JOURNAL: DeepBLiu (Brian Liu (Flaming Sheep))

  • When Clones Attack... 2002-05-14 18:45:29 So, this new fad happening with all my friends is making online quizes at They are actually pretty fun, and confirm my suspicions that I'm just a selfish bastard that cares not for the subtle nuances of those around me. Well, I succumbed to the evils, and wrote my own one. It was an interesting experience, seeing people I rarely know scoring higher than those I've known my whole life... I think they may be cheating... friendtest hack anyone?

    So I watched Spider-man, and oh my god Kirsten Dunst is hot as a red head. But enough testosterone talk from me. The actual movie? Is it just me or does the Spider-man costume look ultra-goofy in real life? I kinda understand why the X-Men costumes were leatherized now. All in all, a pretty good movie, but not all it's hyped up to be... so how about that rain scene? *slaps self*

    Ahem. Read A Clockwork Orange for english. Not as fucked up as I expected. Actually pretty tame, once you actually learn what the hell Alex is saying all the time. You know what IS fucked up? A Clockwork Orange the movie by Stanley Kubrick. Talk about excessive unnecessary raw blatant sexual overtures. Scratch overtures, it's just blatantly in your face sexual. I guess i'm just frightened to even think of a culture that obsessed with sex (with all that sexual art and furniture), not to mentioning the alarming amount of full frontal nudity for an oldish movie. Malcolm Macdowell, or whoever Alex was, did his job pretty well. It's not bad, but I found the violence comical and the nudity excessive. Perhaps not what the director was going for? Then again, I'm an uncultured hack.

    *Checks URL...* Anime, right. Must fill my daily quota... You know what, screw that. Been too busy with school to do anything anime related, except for that AMV that's going to Anime North, which is coming up soon, and I'm going to keep this sentence really gramatically incorrect because I CAN.

    But I'm not too excited about Anime North, since there is something more important coming up REAL soon... *looks at title of journal entry*

    -- BLiu out (now I think I'm cool like Agent Orange or Gabe from PA) 
  • Is it wrong... 2002-03-31 09:27:54 ... to put personal info in your AMV journal? I don't think so, but that's just me. BTW, like Amizadai, I'm as much on a cliffhanger about EK's latest post about Vincent.

    The Eels are cool. That is all. 
  • *Vroom, shwoooing, zwowng, chhhhh* 2002-03-30 09:55:31 This is the sound my lightsaber makes as I gallantly charge into the thick of battle, block a few enemy saber strikes, and then accidentally back up off an edge and into the abyss of death.

    As you may guess, I got my hand on Jedi Knight II, and I have mixed feelings about it. Now on the positive side, my nostalgia sense tingles (TM) like craaaazy, as I loved JK to death. The graphics in this installment are tight, the games good, the Single Player seems good so far (although a little tedious, I hate "find switch to advance" puzzles). BUT multiplayer just doesn't seem right. I'm afraid I have to agree with on this one, or atleast Gabe of PA. The multiplayer is just Quake with lightsabers. Not that that's a bad thing, but in this day and age, it's not a big crowd-drawer in my opinion. Ah well, maybe I'm just mad at MP because I suck ass at it, and keep falling to my death or missing horribly with my saber swings.

    On to my AMV news: My new AMV seems pretty good, but I've still got the jitters. Well even if I don't win anything, it was a blast making, and I have Jedi Knight II Multiplayer and booze to fall back on... oh wait. I don't like JKII multiplayer... and I'm not of legal age to drink yet.

  • URG 2002-03-19 15:20:22 Penny Arcade down. Me angry. Me VERY angry. 
  • John Gabriel and Tycho Brahe - my new fucking heroes. 2002-03-19 14:06:27 3. so... hot fuck sundae's ARE bad?

    2. I'm seventeen. The back pain i mentioned before... well I went to the doctor to get it checked, and he prescribed Robaxacet. ROBAXACET. The Manequin commercial medicine. With the pins? The FUCKING WOODEN MANEQUIN. Dear gawd, I'm an old man now. I'm a freakin' old wooden manequin of a man.

    1. Gabe and Tycho are my new heroes. Have you ever wasted a day of your life you know you SHOULD have been studying but instead blew off? Well I did just that yesterday, going through 6 months of Penny Arcade archived comics. I'm not a PA virgin no more. I'm a better person because of Penny Arcade, and I'm gonna use the F-word a lot more. Fuckin' A.

    *remember the dash, i keep going to some weird porn-like site (though with nothing dirty as of yet, since I didn't look around :P)
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