Reviews and New Joint Project
2003-04-27 20:53:27
I would really appreciate it if the people who watch my videos would at least review it!I mean really,it only takes 2 minutes to rate it then write the review!
On another note me and Jeff of Breeman AMV are doing a joint project(no I don't mean weed)on a wierd song.The song is by Pitch Shifter and it is called floppy disk.I doubt anyone has ever heard this song done with a music video before(or at all).Its sort of like a high bass techno song because of all of thr weird noises but it is an EXTREMELY good AMV song.One problem though,we don't have a crazyweird enough anime to back it up.So,if anyone has any ideas please IM me or E-mail me with it.Think of it as a chance to get to see your favorite anime used with a weird song to make a great video.For anyone interested in IMing or E-mailing me,my screen name is in my profile.If anyone wants it,I have a sample of the kind of editing we will be doing,so if you really need to know the kind of editing to submit the anime to me than I will send it to you via E-mail;it's only a couple MB's.
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