AlchemistFaerie05 (Sarah )
2006-08-15 16:39:40
Hi Camillia, Kikai, and Yeiweh! I haven't talked to you guys in forrever. What's up?
- Sarah
Quick comment for Fruits Basket - A Place Where You Belong
2006-07-25 11:57:46
# 2006-07-24 01:06:51
the shot selection seemed poor for telling a story--fell into the lyrical literacy trap. Average.
I hate when people don't explain what the hell they mean...
I stayed up until 2 AM again.....
2006-07-19 11:32:19
Morning all. I am still kinda tired but I can't go back to sleep. I was making banners....what else....more banners!
Last night was funny is freaky kind of way. I hate spiders, absolutly hate them. Espically the ones with the thin but larger spindle like legs and little but medium sized bodies, Wolf spiders mostly. There was one crawling around on my wall last night. I tried to kill it but of course it kept running away. When all else fails use hairspray. I got it cornered with the hair spray but it was still alive. I smashed it a couple times for good measure and went to sleep.
How stupid do people think we are?
2006-07-16 18:07:11
I saw two banners that where inverted images of already voted on banners. Unless the creators are trying to do somthing to get more votes on the same banner with a twist.
2006-07-16 13:17:18
I was so close....SO close! I made the animated banner that says "It will leave them speechless...." I only got 87 worthy votes.... I needed *counts* four or five more to be worthy! That was my closest yet.
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 15:13:55