Spyral (Spyral Rainboe)
2002-04-14 03:54:18
Well, our fifth video is done except for a few touch-ups and polishing. It's taken the longest so far, and we all think it's our best so far. We've been "almost finished" for two weeks. Hopefully, this time for sure.
It's really a concept piece... even I can't understand it. Symbolic, definitely. "It's gritty, with little splashes of color..."
Hopefully we'll put her up later this weekend with our third video made back in September that we are re-encoding for the nth time. Ah, perfectionism. Makes me wanna scream sometimes.
You get what you pay for....
2002-01-08 13:07:22
I think that's true. I've just had a FANTASTIC vacation and I'm flat broke and very in-debt. On Sunday night I got back from a Caribbean cruise sailing from New Orleans to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel, Mexico. This was the best trip of my life, yet I have little to compare it to. My biggest trip during my childhood was to Arkansas' biggest "amusement" park, Dogpatch USA.
And when I was 18, I went to Disneyland. So I can easily, with enthusiastic assertion, proclaim this the best trip ever. Now I just have to figure out how to pay for it all...
2001-12-12 22:18:12
Now that school is over for the semester, I can play around with more stuff and hopefully get the rest of Studio Gaijin's videos online. This semester hit all of us hard... scheduling video sessions and computer probs are only a few of the barriers that kept us from making more. The Halloween video will maybe be out right befor Xmas! And, well, hadn't thought of making an Xmas vid until right now. Hrm.
Anyways, now I can sit around playing Tropico or Zoo Tycoon or yes, even Black & White with all of its soul-sucking, mind-numbing addictive hold over me... What a game! I'll have to investigate what's new on the scene. Been spending most of my spare time on ZT, which is a good game, but it lacks fun without any goals to it.
Too much fun to do! Can I cram it into 4 weeks? Only time will tell.
2001-11-06 22:17:22
They're funny, dreams are. Not always ha-ha funny, but weird funny. Last night (this morning, rather) I dreamt that I went to a candy shop with my aunt and she suggested the "orange creme" candy which had just come out and it was $1. I picked up a piece - they were lying in a bin all unwrapped - and wanted to make sure it was just a dollar so I went to the guy at the cash register and asked if they really were a dollar, and I remember not having change but my aunt was forking over four quarters to buy it for me. Unfortunately the storekeeper said that he could no longer sell them because... and then he started speaking incoherantly, like with a heavy foreign accent that I couldn't understand. He was supposedly speaking English, 'tho. I asked him to repeat himself, and he appologized that I couldn't understand him. I of course felt bad, like I always do when I can't understand people with accents. I had to ask him to repeat himself again. All this time, my "orange creme" was melting in my hand. It's weird how accurately your senses work in dreams. I know I've felt pain before, but this was a new sensation for a dream. The chocolate coating was melting and slippery, but the inside was gooey and sticky.
Then I woke up. And no, I didn't have anything gooey in my hand at the time. :P BUT the tv was on, CNN of course, and it was broadcasting a UN conference or something, with people speaking in different languages and then translated into English by heavily accented speakers.
Am I missing the symbolism here?
Happy Halloween?
2001-11-03 14:08:15
Okay, so my favorite holiday passed me by while I was busy with school. Too much work piled up during one week, but now it's finally over. Trickertreat!!!
Unfortunately we didn't get our Halloween video done in time. :( Hopefully we'll have that and the Cowboy Bebop video posted on our website by next weekend.
So I'm off to belatedly celebrate Halloween!
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 12:35:32