Jerrit Tenurb (Jerrit Tenurb)
New Project!
2005-07-17 13:12:16
Well, it's up. For better or for worse, it's up. I've had 14 direct downloads and 4 indirect, but I'm fairly certain that one of each was just me, testing it. So... about 12 downloads of my AMV, then. And no opinions, of course. Not even a post in my thread on the AMV Announcements forum. Ah, well... that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Now I've begun working on my next project. It's not going to be easy, as I'm using Irresponsible Captain Tylor as my source footage, and ICT is entirely interlaced. This will be good practice for me... we'll see how much of the guides I truly understand. I'm going to be removing the interlacing because I intend to put the footage through some serious editing...
Also, I'm going to need some new software. I want to be able to... integrate one bit of video into another. @_@" I don't know the word for it, to be honest. Like in Tainted Donuts, or in Suberunker's Wizard of Ozaka. I've tried to find out more and it seems that that can really only be done with a program that can have multiple video tracks. WMM2 does not have multiple video tracks. I've heard that Adobe After Effects is useful for creating this effect, but I don't have Adobe After Effects, and I'm working on a college budget. There's no way I can afford software like that right now. No idea what I'm going to do.
On the other hand, I found lots of copies of Homestar Runner movies as swf files on the Internet... and I downloaded a program that converts swf files to avi files. This way, I'll be able to use Homestar Runner footage in my video! Unfortunately, the avi files that are created are not very good quality. They'll serve my purposes, but they aren't very pretty. Blegh.
Anyway, back to work with me!
Back in the game...
2005-07-12 17:25:53
Whoa. I just remembered that there's actually a journal. o.o' Well, then.
For the past three days I have been editing nearly nonstop. The product looks good. Very good. My first video, Germs, was rather bad and never finished besides. My second video wasn't really even set to music. But this video, my third video, is something I am proud of. It is in these past couple days that I have truly learned how to edit. The video is "Bad Girls" (the DDR song) set to a various assortment of anime .
The only program I've got is Windows Movie Maker, but it seems to work rather well aside from the seemingly endless crashes, agonizingly long loading times, and inability for it to zoom in on the timeline past a certain point. Right. Other than all that, it's great. ^_^' I have tons of DVDs that I'm yearning to use, but I can't seem to figure out how to rip footage off them. @_@" For now, I'm making my AMV by using the footage contained in all the other AMVs I've downloaded. It limits me quite a bit, but I do have a pretty big AMV collection, so this will do until I can get DVD footage. Once I do, I'll go back and remake this video; make it look all pretty.
I think I'll be finished this video in another couple days or so. Once I am I'll upload it and see how much of a reaction I get... since no one on this site has ever seen any of my videos, I'm a bit anxious to see how it'll go. I've been a member of for almost two years now, but up until now I've only been a downloading member. Here's hoping it goes well...
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