Jerrit Tenurb (Jerrit Tenurb)
2005-07-24 09:28:20
I did it.
I don't know how. I'm chalking it up to divine influence. But somehow- somehow- I managed to keep myself focused on my editing... last night, I went through my video, found every thing about it that needed fixing, and fixed them. That was quite a run-on sentence, I know. But last night was a run-on night, so it warrants as much.
I did take out the fremenized sections (the parts where I edited in blue eyes), and I'm glad I did. The overall video quality looks so much better, and without Image Editing Hell hanging over my head, I was able to work without getting stuck! I'm not putting it up on the site yet because
A) It's too big a file for dial-up to handle uploading, and I'll be home in a week
B) I still want to twink it some more.
The video looks good enough that I'm going to be showing it to friends and family... but Internet distribution is different. People on the Org are downright harsh, and I worked too hard on this video to let it die alone and unloved with upwards of 50 hits. No, I'm going to see if I can make it even prettier somehow. Then I'll upload it. And then, sometime in the distant future, I'll do a remastered version of the whole thing... and finally get those blue eyes right.
If you don't know what the hell video I'm talking about, you probably don't read my general regularly. To explain: it's an AMV of the Dune movie trailer (the 1984 David Lynch movie, not the SciFi miniseries) set to Nausicaa footage. Crazy lip-sync fun! I can attest that it is, without a doubt, by far, the greatest AMV I've made. The video looks great (almost up to full DVD quality! ...almost.), the lip-sync is all timed to the syllable (except in about two cases), and the concept is so solid that it's been the subject of college essays (The concept of Nausicaa and Dune fitting together, that is). So what isn't great? The audio. Definately the audio. The audio sounds terrible. I first got it in the form of a downloaded RealMovie video of the original trailer. So I had to extract the video from that with Audacity. Easy, but the trailer is from 1984, and means of data storage were not too good back then. So, consequently, the trailer sounded like CRAP. It probably even sounded bad back in 1984, and it sure as hell hasn't improved. In two parts of the audio, there were fraction-of-a-secong-long segments of static that were impossible to ignore. I got rid of them in Audacity, filling over the gaps left behind with clips I bodged together from the rest of the track. I managed to get them down to small, almost inaudible snips of "skssh!", but they're still there. Hopefully, I can find a clean version of the trailer at home. My dad is, after all, a rabid Dune fan...
God, I lost track of my post. @_@'' I type too much; no one's going to read all this! Oh well, it doesn't matter. I'm happy that I finished my video, and can't wait to show it to someone as soon as I can. ^_^''
One baby step at a time...
2005-07-23 18:44:05
Well, I managed to beat the Baron. Almost all of my video is complete- as in, it all has clips synced to it, and they all match the audio. But "complete" is a word with many meanings, because the video aint anywhere near done. There are still large parts of the video that, frankly, just look bad. Mostly, these are the fremenized parts... i.e., the clips in which I've taken people's eyes and colored them blue. In concept, this sounds cool. In practice, it looks bad. I mean bad. The fremenized video sections have about half the quality of the rest of the video, and it's really time-consuming to do. I'm seriously considering deleting it- redoing all the fremenized sections with good-quality normal footage. Sure, it wont have that cool touch... but so what? I can go back and add the blue eyes later, after the video is released. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I'll do a remastered edition when I have better programs.
Oh yeah... I also need to find the footage of the Nausicaa trailer. It wasn't included in the DVD, and I really think it would be a nice tough to have the actual "mini credits" of Nausicaa for the end of the trailer. I'll check the other Ghibli DVDs I have and see if they have it. If not... well, I'll just try to download it.
But if all goes well... I'll be "done" this video soon. ^_^'
And now for something completely different.
2005-07-22 16:31:58
I think that if you want to say 'omglol' out loud, you should say "ahm-glall" instead of "oh em gee ell oh ell". It seems more expressive of the ridiculessnessesesses. Ess.
To set the record straight, when I get home I'm downloading all of Sammy and godix's videos and reviewing them properly. Each of them seems convinced that the other sucks, and I've only seen a few of them. The ones I saw led me to believe that neither of them sucks, and this means we have conflicting data. It warrants further investigation, says I.
Meanwhile, I've hit a bit of a wall with my Nausicaa video. That wall is named the Baron, a.k.a., the Floating Fat Man. I can't get Kurotowa to lipsync to him. I mean, I can.... but it doesn't look right. Grrr. There's got to be a clip of Kurotowa laughing, right? But I watched through the movie again, and... no dice. So I don't know what to do. I've skipped it for now, but now there's this big black screen placeholder in the middle of my video... sooner or later I have to confront the problem, bu how will I fix this?
And Mystery Samurai Theater 3000 is not very popular, it seems. Out of 9 star ratings, I've got an average of 2.22. Ouch. I mean, it wasn't great, but the lip-syncing was pretty good... except in the beginning. *sighs* Oh well. I think the problem is that no one has seen the movie that the sound clip is from. The video looks much better under the influence of nostalgia. My Thnickaman vid, on the other hand, has a star average of 3. Not half bad. Not half good, but I didn't expect a rave review.
Oh yeah, and my banner got rejected. I guess I must have broken some rule, though I don't know what it was. I followed their specifications... well, no one would have voted for it anyway, so I suppose it's just as well. Gawd, I sound like Shinji... or worse, Piro. >_>'' Bad Jerrit! Cheer up!
I'm going to go lay about and avoid work. Then I will do mortal combat with The Floating Fat Man, and I will be victorious or die in the attempt.
Opinion does not rhyme with onion.
2005-07-21 20:34:57
Low scores are fine, if the video deserved it. It's cruel comments that are mean. Telling someone that their video is less enjoyable than "guzzling a gallon of cat jizz" is amusing, but it wont help the person make better AMVs.
And on that note... I don't care how bad the AMV is, guzzling a gallon of cat jizz is worse. I mean, come on. :-/ Even if it was poorly made, it's still just sitting there and watching a video. It's not that hellish. Unless, of course, cat jizz is your thing... in which case... whatever floats your boat, you sick freak. o.O'
2005-07-21 20:24:24
Meh, waiting game sucks. Lets play Hungry Hungry Hippos!
Thank you, Shadowkiller, for breaking the tension. ^_^'
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