JOURNAL: CrackTheSky (Ben S)

  • Look at this one: 2008-03-07 14:58:24

    One of the better first videos on the .org. 
  • 2008-03-04 17:36:51 Read this so I can get 15000 views.

  • 2008-02-29 22:15:33 I am getting fucking FED UP.

  • My consolances Jannis 2008-02-29 11:16:06 That really sucks. I had a hard drive failure over the summer, but nothing of importance was lost (well, that's not entirely true, but everything was lost was mostly stuff I had backed up somewhere else or never used anyway).

    Well...good luck on those videos, I guess. I know nothing anyone says can make you feel better about something as major as that, so I'll just say you have my sympathy and leave it at that :/ 
  • Audiosurf 2008-02-27 12:39:04 The editor in me was interested because I like seeing things synched to music, but I am completely blown away by this game. By far the most original and replayable game in recent memory. Everyone should get this.

    If you haven't heard about this game, it was released about two weeks ago on Steam to download for $9.95, and I must say so far the game has been worth every single penny. The premise is awesome: Take any song (under, like, 25 minutes in length) and load it into the game. The game is set up like a racing game, but you don't control the speed of your car. Your goal is to go along the track and collect as many colored boxes as you can. There are several different modes of play, but this is the basic premise for each of them. What makes the game so damn cool is that the track shape, block placement, and your racer's speed fit themselves to the song, so when the song gets heavy and fast there are a lot more blocks to collect and you speed up greatly. Even during slower parts of the song, little hills in the track and blocks are placed on drum beats, so it's kind of like interactive music.

    And, like I said, you can load ANY song into the game, and it accepts all common formats (wise decision to let the game accept .m4a for all us iTunes users). Thanks to that, I have upwards of 5,000 totally unique tracks I can play on.

    To cap it all off, there's an online leaderboard so you can compare your scores to those of other players. I already have the high scores for "All of Me" and "Clear" by Watashi Wa, as well as "English Song" by NYCO and "Standing Alone" by Echo Image.

    ...Of course, so far, I'm the only one who's played those songs :P

    Seriously though, check out the demo, at least. It piqued my interest as an editor, but it's fun no matter how you look at it.

    The website is:

    And if you want a GREAT example video of what this game is like, this is probably the best I've seen: 
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