JOURNAL: Jerrit Tenurb (Jerrit Tenurb)

  • That... was pointless. 2005-08-14 00:15:01 Well, I refreshed Sammy's journal about 160 times.

    So I guess he has 20,000 hits now.


    Yay? o.O' 
  • ...oh, hell. Why not. 2005-08-13 23:50:10 I'm refreshing Sammy to 20,000 hits. Why?

    Yep. Because I'm bored. 
  • Why, thank you. 2005-08-13 23:06:04 Radical_Yue left me an opinion. Thanks, Radical_Yue!

    Oh, so did supersayian13. Thanks to you, too. Nothing quite so cool as getting opinions. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy. 
  • I posted in the Op Exchange! 2005-08-13 22:27:28 Omg apocalypse!11

    Yeah, I want an opinion on Gloryland (Unmastered), and I'm taking action.

    Sexy action. 
  • I'm in a fucking bad mood. 2005-08-13 16:58:56 Damn you. Damn you all.

    No, no, not *you*. Just everyone else.

Current server time: Jan 16, 2025 03:52:25