Jerrit Tenurb (Jerrit Tenurb)
Melllvar is the ultimate fan!
2005-08-08 17:57:33
Watching Futurama and uploading Gloryland (Unmastered). I seriously doubt anyone will like it, but who knows? Maybe someone will find it amusing. At any rate, I'm only announcing it in my journal.
Not a big Limp Bizkit fan.
2005-08-08 15:45:00
Apparently it's now chic to like that Naru-85 video which Suberunker seems to have ripped off. Looking at them, a lot of the jokes are indeed ones used in Suberunker's 1985 video... but I'm afraid that I can't change my mind. Naru-85 may have been the original, but Suberunker's video looks infinitely better. Frankly, to me... that makes it better. It isn't fair, but life ain't fair.
But Suberunker is still too big for his britches. >>'
The joys of cooking with LIQUOR!
2005-08-08 01:10:05
I'm drinking myself silly! Yay!
I'm in one of my rare, "whore my sexy male bodyt out to the highest bidder" moods. No, thaty doesn't mean I'm "in the mood". Just that I'm quite drunk and uninhibited.
Yes, I can stiull type while drunk. I just make a lot of typos... and I can't walk.
Awwwww... Izzo kyooooot!
2005-08-07 17:03:46
I'm rewatching Spiral DVDs. Damned if Ayumu and Chiyo do not make a perfectly adorable couple. Not that they're actually a couple... but still. Cute. I need to find a good Spiral AMV. All the ones I've watched have sucked horribly.
Even though I need to be freeing up space, I've been downloading and watching each of the star scale videos, one by one. I've liked each of them, so far... but maybe I'm just cynical enough to see them for the overrated garbage they must be. Anyway, I'll have to delete them to make space again, but they're so cool... it's hard to bring myself to do it. AzuDai videos may be overdone, but they're so cute!
My journal has 365 hits. I think that's the Org's way of saying, "Rawr! You're interesting, but at the same time not interesting to have fans!" That's okay. I don't want fans. Except for my webcomic, Sushi Database. URL coming soon!
If you're not down with us...
2005-08-07 10:56:13
I'm rocking out. ^_^ I needed to find 6 clips of Leela and Fry kissing, and incredibly, I found them. The two never have a *real* long-lasting romance, but they nonetheless kiss no less than six times. (Mind you, one of the kisses is actually between alternate dimension Fry and alternate dimension Leela. But it counts.) So yeah, I'm proud of myself.
In actual news, I am now out of space. 1.58 gigs left. And I didn't rip every episode I wanted. Must free up space... but how? Obviously, I'm going to lose my copy of the Animix, even though it was good for hypnotizing people at conventions. But what then? That's only 700 mb... enough for one more episode. My computer tells me I'm storing 10 gigs worth of AMVs... but I *like* the AMVs. Maybe I could burn them onto blank discs, forming more AMV Collections?
Well, whatever I do... I may be getting a new video editor tomorrow! Yay! Victory and triumph! Oh, and think I want to upload a picture of Dr. Zoidberg for my profile. Why not, eh?
Current server time: Jan 16, 2025 13:57:20