professor_stampede (S P)
Okay, this makes sense...
2002-01-23 19:15:15
Welcome, professor_stampede.
307 people haved viewed your profile.
I've never understood why so stinkin many people view my profile. Bored, I guess. But then I've got a total of 2 opinions for my two videos (with great respect to the two commentors, Mystic_Jin and iserlohn). So, over 150 times as many people would rather take the time to view my profile than to comment on what they thought of my videos. Hmm... maybe I should update the profile, because it sounds kinda threatening as it stands. 'Shut up and go to my website'. I bet people are getting a great impression of me ^^
Anyways, in the news: is back up. So, I switched the email link back to it in my profile, website and whatever else I had switched to my AOL adress before. Heh, watch, with my luck it goes down again.
I've got a new #1 fav video: "Deluxe", a Trigun vid by Kwasek of More Than Toast. Everybody go see it now!
I think I'm going to switch my two videos' servers over to my Yahoo briefcase, or at least in addition to the servers they've got already. They should be up there in a week or so, because the briefcase feature allows anything 5 megs or under, and, hey, look, they both are.
I'm going to have access to a cable modem for the next week or so, so I'm going to be d/l-ing vids nonstop. On the list include ones that would take too long to get with a 56k, like Trigun: Eden, Engel, Odorikuruu, Failed Experiments in Video Editing, and practically everything off of dokidoki and More Than Toast. I'll comment on them all later, too, and try to get into the 'most useful commentors list'. My opinions have been reaching around 700 words in the past few, which I suppose is a step up from the first few opinions I made, which were around 20 words. I should win 'most improved commentor' or somethin.
My banner won
2002-01-02 21:06:05
Hey everybody, guess what? The dopey little banner I recently made just got 58 out of 100 worthy votes in the banner ad contest! Whoo! Actually, I liked that banner a lot, and I was kinda surprised it only got 58. Anyways, if any of yous wants to stare at it for awhile, go to the banner winners and scroll down to the ones that got 58 votes. It's the animated greyscale one with the Spriggan dude on it. Or, just go to this link:
I made two banners previously, one which also won and another which didn't. The first one I enetered had Vash on it with his gun, pointing to a horribly edited sign. Surprisingly, that one won with 53 votes (direct link: Later, I made an average animated one with Kenshin on it, but it didn't win at all, and I don't know how much it lost by (direct link: I think that one lost because it looks horrible in 256 colors.
New Vid
2001-12-19 22:01:17
'Super Sauce' is up now. Hooray. Yeah, I know, it's about time I actually finished the thing.
One more thing...
2001-12-15 21:35:08
I decided to update the email address link for me on this page to my AOL address, because hasn't been responding for the past month or so, and hence I haven't been able to use it. That's why if any of you have been trying to contact me via my address, I haven't been responding. Servers must be conspiring against me.
Nerve Rack back up
2001-12-15 21:31:37
Hello, everybody. As it should be obvious, this is my first time using this journal thingamajig (who actually reads these things anyways?)
Anyhoo, my one and only vid is back up. Yes, that crappy old Nerve Rack Trigun video. It's now up at, which I was directed to when downloading Zewrestler's 'Hey Vash' vid. Sure, it's a horrible server that causes eveyone a great deal of pain, but at least it's actually up now, and I don't have to send it to anyone via email ever again. Really, though, this thing has been on and then kicked off of more servers than you can imagine. Let's count... there's NBCi, Geocities, Angelfire, Cyberkern, 9cy, Timecities, and about 2 others which I can't remember their names. Hopefully kturn won't go out of business or something, ne? With my luck, they probably will. Kinda like Freesevers, which I host my Trigunometry website at, is deciding to cut down you amount of web space, and force you to have a banner on top of your page AND one popping up. Oh, well, at least everything's up again.
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 18:48:26