. Leave the anime out of it. It's not DBZ's fault it gets abused by likeminded fanboys, who then get ragged on by their elitist fanboy peers. It's an innocent anime. Don't use it as a scapegoat. If you wanna gripe about people making things you don't like, gripe about the people. Hopefully they'll bitchslap you with that "I'll make whatever the hell I want" stick and you'll remember no one is forcing you to download anything. Ever.
Want to talk abuse? How many Haruhi videos have we seen in the last two months? How about Ouran? Should we forget about FLCL and Love Hina and start whining about the newest outlet for those same people have jumped on? Play that game and no anime is good. They've all been 'abused' by people who haven't yet "found that there are more anime beyond ____ and ____" and who have yet to "start making actually interesting vids." All you have to do is instert two anime you don't like that people keep using as if they don't care that you don't like those anime.
Waste of time. Don't like it? Don't watch it. I'll never understand why that is so hard to figure out. It's not rocket science. Videos here are listed according to the anime used. Avoiding stuff you don't like is fucking easy. Seriously. Just don't click the link. Yeah. It's honestly as simple as that.
2006-11-18 15:42:20
My playstation 2 won't read dvds. It's only 5 years old, I think. But now it won't read dvds anymore. That means it won't read playstation 2 game discs.
The bad: My brother leant me some digital crack to get addicted to, the old Sims thing, and now I can't play it anymore because my Playstation 2 decided it can't read Playstation 2 discs.
The good: I can't play this Sims game anymore because my Playstation 2 won't play the disc.
I guess I'll go edit till it decides it can read dvd discs again. I've found that if I retry - eject the disc and reinstert it - about 50 times, one of those tries will end up working. It's random and takes about a minute for each retry. Too boring. I'm gonna have to get a new playstation 2 and just use this one to play my old playstation 1 games. Which is sad, because I already have 3 playstations for the '1' discs. Two of them I'm holding for a friend, but my old one still works and one of hers works. I don't need to have two playstation2s on top of that. Sucks. I wonder if the new playstation3's will play the old 1 and 2 discs. Maybe I'll just upgrade.
Anyway, off to edit since I can't partake in my new digital crack addiction. Kinda sucks, but I'm sure it's for my own good.
re: Eva-Fan & car crashes
2006-11-12 07:04:26
Having been in a few crashes myself, I care. I figure if whiplash is the worst you get, consider yourself lucky. Glad to hear no one was hurt.
I've only totaled two cars so far, a 93 Ford Taurus and a 95 (??) Dodge Intrepid.
The first one was fiberglass. I crossed the highway in front of a speeding truck, realized how fast it was going at the last second, had my car hiccuping and couldn't speed up in time, so I twisted the wheel to the left and it hit my back right corner instead of the passenger side (where my sister was sitting). The truck had some steam coming out of the bars on the front bumber, the Taurus had the back end in the back seat. Honestly, there was nothing left of the car from the back seat on. My sister wasn't wearing a seatbelt so she came out with a cut on her hand - from putting her arm against the dash to brace herself, she hit the airconditioner "turn-dial" and it cut into her palm. I got a black and red bruise from my shoulder to the underside of my breast from the seatbelt. I guess my airbag wasn't working because it never went off. We spun a 480, all the way across the highway, and ended up facing in the opposite direction next to the cars stopped at the stop sign on the other side. I had liability only and since I was at a stop sign it was my fault for not yeilding right of way. My mom wanted to argue about the trucker going 70+ in a 55 zone, but there's no way to prove that when it's my word against his. That was the last time I let anyone in my car who refused to wear seatbelts. As long as it took that bruise to go away I don't want to think what I would have got if I hadn't been wearing the belt.
The second one was entirely my fault. I was half awake and frustrated. And the back passenger window of my car is blurry - the last one to own the car installed tints on the windows and that window is bubbly and wrinkled - never been able to see out of it clearly. I was trying to make a left-hand turn in front of my house and there was too much traffic to get out. I sat for twenty minutes (yes, I timed it, I was pissed) and then decided to go right to the next block and then make my left (so I'd only be crossing one lane of traffic). I made my right easily and waited in the middle lane. And there was this white truck coming on the other side. He, for some reason I've never understood, decided to stop in the middle of the road as if he wanted to make a turn into the same road I wanted to turn into. He just sat there. I couldn't tell if he was planning to go forward and wanted to stop traffic so I could turn first, or if he wanted to make a right turn and didn't have a turn signal (so he was afraid we'd both try turning at the same time and hit each other). Whatever he was doing, I got sick of waiting for him to do it after about 10 minutes (yes, I was still timing it - the trip should have been a 4minute run to the gas station two blocks from my house). I decided I was never going to get anywhere, so I might as well go back home. So I flicked on my right turn signal - if I couldn't make the lefthand turn with that guy sitting in the middle of the road, I'd go right instead. I looked behind me and didn't see anything in that blurry window. Then I made my right turn. I sideswiped a little white car and spun her and me both into the road I'd been planning to turn into. She went about a block forward and I went about 12 feet. The road is a somewhat steep hill before it levels out, so my car stalled halfway up that hill.
Damages from that one? The corner of the woman's back bumper was dented a little and my right front tire was crumpled into the underside of my car. She drove away afterward and I sat waiting for the towtruck one house away from my apartment. ^^; No physical injuries and I didn't get a ticket from it. Cost $2000 to get my car fixed and painted. I'm still driving it now. That's the Intrepid. Much less fiber-glassy than the Taurus.
I've had another run-in back when I was driving my big car. That was a 89 Cadilac Deville - the big old ones, not the new ones that look like any other tiny car. This thing was a rock. I was on the interstate coming onto a merge lane where there was a huge line of cars trying to get onto the interstate. I pulled over to the left lane so they'd have the road clear (I was the only car in sight already on the interstate). A little green truck decided to get into the left lane. The woman driver decided not to check if anyone was already in the left lane. I noticed that she was getting awfully close to the side of my car with no signs of slowing down and I got the hell out of the way. The divider at that point was a grassy section that dips down into a steep ditch and then arcs back up to the other interstate road. I jerked to the left onto that grassy area and my car started to tip, I swear, I could feel it ready to pitch over and into that ditch. My only thought at that point was I didn't want anything bad to happen to my car. So I jerked my wheel to the right - away from the ditch. I did 180 turn going 70mph in a huge cadilac on a steep grass hill. My car stalled when it found itself facing in the opposite direction and almost rolled backwards into the ditch before I shoved the parking break on and got it into park. Surprisingly enough, the woman in the little green truck stopped and backed up to check on me. Her husband, who had been following her in a little white car, also stopped to check on me. It was really kinda nice of them. They never touched me and it happened so fast I couldn't have gotten their plates or any way to 'tattle' about being run off the road. What really gets me about that one was my own fast reaction (this was after the Taurus getting totaled - I couldn't afford to damage another car). And the fact that the woman had a little boy in the passenger seat of her tiny fiberglass truck. If she'd hit me in my steel caddy her truck would have been totalled, her little boy along with it. Hopefully she looks now before changing lanes on an interstate where the posted speed limit is 70. Most people go 85, so she was very lucky it was me she ran off the road and not someone else.
I miss my caddy. I sold it because my mom found a better car and pressured me. It was a very dependable car. My little intrepid (not really *little* since it's as long as the caddy was) doesn't compare when it comes to collisions. But I've learned my lessons. I hope. I'm the carefullest driver I know now. I just wish all the other crazies would have similar lessons so I wouldn't have to keep sharing the road with them. >.<
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