JOURNAL: sgsniper (kata boshi)

  • computers...... use responsibly. 2003-10-21 15:51:15 Well yes as I stated I got over 1000 kills on wolfnstien a few days ago. It made me so happy I played some more. Than my grades started dropping. With that my parents threatin to kill tuition and my scholership may go with it. I'll be damned if that happens so I've stopped for a while. That's also why I haven't posted about the other junk yet. But I did shoot a few birds thursday. It was great. Popped a cap into a small inoccent quail and gave a smake down to a few pheasants. Anyways I'm out for now. Later... 
  • wow 2003-10-18 00:12:19 Havn't had a post in a while. I'll wait till monday to talk about my great achievments over this weekend but I will give a highlight of what is about to come. First, hunting was done today. Second, wolfenstein logged my 1000 kill today too. Other than that nothin new but will talk about those more when people are sleeping and threating me. Later all! 
  • 10 2003-10-10 18:07:05 Ive hit the the 10 hit mark! I love you...... 
  • Friday!! 2003-10-10 15:00:43 Hell yeah....

  • Short story 2003-10-06 15:02:44 As my last post mention, I hate work. Last night I had a short story I had to write for today. Needless to say I blew it off and played Wolfenstien Enemy Territory until the sun went down and came back up. So at lunch I wrote as fasst as my little fingers could go while unconscience and drooling all over my desk. Like a crappy old 50's cartoon, The teacher was sick and I was left with a major sleep hangerover and a zit formed by stress. The zit also popped on the paper so now I have to redo about a paragraph. damn.....  
Current server time: Jan 18, 2025 07:59:21