DevilSanosuke (Rob (Timo) Santos-Peres)
You Want Some? You Do? Oh Crap...
2003-07-06 22:21:13
*Runs on quickly*
*Pant pant*
I have news! I have news! No wait... nevermind. Crap I just blew a chance for a dramatic entrance. Oh well. Like I care.
DAMNIT I MISS YOU MANDA! Sorry, been completely down today. I just had an extremely long talk with a friend who's more depressed than I am, and Amanda is gone for two weeks with no contact with the outside world. I need a review on my life.
Anyways, having to keep busy so I've been reading a very good story on but there are a few I read, now that I think about it, so after reading around 130 chapters off of 8 stories, I got bored of reading. So... I started on my new story! It'll be up in a few weeks, if work doesn't keep me up.
I'm hoping to keep my sanity with the help of Nina, Dex, and my new friend which I just met and have a feeling is more crazier than me. God, how is that humanely possible. Anyways, she's a great person and I'd like you all to meet *Drumroll* Tabby! ...Tabby! (Frogs croaking) Oh right, my journal, can't have other people. Oh well. Anyways, please check her out as Schweetie! Muahahaha! Evil people stick together. Remember that!
As for your daily dose of music, my new track is now my favorite! Staind has always been one of my favorite bands, but off their new CD "14 Shades of Grey" (which I reccomend) is my new favorite song "Yesterday". A bit on the heavy side, but a great song none-the-less and i can relate VERY well with a former girl I knew. Almost as if I wrote it myself. Anyways, check it out if you get the chance. Here's your friendly maggot signing off, let's see if this can be more dramatic. Now what should I do...
*Corvette drives on stage with three hot chicks*
Crap, that's not that dramatic, but I'll got with it.
*Grabs .9mm from pants and shoots chicks*
*Jumps in Corvette*
Like I'd cheat on Amanda while she was gone! You friggin sickos! Oh well, cya later maggots! Timo drivin off in style! Wooooooo...
*Drives off*
The King Has Returned! For The Summer At Least...
2003-07-05 15:07:10
(007 music in the backround)
*Walks in room with a revolver in hand*
*Stops in middle of the room*
The name's Timo... just Timo.
*Shoots at camera*
...I missed! How in the bloody-hell... No matter. Like I'd want to kill you guys anyways.
-Random Voice: "A gunshot doesn't nescesarrily mean that they'll be dead, it just means they may be seriously wounded. Also they may actually...
*Shoots at person behind voice*
Right, anyways... How is everyone? Good after Independence Day celebration? I hope so. Anyways, I've been doing stuff, at first thinking >This journal will be a piece of cake, I can write in it everyday> That quickly changed (heh). Now let me see what I can tell you lovely people.
First off, where I've been; work. Second off, what have I been doing; working. Thirdly, what I reckomend; me quitting to get a better life. A side from that, here's the scoop. PSP, also known as the Playstation Portable. Rumors have been surrounding it, and I suggest it to everyone. This may just be the electronic advance we've all been looking for; imagine games (good quality), music, and an agenda all-in-one. Not saying that's what it'll be, but I have a high expectancy and am expecting it to be very good. On the subject of AMV's; been downloadin quite a few these days, only seen one worth-while (BTW: I get my AMV's from Kazaa in case people are wondering) which would be Goldmember's "Superman" with footage from Trigun. This is a very good AMV (not graphic, so it's like PG) and highly recommended. I even like the song (though it's not my type of song) just because of how well it goes with the footage.
On the music note, been listenin to some classics, and I came upon a favorite I hadn't heard in a LONG time, so I'm suggesting it today. How about a round of applause (who says I don't like the classics) to the Beastie Boys and their song "Brass Monkey". Heh heh, everyone knows this song, whether you want to or not. Beastie Boys are a band that I have put in my list of "exceptions" over the years because their songs are just so catchy. I think you should definately hear this song, along with ALL the others. Everyone will love them. Muahahaha. Anyways, this is me signing off. Don't expect me to be in a good mood anymore (starting tomorrow) because I will be experiencing technical difficulties with my heart (Nothing too serious; girlfriend is going away for two weeks on vacation with her family. Cheap ass parents won't take me) so I'll probably be out of comission or listening to Slipknot ALOT. Got some rough days ahead, but I'll pull through. Until later, I'll see you crazy-ass maggots later! Cya!
*Walks away*
*Random person gets up*
Random voice: "Told you people survive from these things."
*Random person walks away*
Do a Little Dance... Then Stop Or I'll Smack You
2003-06-30 13:42:09
(Gospel music in backround)
*Begin to float down gracefully*
Welcome my friends, to the know worldly-renown "Timo's Journal."
*Cord snaps*
HOLY SH...! *Thud* OW! Excuse me, who the hell is the technician in this place! For the love of... *Gets up*
Hello and welcome all! I am your now pissed off host, Timo. If anyone sees a small man, bald, and with a name-tag of "George," please contact me. Anyways, where was I? Ah yes...
