JOURNAL: DeepBLiu (Brian Liu (Flaming Sheep))

  • I Love Redheads? 2002-03-16 07:43:31 Have y'all played Princess Maker 2... it's this weird Japanese game by Gainax my friend showed me the other day. At first I was skeptical, having gone past the Pokémon/Tamagotchi phase of my foolish youth, but this game captivated me. It was less a virtual pet, and more a glimpse into the future as a father of a daughter....

    Except that she kept running away. I loved her, gave her presents, didn't overwork her, and yet she STILL RAN AWAY. Everytime it broke my heart, but she was probably so volatile because she was taking mad art lessons (which raises her sensitivity, not to mention how moody artists can be :P). Alas, in the end she grew up to become the world's greatest painter, an excellent hair dresser, and married some wizard dude. But half of the game she spent running away, so it makes me wonder if this is a portrayal of my future. Will I ever have a child that I'll give infinite love to, and in return have her run away all the time? Icky.

    And now my back hurts. Dunno why, it JUST DOES. I'm only 17, and having back problems puts me in the league of my old man. How depressing, makes sitting at a comp extremely hard. But I gotta do what I gotta do.

    What the hell? Lucille Balle is a redhead? Black and white deceives me once again. 
  • You won't like me when I'm angry.... 2002-03-15 16:15:40 I finally got off my lazy ass...
    and fell off my chair.

    But somewhere in between those two actions I ACTUALLY WORKED ON AN AMV. Hot diggity dog! DeepBLiu: 1, Laziness: 500. I'm feeling VERY VERY scared about this video, because I think the concept is so abstract, no one will ever understand it. And if people don't understand it, then it gets ugly from there. How do you please an audience that is utterly confused? ARG squared.

    In other news, I found reading random journal entries very amusing. I'm not up with the whole "Sammy Controversy" at the org, but this was so funny:
    "I AM PERFECTION for god sakes! Me leaving the scene should be just as sad as kevins leaving!"
    In ancient Greek mythology, thinking you were better than the gods was called "hubris". Well, poor Sammy has committed quite a hubristic act (if that's a word), and the Cloud-Gatherer Kevin Caldwell will probably smite him down with his thunderbolt of justice. And so ends my strange classical reference for the day.

    High School Sucks. I badly want to watch "Men With Brooms", that Canadian-made Curling film starring Paul Gross (yes, that hot mountie dude from Due South, another Canadian made show that probably no one in America ever watched). Alas, the school work piled on for the March Break is killing me, and I have not been able to do so as of yet. And you know what? That blonde chick from Power Play (yes, another obscure Canadian show that lasted only 2 years but should have lasted 10) is in it (purrrr). So no curling, hot mountie, or blond chick from Power Play? You won't like me when I'm angry.
  • I am the lazies man in the world. 2002-03-08 19:38:53 And it disgusts me. Slightly. 
  • Holy 3 posts in a day, Batman! 2002-02-10 12:10:15 That's right, just browsing the phorum, and oh man this is the funniest thing ever:

    Oh and only read punistation's post, the rest goes downhill from there.

    I love Optimus Prime. 
  • Laziness at it's best 2002-02-10 11:37:39 Have you ever had a feeling that you *should* be doing something, but instead you screw off your time by playing Diablo II or some shit like that? That's how I feel ALL the time. For example, I could be doing:

    1. A comic/article for my school newspaper Vox
    2. At least one of 2 freakin' AMV's I really badly need to finish before the con I'm attending
    3. Studying to raise my marks in school, since marks = anime

    Alas, this is not the case. Instead I'm wasting away my life playing repetitive video games and listening to the same tracks on Winamp over and over and over and over again, and then some. It's horrible. I feel like shit, and trust me, it's not a good feeling. 
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