Ari's journal
2009-12-30 14:02:10
I forgot I still had her saved on my list and I read through her 9 paragraphs of ranting about this site.
Even though she's a bit of a hypocrite in what she actually says, she's absolutely right. That's why I don't upload here anymore either. This site takes itself far too seriously for its own good and never gives anyone outside the little "Circle" a chance for anything. Though, there's always ways around Youtube's little blocks, so I'm perfectly content with putting my stuff there. They're absolutely never going to be on this site again. Even better is that my very old, mostly crap is stuck here while videos I actually do like are up elsewhere. I wouldn't have it any other way. Out of my videos here, I maybe like 2 of them, maybe. Eh, whatever.
Crap deserves crap.
2009-12-25 12:47:17
I've gotten some pretty cool stuff.
I love model cars, especially from movies that I watched growing up.
The Deloreon from Back to the Future
Ecto-1 from Ghostbusters
and Herbie the Love Bug
are my top 3 cars. Got some really awesome stuff regarding all three of them now. Great stuff to display. :-!
2009-12-13 16:06:18
Am I the only one who's noticing that EVERY single video up now is a Sailor Moon one by the same girl no less?
With what I've seen, that's probably how long it takes her to make them too.
Jeez, even Revbudadude wasn't THAT upload crazy.
2009-12-09 11:08:03
This is quite possibly my favorite video now. What a great job with editing and song choice.
Two words about contests:
2009-11-01 13:42:31
Fuck them.
You have to be an overrated asslicker or use a shit-tastic anime to even get noticed.
Fuck them.
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 04:20:05