JOURNAL: katura (susan kalasic)

  • bad luck 2006-09-23 20:55:31 last night my basement flooded and I noticed because of my cat(lisa), her stuff is in there and she would not go there, so I thought something was wrong, so I whent to checked, there it was 5 inches of water, every thing ruined and water every where, it sucks.
    on top of tha my son wo just broke his arm 2 weeks ago got a horrible ear infection and his eardrum ruptured and blood started to came out of his ear, very very painfull, and today when I whent to the basement to clean I slip and fell and I hurt my knee and feet.
    I really thought I was brave but I cry alot and aloud in pain I am ashamed of my self, I sould be strong but I am not.... 
  • Hi 2006-09-21 16:12:54 I had no idea about the journal, how cool, I can wright what ever I want and expres my self and that is something I really need.
    Thank`s for the space and I also like many of the videos.
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