As you loyal readers know, I've been gone (or haven't written I should say) for 3 days now. That's quite a while. Unfotunately, I could only come to you now. Friday was a pain-in-the-ass, so I didnt have enough time to write. Really tired still, and personally I know not that many people read this anyways ^_^. Saturday, I wasn't home all day, I spent the day partying (a guy's got to have fun every once in awhile) and coming home at 11 PM wasn't the best time to write a journal. Sunday, I was forced (even after staying up until 5 in the morning) to clean the God-forsaken house, and you loyal readers are lucky, because today I wasn't even going online, but I felt like kicking some ass on Unreal 2003, and the computer is too easy.
Anyways, as you can see, I haven't really done anything you guys (and girls; I don't want to be sexist) would be interested in, so I'm now going to end this with just one suggestion. You know what's coming up. The song of the day today is "Blood Pigs" by Otep. I have one problem when it comes to rock and metal; not enough females. Not talking about wanting breast-implanted, mini-skirt chicks. I mean deep-voiced, kicking some serious ass. Well, for many people, Otep is salvation. Not only are they a great band, but the lead singer is female, so it's definately worth checking out. A little heavy, yes. Most alternative rock fans would'nt follow very well. However Evanescence to me is not rock, so anyone who says we have females can bite me (don't even bring up Avril, I will bring out a shotgun if you do).
Now that you have your song (greedy bastards ^_^) I will depart. Have a lovely day... that's friggin retro. More like keep head-bangin you crazy-ass maggots, and remember - "Many people walk the earth not knowing their true purpose. However the answer is simple. If you look for your true purpose, you will never find it, because your true purpose has the job of instead finding you." ~Timo. And yes, that is an original quote, so if someone says something like it, I don't care cause I said that without any inspiration whatsoever. Later!
After A Long Night... We Party Some More!
2003-06-27 15:29:01
Ugh... holy crap am I wasted after yesterday. Now I got a crap load of stuff I had to do today as well, and my body is saying some pretty obscene stuff to me at this moment. Usually I'm over-dramatic to you guys (you know who you are and I love you all) but today I'm not for it. So I'm just gonna take the day off. Until work at 7:00, but that's later, who cares.
Anyways I know I shouldn't even be here (hardly feel like moving), but I have a tradition to keep up, and God as my witness I'm doin just that. My band for today is for all audiences (as you know Coal Chamber was a bit heavy). Today you all have the pleasure in tuning in to Papa Roach. I've loved these guys for awhile, and though I'm not sure on some of their new stuff (kinda lazy, so I ain't gonna bother) I give you a classic download, that very few people I know appreciate how good it is. The song is "Blood Brothers". Now that that's taken care of, I'm signing off. This maggot needs some friggin sleep. Night people of Townsville. Ugh... (-_-)zzZZ
Part Two Of The Never-Ending Story!
2003-06-25 14:57:44
*Small bell in the backround*
*Bell gets louder*
*Loud flash of lighting*
*Lighting reveals a sole person in the middle of the room for a few brief seconds*
Where's the lights?! Hold on everyone, I'm having difficulties finding the switch. *Turns lights on* Ah, that's better (holding a can of Sprite). Who were you expecting, Ryoko? ...What do you mean you'd rather see Ryoko? It's me, Timo! Who's better than Timo?! Oh well, I guess I cant't blame ya. Anyways, after a long day's work, and computer stupidity up the wazoo, I'm finally free! YAY!
Anyways, where was I before? *Takes a sip from Sprite can* Ah yes, I remember. *Puts Sprite can down on a near-by table* Good AMV's I found. As you know, I told you about the "Living in the fridge." However, the only other AMV I found worth while was one my friend suggested, which is a Kenshin AMV to Coal Chamber's "Sway" (if you've never heard of Coal Chamber, I also highly recommend them to all heavy metal people who are new to the music genre; best song by them is "Shock the Monkey" without a doubt ^_^). Unfortunately, it's a bit of a spoiler, but considering all of you have seen (or are completely retarded and haven't) the entire Rurouni Kenshin series, it shouldn't be a problem.
Other than that, not much more happening. I'll probably not be writing tomorrow. Thursday's you'll never catch me because I don't work and its a set day I spend with Amanda, so unfortunately for all you maggots, I'll have to get back to you either Friday or Saturday. If I get any other AMV's that look good, I'll give you the heads-up. Oh, and just so you know, I'm going to start suggesting every entry a band and a specific song for people to download. As you read before, Coal Chamber's "Shock the Monkey" is a great start to this new tradition, so I hope you all enjoy your day. Timo signing off! *Transported Star Trek style out of the room*
*Reappears Star Trek style* Stupid me, I forgot my Sprite. *Grabs Sprite off the desk* Later! *Transported Star Trek style out of the room again*
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:59:13