JOURNAL: freestyler (Ed )

  • Yea. So. 2007-02-07 11:05:59 haven't been on here in tiiiiiiiiiiiiiime. reasons for that being, y'know, other things in life distracting, general movement away from the anime scene and all that. plus, i was working on another video, easily my best i'd say, and got about three quarters done before my pc died. which meant i lost a HELL OF A LOT of work. it really was. and i couldn't really be bothered to do that work again, being lazy and all.

    but, as i remembered this in a moment of nostalgia, i feel up to making another video sometime this year. just need the idea, 'cause i feel i've done the other one...even if it was never released. 
  • It's done 2004-03-29 15:39:31 The video that is. Finally it's been finished. It's caused me a fair share of problems, and I'm not completely happy with it, but there's little I think I could actually do to it now. There is a little bit of loss on quality simply because the file size persistently remained large. It's still good quality, and the sound is also very good. Thank you in advance to anybody who downloads, and feel free to leave your opinions! 
  • Delay 2004-03-27 10:11:53 Well, I've been very busy recently, and as such, my second video's release has been delayed. It's finished now, but this version needs to be previewed again before I release it. I do apologise for making you all wait so long!

    Estimated release: Sometime in April. 
  • First Entry. 2004-02-07 14:11:22 Well, this would be my first entry into this here journal.

    I've learnt a lot since the release of my first video, mainly due to reading more on the forum and have thus sorted out a lot of the problems which plagued my first vid.

    With this said, my second production is soon to be released, as at this very point it is being previewed by my previewer. Hopefully the news will be on the positive side, as I have spent a significant amount of time on this video and it looks to me as if it has paid off.

    The video shall be entitled "So Far Away" and I'm hoping for some good feedback from it.

    After that, I'm taking a break for a while, but I have got an idea for a new vid. which I've left a little clue about at the end of "So Far Away". Little is the word mind ^_^. 
Current server time: Jan 10, 2025 12:47:48