AlchemistFaerie05 (Sarah )
Quick Comment on Fruits Basket - A Place Where You Belong
2006-07-14 16:36:38
2006-07-14 16:26:41: nice quality...but yer lip sync is terible :P you could try having the clips go with the music :)
I will say this again. I wasn't trying to lip sync at all so stop sending my QCs about it!
Supersitious Me....
2006-07-11 22:41:46
Ok, I am a little freaked out by this. I went outside because I kept hearing this sound. I sounded like a jet getting farther away then coming back like it was tied to a string. I went outside and looked at the sky. I could see a few stars but not much of anything else since it's dark. I can just imagine a classic movie scene where suddenly a meteor comes towards the Earth and me, being the idiot I am, just standing there and freaking out.
Stolen Banner
2006-07-11 22:10:36
That's just wrong! Stealing someone's banner... I changed my vote to unworthy on that. Grr that makes me mad.
2006-07-11 21:18:04
I sumbitted my first banner. It doesn't say anything but there is a girl on the right side wear a Japanese school uniform, and on the left the logo in red and blue. Still pending, it'll be up for vote soon.
Not happy right now...
2006-07-11 12:28:17
I always use my dad's computer upstair because my dad's employees hate me working on his computer downstairs, and I also hate having to work down there. Well my dad kicked me off the computer and made me use the one downstairs. That ticked me off. I can't watch videos on YouTube, I can't download any AMVs, in other words I can't do anything. The worst part is I have to listen to my dad's employees and clients conplain about so hard their dumb lives are.
Current server time: Jan 14, 2025 07:44:50