JOURNAL: klinky (Gabe Hedges)

  • Computer prices are falling ^_^. 2003-09-02 05:05:35 Awhile back I was computing prices on a rather high-end, but low-budget system. This is what I came up with

    Athlon XP 1.8Ghz CPU
    nVidia Nforce2 based IGP motherboard.
    512MB Kingston PC2700 DDR Ram(2x 256MB DIMMs)
    120GB 7200RPM Seagate drive
    16X DVD-ROM
    Aopen 52CDRx24CDRWx52R CDRW drive.
    Raidmax 350WATT case/ps

    CPU: Athlon XP is a good CPU. Cheap price great performance ;). Pentium4's need to be a couple hundred Mhz faster to match the performance of the Athlon XP because of differences in design.

    Motherboard: nVidia has made the best performing motherboard for the Athlon XP. It's also quite stable to boot. The integrated graphics are excellent for being integrated. They match the levels of a Geforce2, Geforce4Mx or a Geforce5200. It's kind of funny how nVidia has soe many products out that are all around the same performance level :/. There is also onboard sound and onboard networking. Both of which work well. The network has been known to be semi-flakey. So a $4 NIC may have to be purchased later if the onboard network doesn't work. It is also good to note that there is an extra AGP slot on the board so that if you want to upgrade the video you can.

    Ram: Kingston has a good name for quality and stability. I am getting two 256MB DIMMs so that the dual-channel memory interface can be used on the nForce2. Dual-channel memory enhances onboard graphics performance as well as other memory intensive tasks.

    Hard Drive: Seagate 120GB 7200RPM Drive. You get alot of bang for the buck in this drive. 7200RPM, 120GB of storage :O... Very nice. Don't buy MAXTOR, I've had three fail on me. Seagate is good for reliability. You could also go with Western Digital for a little more. But there is not really much reason to.

    DVD-ROM: Lite-on makes good DVD-ROMs. This is a 16X DVD-ROM. ;) Good DVD-ROM

    CD-RW: This is a Lite-on CDRW drive. Lite-on makes good CDRW drives too ;).

    Case: This is a basic AMD approved case.

    Keyboard & Mouse: You can get a decent keyboard for $10 and a nice logitech optical mouse for as little as $11.

    Total cost:
    $473 <--- that includes shipping from multiple vendors. If you can find parts at the same place you may get a better deal.

    But in all for a decent system that is a good price. It would have cost $520 a few months ago. Even then it's a good deal. I am just impressed prices have gone down that much in a couple months. I always find it fun to calculate new machines, price/performance ;)

    Also, I guess I should mention that I have a hang nail and it's driving me insane : 
  • Funco Toyland Super Surprise... 2003-08-23 23:22:40

    Not a bad day today...

    Went for a walk. It was OK. Mark & I intended to goto this Nature Reserve that's pretty cool, but it was filled with people. I guess today was Earth Day!! OMG :O

    Anyways... We decided to just go for a walk aroudn the neighborhood. That was fun. It was a nice day today. I've been feeling better. Sinus infection is going away. ^_^ Yes. Actually I think it's gone. I am getting used to stuff here and I am sleeping better I think.

    I downloaded a game called Silent Storm II. It's pretty damn cool. WW2 turn-based action stuff. Nicely done... yes indeed... It was actually made by a russian company and released on the net. They didn't have a Publisher until like a few days ago and a English demo was rushed. Very nice. I had alot of fun.

    Other than that I am just relaxing. Thinking of maybe some video ideas. Probably not :P. I am pretty lazy I guess... 
  • FEeeling good :O 2003-08-23 02:57:25 I feel good. I took asprin and ate raw orange juice concentrate strate from the cardboard thingy. Also got basically half of my rent deposite back from my landlady which got me out of the hole @ my bank. Next up is getting Mark out of the whole, which we should be able to do NEXT WEEK!! ^_^.

    Excellent... Then if I could only get the phone turned on here then it would be perfect. :

  • All alone... ;_; 2003-08-20 23:04:45


    Tab's not on
    Rachel's not on
    Kawaii not on
    Tutter not on
    MJ's away

    ;_; sheesh!

    I've been abandoned! 
  • 2003-08-15 06:09:14 Klinky2000: I FEEL NOTHING FOR YOU MIKE, BUT IT'S NOT MY FAULT
    Taberez: nonextistant
    Klinky2000: I DON'T FEEL FOR ANYONE
    Klinky2000: OR MYSELF
    Klinky2000: :O
    Taberez: SHUT UP SAM
Current server time: Mar 14, 2025 06:18:29