Jerrit Tenurb (Jerrit Tenurb)
2005-07-21 19:55:59
Browsing through journals, I've decided that I really don't like godix and Sammy.
It's difficult to say this, because godix seems like a very intelligent person, and I've enjoyed his videos. Sammy... well, I like History In Anime. But both of them are just so... bitchy. I just don't understand. Instead of spending time making AMVs, they spend it feuding with eachother. Why? What's the point of it? This is the worst part of this website; people like them who get more of a kick out of insulting each other than they do out of making good videos.
Myself? My videos are not very good, and it is my personal opinion that both godix and Sammy are- at least now- better editors than I am. But I truly think that I have a better attitude. When I watch a bad AMV, I try to judge it on it's merits, and offer advice. When these two watch a bad AMV, it seems that they just go wild with telling the person how much it sucked. What happened to professional courtesy, people?
I don't know about this place. I really don't.
2005-07-21 18:49:39
@_@'' I feel so stupid, that I can't even figure out how to compress a little banner ad. I think I got it working, maybe, but only after submitting a banner that doesn't work. Oh well. It gives me the giggles, so all is well. ^_^' I hope it isn't trashed by warthog-like voters. I don't really have many friends on this site (though nor am I villified like some users) so I don't have anyone to ask to vote for it. I'll just have to hope it wins the old-fashioned way- by having people like it! Unlikely, yeah, but I can dream.
2005-07-21 18:32:03
I finished my first banner! It's pretty cool, but it's a little ov er the 20k limit. @_@' I'll have to compress it or something, but I don't really know how to do that with images.
Hmm. Back to work?
2005-07-21 17:11:52
I got a great idea for a banner!
True, I have no talent at image editing, but I also have no talent at video editing. Worth a try, right?
Ehe. Sleep in much?
2005-07-21 15:40:54
I slept in until 3:00 PM. @_@' I need to stop pulling all-nighters, it's wreaking havoc with my sleep schedule.
On a positive note, I finished image editing Fremen Nausicaa... or at least, this clip of her. I'm taking a break from image editing and doing some more video editing, which is much more fun. I can't complain, since the finished product looks good, but... I worry that the video quality is being degraded. I want this to look good.
Work, work. Back to work!
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