JOURNAL: Jerrit Tenurb (Jerrit Tenurb)

  • Holy revelation, Batman. 2005-08-12 22:45:35 Well, took me long enough.

    I finally got around to listing my favorite videos. I don't have 100 yet, but I will in time. Only one of my videos made the list. Sure, I'm biased... but it's still one of my favorites. I'd be lying to say otherwise. Now I suppose I should go ahead and do that Favorite Anime thing.

    Oh, and news on my video for once: I'm a minute into it! Hurray! It looks good, though a bit unpolished... but this is, as I've said many times before, my first crack at it. Everythings timed all nice, but I'd like more control over the effects. The Pixelate effect managed to do what I wanted, in one case... but it pixelated it too much. I kept with it because I liked it overall, but WMM2 just isn't powerful enough for this project. It's a shame.

    Well, practice makes perfect.

    Finally, my artslave says she's getting to work on coloring the first couple comics of Sushi Database, which means we'll finally submit the comics to Keen and get a website. Hurray! ...Probably in about a week. But it's a start. 
  • Bah. 2005-08-12 15:48:58 I actually had a more interesting journal entry, for the record, but I got bored of typing it. And Sub, I remember a certain SOMEbody devoting a journal entry to Weird Al's "Jerry Springer". Good *day*, sir.

    So, anyway. I had an idea for a banner with a "Was my lipsync really that bad?" heading and a picture of a toy of Godzilla knocking down F City from Excel Saga. But I got lazy... and, well, I'm not doing it. Steal my idea, you parasitic bastards. I don't need it.

    I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Now, I'm a Tim Burton fan and a Depp fan, but... uh uh. No. Too freakin' creepy for me. Sorry, but a movie that completely changes the ending and Willy Wonka's personality is not "true to the book". Yes, Dahl's book was a lot more dark than the Gene Wilder version. Dahl was a dark writer. But it was *not* this creepy. 
  • Jamaica! 2005-08-12 14:07:59 Hermes:
    When I was two there was a hurricane in Kingston Town,
    with a foot and a half of water
    Everyone was alright, but I cried all night
    It blew my alphabet blocks out of order
    And they say
    this boys born to be a bureaucrat
    born to be all obsessive and snotty
    I made my friends and relations file long applications
    to get into my tenth birthday party

    But something changed when my man turned pro

    I was sortin' but I wasn't smiling.

    He forgot that it's not about badges and ranks

    It's supposed to be about the filing!
    We didn't choose to be bureaucrats
    No, that's what our mighty Ja made us
    We treat people like swine and make them stand in line
    Even if nobody paid us.

    They say the world looks down on the bureaucrats
    They say we're anal, compulsive and wierd
    But when push comes to shove you gotta do what you love
    Even if it's not a good idea

    They said I probably shouldn't be a surgeon!

    They poopooed my electric frankfurter

    They said I probably shouldn'y fly with just one eye

    I am Bender, please insert girder.

    Everybody sing Jamaica!


    Just the bureaucrats, Jamaica!


    Grade nineteens!

    Morgan Proctor:

    Sing me home,
    When push comes to shove you gotta do what you love
    Even if it's not a good idea! 
  • Read my shirt, world. 2005-08-12 02:17:23 SO VERY TIRED.

    I generally do not approve of all-caps, but I felt that they were useful- nay, essential- to expressing my feelings right now. I feel tired. Impending College Doom is leaning over me, and I don't know how to prepare. I am very, very, very worried. And you know what else? Through it all, my chief worry is: I want to read more manga! I'm not kidding! That's what my brain is screaming about the loudest! Do you know how worrying it is to stop and realize that you're more concerned about reading whether Keiichi will gte some with Belldandy... than whether you yourself will get some with your girlfriend? Big picture, Jerrit! BIG PICTURE! And yet, I can't get enough of those fucking Japanese comic books. They'll ruin my life, they will. Mark my words.

    My journal has 460 hits. Sub0 has, what, 1600? Sammy has 19000? Well, it's not a competition (like hell it isn't), but do I ever feel loved. No, I don't. That's okay, though, because I don't have much to say and I understand where all of you are coming from. If I were you, I wouldn't read my journal. As is, I'm me, and I don't read *your" journal. Unless you're one of the people whose journals I read. And you probably aren't. Go on, keep that optimistic smile, ray of sunshine. You need it more than I do.

    By the way, the GIMP has stopped working. It refuses to load. Now if I had the patience to figure out what was wrong, I could probably fix it. But a reboot didn't help and neither did a reinstall, so as far as I'm concerned the program is fucked. I blame this, of course, on Fernando El Mio.

    Fuckin' Fernando.

    By the way, anyone know a good place for starting a webcomic? I hate Keen with a passion, so I'd really not like to start there... but I'll accept it, if need be. And if any of you out there are webcomickers... you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Aw, heck- you scratch my back, I'll give you a back rub. Now that's a deal. You promote our comic, and I'll read your ENTIRE ARCHIVES and tell everyone how much ass you kick. If you'd prefer that I didn't, I'll tell them how much ass you don't kick (scientifically measured and rounded to the nearest buttocks). I love all webcomics, pretty much.

    Wow, that's a lot of suckupitude. Maybe I can be the new Checkerboard Nightmare. Or maybe Checkboard Nightmare can be the new Checkerboard Nightmare, and I can take over as the old Checkerboiard Nightmare. Beggars can't be choosers.

    Oh, yeah. Thank you to all of you who liked Gloryland, except hose who didn't leave an opinion. Which is all of you. Nah, I kid because I love. No worries at all, mates. I know you didn't give an opinion because you were too lazy to be bothered with it. And frankly, that's why I didn't op *your video! So it all works out fair and square, doesn't it?

    (If anyone gets the reference in the journal entry title, and PMs me saying where it comes from, I'll write you into a comic strip. Fun, huh? Here's a hint: it's a webcomic.)

    And now comes the part of the journal entry where I stop typing. 
  • When in Rome, count your chicken of the same feathers while the iron is hot! 2005-08-11 16:12:04 Just spent the weekend entertaining the Smartest Fucking Little Kid Ever. His name is Julian, and he's British. He's adorable. Little kids with British accents are the cutest thing in the universe, and this one is a crazy prodigy. He's the kind of kid who likes taking things apart and explaining how they work... usually to the person who owns whatever he just took apart. He'll make one hell of an engineer some day, I tell you.

    I've been working on more scripts for Sushi Database, too! We have enough scripts to make comics for a month or two, provided that my lazy artslave caqn be motivated to draw them. (Kidding, Lynn! Kidding!) I'm really looking forward to the site's unveiling. I'm thinking we should sign up with Drunk Duck, but they don't look like they're accepting new comics... I don't really want to sign up with Keenspace, but I suppose we will if we have to.

    Hope you'll all read the comic when it comes out! ^_~ I'll probably end up putting some of you in the comic. And by some of you, I mostly mean Sammy. Hey, parades of assholes worked for Something Positive, right? And there's no publicity like bad publicity. Except that there's no such thing as bad publicity. And a metaphor mixed is a metaphor churned.

    Or something. 
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