JOURNAL: Arigatomina

  • pft 2008-01-02 23:16:03 I am bored. >.<

    And it's all your fault.

    Obligatory add-on:

    My amv resolution is to make 2 amvs this year. And to make a crapload of worthless amvs to post in the announcement section in medium quality xvid just to annoy the heck out of you know who. Yeah, those guys. I knew you knew who. Should be fun. 
  • teh kid 2007-11-07 22:10:57 She calls me Ari. She's three. She thinks "thank you" and "here you go" are the same word. I sound out "thank....youuuuu" and she repeats "". But she pronounces Ari perfectly.

    It's freaking me out.
    I may have to kill my sister.

    Real life people shouldn't call me that. No one ever has. India called my Mina or Arigatomina-sama playfully sometimes, but never Ari. I don't know where the hell my sister picked "Ari" up at. Only people online call me that and she's computer illiterate.

    But the kid calls me that.
    "Sorry, Ari."
    "Hi, Ari."
    "I wanna cookie, Ari."
    "Hey, Ari, where's the cat?"

    Freaky as hell. Full sentences, even. She almost sounds human.

    And damn if I don't jump every time she does it. I finally get used to the idea of the kid talking in actual words and now she has a pet name for me.

    See? I'm referring to the kid as a "she" now instead of an it.

  • ...hunh 2007-10-26 04:51:07 People still carry purses around with them? o.O

    I did noticed an old woman digging through a camel purse at the gas station recently. It took her 5 minutes to pay for a cup of coffee. The first two minutes to dig through her huge purse for her wallet, the third minute to get the money of the wallet and drop it back in her bag, and the last two minutes to - oh, yeah - fish the wallet out again so she could put her change in the little change pocket and slip the nicely straight dollar in with the others in her neat little wallet.

    I stopped carrying purses in high school. Stopped carrying bags at all in college. I put my driver's license, credit card, etc in my back right pants pocket. I put my money - if I'm carrying cash - in the same pocket or the left back pocket. I put my car keys in my shirt pocket (assuming it's cold enough to get away with wearing a loose button up with a handy pocket on the breast). When I make a quick run into a store or gas station I have my cash already relocated to the shirt pocket for quick and easy payment.

    I wonder if that's a guy thing, but no, guys have the bulky wallets, too. My mom got me a wallet for Christmas last year. I'm still not sure what to do with it. Just the thought of having to carry it in my hand - or shove it into a pants pocket, when my pants aren't that baggy to begin with - is weird. How is that convenient? And then having to open the thing and dig through it to get cash or cards or whatever I'm after. A person shouldn't have to spend more time at the register than she does standing in *line* before said register. Not to mention how easy it is to set the thing down and lose it somewhere.

    Come to think of it, that's probably why I stopped carrying the purse/bag/wallet stuff. I kept losing them, along with all the important things I'd crammed them full of. It's funny how all the important cards fit so perfectly in a back pocket. And - best of all - I'm not very likely to lose my pants.

    Another perk - I'd notice a hand slipping down my ass in public. I probably wouldn't notice one sneaking into my bulky camel purse to pull out my bulky wallet. 
  • Re: fav lists~ 2007-10-03 18:43:39 Wow. Yeah.

    Here's a shout out to those silent fans I never knew existed. =^.^=

    I won't offer any numbers, but, yeah, I'm pleasantly surprised. I think I'm going to start using the fav count instead of op count to tell which vids are well liked. You know those "the video I worked hardest on is the one the fewest people like" gripes? Turns out that's not precisely true. Those vids have more favs on average. That's nice to know. Gives me the proud momma fuzzies. Aww~

    I'm gonna vote Doki for Most Helpful again next year. :P 
  • ~ 2007-10-02 18:47:40 My latest fic just passed the 400 review mark! ^.^

    Now, I know that's nothing compared to the 1,000+ fics, but I don't pander, I don't do general, and I have no qualms about running off readers if I don't like their attitude. Readers are like friends, a few loyal honest ones are far better than a crapload of backstabbing suckups. So for me, 400 reviews for a single story a really big deal. I've never managed that before. I've gotten to 300 a few times, but that's after I abandon the fic and it accumulates a year or so of "are you gonna finish this???" reviews. Those don't count. Some of those are one-chapter plot bunnies, so they REALLY don't count. Don't believe it? Start a SephirothxVincent fic and let it sit for a few years. I'm still getting reviews on that sucker and it's 5 years old with only 3 chapters, two of which were badly written during my noob days.

    And back to giddy-ing, not only am I getting more reviews per chapter, but they're coming quicker and - with the last part - they're longer! Yeah, so frickin cool. There's always a few people who write paragraph-long reviews with each update. They're good readers, picking out problems, pointing out good things, giving a general take on the chapter/fic. But it's usually one or two out of a handful of "update soon" reviews. I swear, I've never gotten so many 3paragraph reviews on a single chapter. I can't even think what was special about the chapter compared to the last one (which got more reviews, but shorter ones). I'm assuming I hit some critical point where the opinionated lurkers come out in droves. I do the same thing - read silently until I just can't keep quiet any longer and spout out all of the pent up comments I'd been holding back over the last chapters.

    Funny thing is, I'd convinced myself the faster I update a fic, the less feedback I'd get on it. Those "update soon" people don't bother to say that if you actually *do* update soon, and since they make up the majority of reviewers, fewer of them means fewer reviews total. And those "update soon" reviews depress me horribly. They make me never want to update that fic again because clearly there's nothing good about the fic if the ones who like it best can't think of a single thing to comment on besides the update frequency. I guess this means I was wrong and those other "fast updated" fics just weren't as good as this one. I'll have to go back an rewrite them so they're up to par when I'm done with my current obsession. Wonderful thing about fics - I have complete freedom to edit them indefinitely.

    In the meantime I'm reminded of those 1,000+ word fics I've read. I tend to like them, because they're general - all characters, all humor, all fun. Or they're so long you can get lost in them for days. The authors do fun stuff like fanart and oneshots to celebrate their 250th/500th/750th/1000th reviews. I've never been the lucky ___th reviewer, but I always thought it was a neat thing to do. I'm gonna try it myself. The 400th reviewer did a deliciously detailed review, too, so it's not sucking up to be grateful. I love reviews like that. Even the picky ones. ;p to tie this into amv so I have an excuse for posting it here, as this is the only 'journal' I use on the net...

    I'm a fanfiction chef. Yeah, forum reference. Pft. ;p

    Amvs are never going to stir me like writing does. Which is why I respect people who are very dedicated to perfecting their editing skills. I do. I just don't like the attitude some of them take towards those who have no wish to strive for that same perfection. I don't bother fanfiction dabblers. I might think the quality of the "drabble" trend sucks in general, from a writing perspective, but that just means I don't read them myself. It doesn't make a difference to me personally. They don't hurt me, I don't hurt them, and we all supply sustenance to the same audience. Not to mention how amusingly gratifying it is to have readers exclaim in surprise at stumbling onto a 4 course meal after having survived on candy bars for so long. Hell, if anything it's the amateur hobbyists who make the chefs look good. You should thank them, not scorn them.

    If all vidders were chefs, viewers would be grossly obese and suffering from chronic constipation. Then again, that's better than being anorexic with constant runs... Yeah, on second thought, I don't like that analogy at all. ^^; 
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