animeamiee (Anime Amiee)
To whom it may concern.
2002-01-22 12:24:20
Regarding You Choose Sam the Rest and his journal entry
One should not have to endure FLAMING.
That is all I have to say :)
Question for anyone who wants to answer...
2002-01-21 22:39:22
Just a general question regarding the Viewers Choice Awards, whom decided who was nominated? I seem to notice a few people missing from the catagories who's videos should have qualified.
Anybody know? Just curious :)
I Love 6.0
2002-01-19 21:57:52
OKOKOKOK, I know I've only spent about 20 Min messing around with 6.0 but It will save my Nadesico project WITHOUT having to convert all the clips to AVI's it will work with the huge MPG files YAY *jumps up and down*
So the Serena vid is on hold so I can now finish my Nadesico vid, Oh I'm finaly going to put up the info about it too hehe
Upgrading is Wonderful.......
2002-01-19 21:06:49
Ok, just had to quckly rant that I just got Premier6.0 installed on the computer YAY!!!!
Ok, now I am going to play and see what all it can do....
*runs off delierously happy*
Change of Plans
2002-01-14 11:18:03
I have decided to change projects since premier is acting goofy I am now working on a new Sailor Moon video, this one should be good, a Serena profile video.
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 03:48:44