JOURNAL: iserlohn

  • set me free now.... 2002-12-28 14:11:11 Grades came in. Seminar was high (yay), but I got my worst German grade ever. Thank goodness for pass/fail, and fie on shitty professors.

    Speaking of German-related things, I never did get a reply from the people I passed this site info to. I'm sure there are people from this summer who are still communicating with each other, I'm just not one of them. We met as adults, we split as adults. Sentimentality is no longer fashionable.

    Time to read more Holmes. 
  • Merry Christmas/Happy Movie+Chinese Food Day/Have a good Dec. 25... 2002-12-24 15:22:13 I'm not sure whether I think Aokakesu is a genius for making the most versatile video sequence I've ever seen an AMV person do or one of the most uncreative for not coming up with something that can stand on its own....maybe I'm not one to talk though.

    Anyhow, if people are interested in seeing what I did to Odorikuruu (since why should EK have the monopoly on twisting this sucker), it's up on my FTP until Boxing Day (26 Dec.) (sorry, it's in DivX).

    This segment is also going to be on my Katsucon CD as an omake bit (credit will be given to Jay for video work), let me know if I should bother to subtitle the song, though (since it IS in Icelandic). 
  • This is what KLF is about... 2002-12-23 12:42:09 The net connection here has been fucked up since Saturday night and just got fixed about an hour ago. I knew that the excuse to read Sherlock Holmes instead of working on graduate school applications was too good to be true.

    I'm still making applesauce, though. Hopefully it'll come out well. Right now it smells like Wassail because I used OJ instead of water to 1)keep the apples from oxidizing while I was slicing the other 10, 2)to add flavour, and 3)because good OJ will become a syrup when you heat it and thicken up the mixture. Right now it's been cooking for about an hour or so, has been mashed, and makes me wish for a hand blender so that I could pulp the peels (which I was admittedly too lazy to remove...and when working with older apples is more effort than it's worth). Just added a touch more sugar and it's going for the final 10 min. before I take it off the heat and let it cool. Then into the fridge...somewhere into the goes. The little bit I tasted from the master was good, and I have to remember to thank Chris tonight for letting me use his cinnamon and nutmeg, even though I didn't ask in the first place...not like he'll be using them for a month anyhow.

    Also got a happy holiday email from the summer program in Austria, along with the group picture (which I hid from, so only part of my head and nasty hair are visible) and an updated email list. I *did* say I'd give out my journal address to a couple people, and so I finally did. I have no idea if they'll read it or not, and part of me doesn't really care - I never got an email from anyone other than the office and a one-off from someone on my brithday, so what will come will come.

    Oh, I did get to see my sister yesterday. I now have yummy holiday cookies to be alone with on Christmas.

    Grades have started coming in. I feared for my 224 grade (thought I totally mucked up the final) but got an A+. Only got a B- in brit hist and a B in rotc tho, so what happens will happen. I probably got a C in German, which only complicates things even more.

    The great LJ migration has continued, with Red Wolf now hopping off. This brings me up to 18 LJ users who I track on a daily basis without the aid of a Friends page. LJ really needs to make semi-anonymous "reader-only" accounts so that I can stalk these people without having to keep punching in their addresses and have IE lose the history of them on the first of every month (purge day)...

    Applesauce timer went off. Took it off the heat and tasted. The apples, orange juice, and spices are all in a great blend. Now to let it cool and in an hour or so clear some space from the fridge. 
  • Alright, I get the fucking hint 2002-12-21 16:28:17 I got stood up again today. Twice. First by my sister who said it would be fine to drop in anytime today (and wasn't home for the 2 hrs I tried), as well as Chris (different Chris, not roommate), who said he'd meet me in Dupont at 3:30 and after not seeing him by 4, I got the message. It sucks to know exactly where you stand with some people...including a certain who received a package from me over a month ago and other than opening it to make sure nothing was broken hasn't done anything with it or its contents since...feeling really appreciated, yeah.

    At least my Gotaman and Take the X Train/Twilight Q tapes came in... 
  • fuck it... 2002-12-16 14:36:29 I had a really long detailed and personal journal entry here. Then IE decided to add to an already depressing day and fuck up thinking that I had alt pressed when I was trying to backspace, wiping out everything I had typed. Fuck you MSIE, fuck you org journal, fuck you reader, and fuck you self for thinking anyone would care in the first place. 
Current server time: Jan 31, 2025 07:50:06