JOURNAL: CrackTheSky (Ben S)

  • The Announcements forum 2007-10-02 03:20:04 completely flooded with purely awesome videos. And I'm not talking about the Awwwraid ones, check out servo's, Lord AceMan's, Ingow's, Imrallion's, Yusf's, MeriC's...the list goes on.

    Seriously excellent week :up:

  • Awwwwwwwwww... 2007-09-30 14:05:12 I think I missed something in IRC last night...

    Also, @Bauzi:
    That video actually kicks ass and Imrallion is a really good editor. 
  • Wooo, thanks Ileia! 2007-09-26 11:39:35 So Ileia was cool and decided to let me use her FTP to upload my AWA pics instead of having to use a crappy free upload site, so if you want to download all my pictures in one go, here's the link:

    If you already downloaded the first set, I'd encourage you to just download all of them from the above link and delete the duplicates because it's easier that way.

    Thanks again Ileia!

  • AWA pics, part 1 2007-09-25 19:32:37 Ok, so there's no place that lets me upload an 850 MB file without paying for a premium account, so instead I'm doing ~half of the pics in one archive and the other pics in another one. So here's all the pictures I took during the first half of my trip, second half should be up later tonight or tomorrow. Enjoy! 
  • AWA 2007 thoughts 2007-09-25 13:52:39 Well, I had a fucking blast this last weekend. Probably the best five days of my life - as such, I obviously have a lot to say about the weekend, so let's break it down a little:

    The Con itself:

    Going to the con with everybody was, simply, an amazing experience. I want to thank people like Jay and Brad for letting me ride with them and everyone else for letting me hang out with you guys - you seriously made the weekend for me. The con was actually secondary to getting to have fun with everyone - I imagine I would have had just as much fun if we had all ditched the con and gone sightseeing around the city.

    Really though, I made a lot of friends and met some really cool people. I was especially happy to meet Danielle (aerialesque) and get to hang out with Gina (Reigna) again, because they're both really awesome and fun people. It sucks that Danielle lives in Oregon, but at least Gina's only a train ride away. And then there were people like Batto who I talked to for the first time ever and turned out to be really great people as well.

    It was overall an intense and satisfying experience, and because of all that I simply cannot WAIT for ACen next year.

    The Contests:

    As for the actual contests, the winners were for the most part well-chosen. I do however have to ask: What the HELL was up with the winner for Pro's drama category? That was one of the videos I don't think I even made it through once while I was watching them on the discs, and I couldn't believe Meri's video didn't get any recognition at all. It was MUCH better than the crap that actually won.

    Also, the Master's videos were really, really bad. I mean, there were maybe four or five videos that I could actually stand - I liked Tyler's, ZephyrStar's, Ileia's, VicBond's, and Nessie's was pretty good too. The rest were just...BAD. I mean, I was honestly about to fall asleep - 14 videos, and only five really caught my eye. It's the freaking Master's, for Christ's sake.

    Anyway, Ileia definitely deserved the triple crown win - her videos that did win were all awesome and I congratulate her victory, and I want her to upload all the ones she hasn't yet.

    Also, I will be uploading my entire set of photos now, but it may take all day - the file's going to be over 800 MB (there are 350-something high-quality pictures in there), so if you really want them you're going to have to wait (I've uploaded some of the pictures to my Facebook, so if wanna check those out look up my name).

    Oh, and I released my Pro video, it's in the Announcement forums somewhere, just have a look if you haven't already.

    I think that's all. Thanks again to everyone for making it the weekend of my life - I look forward to seeing all of you again next year (and most of you again in eight months at ACen).


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