UPS sucks ass...and not even in the fun rimjob kinda meaning
2002-12-09 19:17:41
Still no speakers, still no update in tracking number info. Called Amazon who said they'd inquire to home electronics on what's up, and then called UPS to deal with an obviously stressed, but polite CSR who informed me that my tracking number was showing up invalid in his system.
I nearly reached through the phone and strangled him. After pulling the number up myself on both and UPS's own tracking site, he caved in and admitted that there must be a system problem or something. A notice has been sent to the distribution facility and they should call me about it by 10:30AM tomorrow. I'll believe it when I get the call. If I'm already at class I sure as hell hope they leave a voice mail...otherwise it'll really get ugly.
mune no doki doki DAKE
2002-12-08 21:43:42
lyric courtesy of the first Detective Conan Opening.
This was a weekend of working and slacking. I worked on my paper (2/3-3/4 done on page 9) and started getting everything in place to finish the AMV. I also did some studying for GREs tonight and took care of a couple personal things.
I still slacked on German and reading for 224 and minor stuff like that. Right now, the big things (Paper, GRE) and the medium things (ROTC final, figuring out if I'll be able to buy groceries this week) get priority. I just hope my German assignment wasn't due tomorrow - haven't done it, can probably get it extended though due to a misunderstanding, I want to say it's due this Friday, which would make sense.
This means that all I have to do during finals week besides, well, finals, is line up employment for January. I'm a bit scared about not having it lined up alread, but so it goes. It looks like I'll be aiming for the temp agencies since nothing else seems to be playing out and there aren't any short term positions jumping out other than the ones for Cutco selling knives to people on a per-appointment basis, it's really just a scam.
Onwards and Upwards...
Great Deal for those near DC...
2002-12-07 21:24:06
I've got One (1) ticket for Les Miserables this Tuesday night at 8PM at the National Theatre in Washington DC. Unfortunately, I didn't plan very well when I bought the ticket, and with my workload for this coming week, it appears to be highly unlikely that I can make the performance. Therefore, if someone in the area would like to take it off my hands, I would be fairly appreciative. The specifics are:
National Theatre
Row F
Seat 2 (Stage Left/Audience Right, Aisle)
Cost: $10
It would probably help if you were a student or at least male, since my name is on the ticket, but I dunno how well they really look.
I really do want SOMEONE to see the show in this seat, since it's been paid for already. PM me on the forum or send me an email if you're interested.
Reply to Satori...
2002-12-06 23:35:33
I don't blama Amazon for this, they did an asskicking job getting it out fast, as they did with my Hairspray CD...this is solely UPS's fuckup.
rant alert
2002-12-06 20:50:19
I fucking hate UPS. Yes, this rigamarole begins again, folks. It pisses me off like nothing else and makes me wonder what some etailers (*coughamazoncough*) are smoking. It all seemed to be going so well, too.
For those who don't know the story so far, my speakers started dying so I ordered a new pair on Amazon. Amazon decided to ship it via UPS ground and they appeared to be making great time - Lexington to Baltimore in 2 days.
Anyways, the package was tagged as out for delivery (meaning they put it on a truck which was sent out to make deliveries) at 1:38 this (Friday) morning. The time is now 9:47PM and I have no speakers. The tracking information both on the website and the expanded version that UPS customer service gets to look at shows no reason for this being, and they won't let me talk to the local distribution center to find out why happened. Instead, they offered to send a message to the distribution center which would call me back...probably on Monday Morning sometime after 10AM....after the box is already back out on a truck for delivery.
To top things off, there hasn't been a delivery problem entered by a barcode scan of the package, meaning that I can't even try and talk Eric or someone into driving me to the distribution center tomorrow to pick them up - you're not allowed to do that until AFTER an error has been entered into the system.
Oh, did I mention that I saw the UPS truck at around 8:45PM driving by? Unless it's got a clone, the fucker forgot to unload my package. This really pisses me off, as I've had the opposite problem happen as well in the form of UPS forgetting to load my package onto the truck in the first place - twice! UPS tracking numbers have been great for me and hell for them when they have to deal with an upset customer wanting to know why exactly his order hasn't arrived and not getting a sufficient answer from anybody. While I know that it's not the CS rep's fault and I try to make it clear to them that I know that and don't hold them personally responsible, it just makes me incredibly frustrated that here are people whose income relies on getting packages delivered to people in a timely manner, yet every time I get something shipped by them it's fucked up.
So now I continue to use my headphones to work with until the hopeful redelivery attempt on Monday. I knew that this was all too good to be true. Then again I didn't pay for the shipping, so do I really have the right to complain? Yes, I do, because this is the same service that Amazon would have used if I'd paid for the standard 3-7 day option instead. Unless I was willing to upgrade to 2 day shipping (which is murder for an 11 lb package) I was doomed to UPS ground, which goes to show something about Amazon.
Either way, there's nothing I can do about it for now. Monday should be a fun day, as speakers AND my other CD should get in. The scifi paper is up to 5 full pages, but I need to devote more time to GREs and German and other stuff. And it's already 10PM and I'm tired. Maybe I should just go to bed early tonight and do some extra work tomorrow. I'm sure as hell not in the mood to do anything serious like a paper right now, and I was really hoping to have the new speakers before I started doing vidcaps again so that I could set a comfortable audio level on input without having to do a soft recalibration...looks like that's not gonna happen either. Watch the UPC on the box be so banged up that I can't claim my rebate...
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