heh heh heh...
2003-09-19 20:08:27
The Second Donuts audio drama cracks me up...
Knives: Hey! Is that Wolfwood I see? It's me, Knives!
Wolfwood: Ah--
Knives: Ugh I think I'll be sick...
Wolfwood: I haven't even said anything yet!
Knives: He's talking in standard, even more disgusting!
Wolfwood: What's your problem? You enjoy bulleying me so much (no da)?
Vash: We sure do!
Meryl: You said it!
Knives: Thanks for the freak show!
It's like an officially licensed episode of Chibi-Gun o.O
I've come to a decision...
2003-09-19 16:07:42
I'm going to scanlate (did i make up a word?) part of Trigun volume 3, chapter 20 and stick it on my site for a while. Why? Because I find it funny that, not only is Knives naked for 16 pages, but the last 7 pages he's in are a yaoi knivesxvash fan's dream come true o.O
HAZZAH! o.o Pickles...
2003-09-19 12:06:53
I drew a new picture for my profile of Inu Vash being fawned over by Knives. Kawaii, no? Or how about Legato in a pickle suit? Should I change the picture to Legato in a pickle suit?
I saw a costume in a halloween store. The costume was a can of SPAM. I now have a strange urge to draw Knives in a SPAM can. But everybody has that urge in their life, right?
2003-09-19 11:17:28
ah! domo domo sq! i didn't want to be on it anyways though... my videos aren't worthy of being underrated XD Atleast that's one mystery solved... and now... the correct pronounciation of anime character names is my next mystery... Vash -- Vaash or Vash... I still think it sounds like Vash in the japanese one but my sister said it sounds like Vaash to her, prounonced like Van in escaflowne how it isn't pronounced like the car... Still think it sounds like they say Vash... well technically Bash... and then there's Mr. D AKA Dilandau from escaflowne... i can't pronounce his name for anything, but it sounds goofy how the english dub says it on my dvds... I'll stick with Mr. D... o.O
Then there's the amazing spelling mystery.... Kyou or Kyo, Rem Saverem or Lem Sayblem... Personally I use both for Kyou/Kyo, but i started out with Kyo. And Rem Saverem for Rem... because that's how it is in the artbook and in most of the show... Except, if you look close, in... I think it's Goodbye For Now, when Vash is working on the computer it says Lem Sayblem... Of course the producer of Trigun literally knows no english so maybe that can be to blame for so many spelling errors in the show...
Murder Machine: Mei City and May City are both used
B.D.N.: Class on the First(?) Class sign is spelled Clas
Quick Draw: On the sign showing the winners of the tournies it says Vash the STANPEDE
A few things to bend you mind around... Ja ne!
Question for anybody who reads my pathetic, empty little side of the universe called a journal
2003-09-19 10:37:06
I wonder how they decide the most underrated video list. I was just looking at it and it says number of downloads/number of opinions... but I just checked and my anime guys video has 125 local downloads and 1 opinion, but it isn't on the list. Anybody know?
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