JOURNAL: MysticDragon (Nikki )

  • Making the Cut 2006-01-15 13:59:46 Apparently, some newb wrote to some record company or some'n like that, asking if they made certain videos.
    That produced a huge uproar, which luckily ended is still up and running.
    But now, songs by Evenessence, Creed, and Seether can't be used.

    I'm glad that I don't follow trends and use those kind of songs (they're ranked pretty high on the 'used songs' list...Linkin Park is the highest). If I hear a song on the radio when father is driving, and get images of an anime or animes while it plays, I make sure to get the title of the song and make a video from it.
    That's why my videos use random songs ranging from Disney to Pop-rock. It's whatever I hear in movies, television, and the radio.

    At first, I felt a bit embarrassed that my songs were always different from the majority, even though I wasn't ashamed of the videos themselves...I've had a couple people not like the songs used in my videos, but like the video itself.
    And now, after all that beef with the record company...I'm glad that I don't follow the trends and that my videos are different. Due to that, I was uneffected by the banned songs.

    As a lesson...nobody should ever write a music/record company to ask if they made an anime music video with the song. AMVs are fan-made creations. MVs from music companies will feature the artist/band in the video...there was only one that used anime in it, and that was one of Linkin Park's music videos (the title escapes me at the moment). But the majority of the video featured the band itself. 
  • Leave an opinion!! 2005-06-25 02:37:24 Like the title says! I see my videos getting over 100 hits, and no opinions! It'll take less then a minute to just give a quick opinion! Seriously...if everyone has the time to watch an AMV that's between 1:30-5 minutes (or longer...), then those folks have the time to leave an opinion.
    Hit that nice little link above the download section, ONEGAI SHIMASU!! 
  • Changes...local vs direct 2004-05-13 17:59:59 Took down a bunch of direct links. I had to...I'm not a rich bitch, and I can't afford $500 per year for storage space (sounds minimal, but when you have other payments-car-to make, it's a lot of money).
    I'm only keeping "Finale" on the server indefinately since it's the most popular of all of my any new videos get first dibs on the server as well. The first three, that is.

    In other words, only the most recent three videos I've created, plus "Finale", will be available for direct download. Everything else will be local. 
  • 2003-10-29 21:05:51 I'm at the point now where, if I download a music video, I'm going to leave a comment/opinion about it. Just judging on what I'd want...I sure would like to know how to improve and why my video got the rating it did. Especially if there are a lot of downloads and no opinions. That's kinda a bummer. I'm going to go back and try to find some of the videos I had downloaded a while ago to put an opinion on them, too.

    To me, leaving an opinion is a mark of respect and consideration.  
  • No right to judge 2003-10-26 12:21:31 It's so annoying...I get over 400 hits on my AMVs, and most of them has over 300 downloads now. I have nine AMVs, and only one of them has a single opinion.

    How am I supposed to know how well I'm doing if nobody comments on them? Not only that, but the star rating of some videos have gone down.
    I had one video that started out with 4.33 stars and now has 3.27 stars.

    Honestly...If people rate a video with a low star rating, at least tell the user WHY. Especially when others have rated it highly. Leave an OPINION. It's extremely annoying when I look at the star ratings and find that they've dropped again, yet nobody has left an opinion of any sort.

    I thank the one person who was kind enough to leave the only opinion I have of all my AMVs. You obviously have more respect for this then others do.

    This part is for the leechers (the ones who have an account or don't have an account and just download the videos but don't make any):
    If a video that I've worked so hard on and spent countless hours on just to get the lip syncing to the music and the scenes to match the lyrics gets such a low review from some people...I CHALLENGE YOU TO DO BETTER.

    You think you people know AMVs? You think that you're a judge of them, when you have NO idea how much effort and hours is put into just getting the FOOTAGE sometimes. Not to mention the editing. If you think you're such a good judge, do better. Make them yourself. Then you'll see that making these videos isn't as easy as it seems.

    I'd expect such star ratings if my videos had subtitles in them, or glitches. But they don't. None of my videos have subtitles. So, evidently, you people who have rated them so low (except for a couple where I think that they didn't turn out too well, myself) don't have any CLUE what you're talking about.

    Like I said before...try it yourself. I dare you. Do better. Make a video. Get the timing exactly right down to the last millisecond. Then tell me if you will still rate a video that (on my site) has gotten excellent reviews with such contempt and low reviews.

    Do not criticize people for something that you do. Don't point out the mistakes of others if they are the mistakes that you yourself make.

    In other words, do not be so quick to give a video a low rating if you don't even know what the color coding is for the input/output; audio/video cables are...if you don't even know what a capture card is...if you don't even know what programs are used to capture the videos and how to edit them.

    The only people who have a right to judge other's music videos are those who have made some videos themselves. And I don't mean some crappy, slaped-together video with so much subtitles that you don't pay attention to the song or video in order to read the subtitles. I mean, a good video with great quality.

    I make AMVs for fun, and for the enjoyment of others. And I'm not going to stop because some idiots wouldn't know a music video if it came up and bit them in the butt.

    I see a few other music videos that also don't get the credit or rating that they deserve. Give our AMVs a chance...don't just fill in star ratings because maybe you didn't like a particular part of it.

    And for those of you who do have the right to judge the videos...thank you for the ratings, but opinions would be nice as well. I want to know how I can improve my AMV creation (especially since I don't have access to Adobe Premier). 
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