- Vote for me 2014-01-17 16:28:16 VCA you know what to do ^_-
2013-09-24 16:40:18
year in motion is up ^^
check it out here also appreciate any opinions there is also a post on the forum for opinion exchanges
- Back to the Grind. 2013-09-23 04:59:18 i have so may videos that i have not put on the oprg recently and i need to get them uploaded +the team mutiny ones so will get that sorted today expect the new vids on the block to be filled with me ^^
DONATIONS every little helps ^^
2013-06-28 21:23:26
Have Just done my $12 for this year I feel warm and fuzzy inside agine ^^
see the donate link on the Left hand side of this page click it and the hit make a donation.
dosent take 2 mins to do ^^
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`._;=' - Hi 2013-05-13 05:45:11 hi @Iron Solari