JOURNAL: Spyral (Spyral Rainboe)

  • Urge to Kill... .Faaaading..... 2002-05-03 00:40:57 Ah, things are much better today after getting some finals out of the way. Now just two more and a paper, that's doable. I have aaaaall weekend minus the time spent working on videos and painting my family's house. Oh wait... d'oh. I guess I don't have that much time after all. But I *feel* better. I was a raging volcanic inferno of stress lava. But now all is happiness and love.

    Luckily a classmate bought me lunch for helping with some assignments. Good thing too since I spent some time yesterday eating the still-edible parts off of some old pizza. The upside about food poisoning is that you aren't hungry anymore, right? I really need to turn in my time cards and get a check from work.

    I have a scab over my eye from when a dog beat me up on Monday. Don't worry, I wasn't jumped for some dog gang initiation, it was Kazz's brother's dog. A good puppy, but he plays too rough and he's almost as big as a rottie, although he's a lab. When I first went out to play with him he *punched* me in the eye. All in good fun I guess. 
  • The Apocolypse!!! 2002-04-29 04:13:44 Fire, rain of brimstone! Anarchy! Death death! Aaaaaaaaah!!!!!

    Well, at least I can access the site now.

    Hopefully everything will be bright and happy tomorrow, for now whom does the bell toll for? It tolls for YOU!!!!

    And I have ice cream in the freezer. 
  • New Video is Up! 2002-04-28 05:44:18 Finally! Now all that's left is to get a DivX 5 version of it. Having a few problems, but not much help on the forums about it. Most just seem to hate it. That's something to worry about later, the MPEG ver is still tiny, considering.

    Time to make a new poll and then get some sleep.

    Beautiful sleep.  
  • Pet Peeve #1 2002-04-27 00:16:16 I find people using terms like "gay", "fag" and "homo" as insults really, really annoying. I don't think that that the people using them are always homophobic. I think it's because it reminds me too much of stupid high school kids. Maybe it reflects the way the .org is going and I don't like it. That means that I probably need to take a chill pill and suck it up, but still. If other people get righteous about spelling and grammar (grave offenses, indeed), then I can get uppity when people insult others by calling their sexuality into question. It's just... dumb.

    Whether the general public is homophobic or its just slang, who knows? I know that "gay" has been in common usuage as an insult since I was in 3rd grade. I called my brother a fag when I was around 7 and my mom got really upset but didn't explain why. At least not in words I could understand.

    I doubt it's gay people who get angry when people use the terms as insults. They've taken on "queer" as their own, which probably pisses some real homophobes off that they have one less nasty word to call them. It's probably people, like me, who want to make people "play nice" and never possibly step on anyone elses toes.

    Except those cripples. 
  • So much excitement. 2002-04-15 04:28:28 First we finish a video for the first time in 6 months and then the whole community here gets involved with a "censorship" issue. Or is it a "hentai is bad" issue? Or maybe it's not an issue at all, and people just like to piss and moan. And then people like to let loose on the people that piss and moan. Sheesh.

    It's not a censorship issue: all this site does is catalogue videos. Providing a link to it is just a perk, and if you've ever tried looking for vids, a lot of them aren't even available to dl. How many times do folks come in and complain that this site sucks because they can't get the video and blah blah blah. They just don't get the purpose of the site, and I think that sometimes the "regulars" can forget that too when we think that something is being taken away.

    How much easier this would have been if people wouldn't have responded to an ignorant person's whining... After being on different forums for a LONG time, or maybe after experiencing life for 26 years, I've learned that none of that helps. People want to express their opinions, and I'm all for that. But going on tirades does nothing and just clouds the issues. What was the issue here was that an unspoken policy was finally put down in writing. Hopefully, hentai is the ONLY thing that will be more difficult (and not impossible: nothing has been banned) to obtain. It's kooky that sex is considered more damaging than violence, but to a lot of people, it is.

    It's unfortunate that the policy was made after a response of ignorance; I don't think it any worse than that because I don't think this started from an intent to cause trouble. But that's what it has turned into, and this is how things work in the world. All types of people share the same opinions, and sometimes people get lumped into categories like "ignorant", "stupid", and worse. Some people don't like hentai and want it restricted, and some don't. That doesn't mean that EVERYONE who wants it restricted wants to ban it entirely, although there are people who do, and everyone seems to be labeled like that. The reverse is true: not everyone who doesn't want hentai restricted actually likes it, and they can be labeled as "perverted" for supporting those who advocate it. I saw both sides of that in the thread. It's pointless to argue like that. I appreciate everyone who tried to keep it logical and on-track, they made reading that thread bearable!

    Nothing fires up a crowd here like a supposed abuse of free speech, which it wasn't. Good night!

    Oh, it's 4:30am... I have to do my taxes.... 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:47:24