Gizzi (Angela Hughes)
2014-09-15 00:16:25
...i'm still here...
2012-03-14 02:33:53
things here are strange...
...Sometime in the not-too-distant future
2006-12-04 03:05:32
wow... okay i just uploaded that vid i was talking about... havent really dont enough work on the inuyasha stuff to warrent uploading, but i made a vid in 4 hours today and already put it up... it's called kids and i like it... i also made a vid called "raped" available on limewire... i've been sitting on it for a couple of years now ^_^
A-Con coming up...
2006-04-10 01:18:17
I wish I had time to make a nice video to enter in the amature contest... Deadline is the 14th I think, and I have so much work to do for school that I can't even START a vid... I would rather be learning mah new software though ^_^ If anyone actually reads this, feel free to send a message =D It would be nice to know what you want me to write about. Meanwhile, I've decided to make a pretty nifty Inuyasha vid as soon as I have time... I have a couple creative ideas. It's just a matter of execution. I still haven't had time to upload my last crappy vid, a VanHelsing piece called Fledgeling... Look for it in the not too distant future!!
2005-01-23 15:10:45
Life as a student has been fun. Whatever... like you guys care about that ; ) I started making amv's this weekend and have one I just uploaded with the hope that I don't embarass myself. I've seen some videos here that were a strain to watch, but I've also seen some that inflamed my passion to create such art. I fall somewhere in the middle even though the only editing program I even vaguely understand is Windows Movie Maker. So there is hope... I'm looking seriously into premiere, but it's really complicated and I have so little free time now...
Current server time: Jan 07, 2025 08:51:00