JOURNAL: Toji Fujawara (Bryan Moon)

  • So much for a SENSELESS action video 2004-06-10 09:32:50 ok i was just going for a dark action video this time. No lyric sync just action but as i finish editing to take a small brake now i noticed that i have well its just about all lyric sync but watching it now i think its a hell of a lot better now that it has somewhat of a story or atleast makes a little more sense. Oh well at least im finally enjoying editing again and im really working hard on this one

    oh and one last thing....i think i have broken the org rule for violance in the first 35 seconds hmmmmm oops oh well guess ill have to find hosting of some kind hopefuly
  • It might just work out 2004-06-06 23:00:28 Its funny for the past 7 months i have been working on many ok thats an understatement i have been working on so many amv's that it make my head spin but out of the many that i have started making only 4 have been completed. The remake for Kenshins wasted years, anothe remake this time of So Far Away witch was made to send to the Lakewood Public Libary amv contest, and my p.o.s. trailer parody. The other one that i made was for project kut-up and i think it turned out good honestly its the best work i have done too bad the project wont be out for a little while longer. Anyway I have been working on this amv for a little while now close to 2 weeks and i have a little under 30 seconds done...(kinda quick for the way im editing at the momment) and its turning out good....i mean its nothing to say "omg omg its the best damn thing i have ever seen in my life" and i be many of you might just say "that sucks dude" or something along those lines but im working very hard on this one and im liking the turn out so far granted i see that in the next few weeks i will most likely hate it but im going to be forced to finish is so as not to drop out of an amv contest.

    thanks for reading
  • A Rap Video? 2004-06-04 23:10:32 God i hope this is good ive been wanting to do it for well about 3 months but i finaly started on its not the song that i had originly did but its the same idea and so far its coming out ok....its taking a really long time to get going but like i said its going. Although i have to thank the Globocide Video Contest because if they had not been asking for dark videos i dont think i would have started this for....well another 3 months at earlyest. Right now this video is more of a test for trying to make a good rap video, since most of the ones i have seen suck other than one that is great (Beowulf's Natural Born Killers).
    The only problem i see now is that i may not be able to host it on the org and being poor not be able to hose it somewhere else. Oh well i worry about that when it come time for hosting. Thats all on the video front...other than the fact that i have started messing around with After Effects. 
  • Two videos at once 2004-05-30 12:11:10 Ok Im not use to making more than one video at once...mainly due to the lack of disk space I have....however since im making two videos that only need one dvd each (since they're movies :)) I decided that i could go and make two at once....I know i posted earlyer that i was going to do this however right after i said that i didn't even touch the other video until i had completely finished the other video. This time i have already started, or rather im in the planning stages witch is moving along quite fast for a change but once again i have a feeling that i may need to spend a great deal longer...but only if i plan on doing my normal "shameless" lyric sync. I hope that this will be a hell of alot better than my latest release that....well it sucked to say the least (although i have recived an equal amount of good feed back as i have negative feed back). Anyway thats all for now... 
  • Why do i do this to myself 2004-05-27 19:56:09 I Finally get some kind of credit as an editor...actually have people say im decent and the such then i go and rip it away from my self with one video...oh why did i have to do was just....a failure and i still go and put it on the org...why do i do this to myself...oh why oh why...oh god why did i have to go and make this...
    granted i could use some feed back on what i should do different.
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