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2002-12-05 14:36:51
// series one - as usual
-- Name: Sore wa Himitsu Desu
-- Birthdate: 2 September, 1981
-- Current Location: College Park, MD
-- Eye Color: Green with Blue Swirls. I love my eyes.
-- Hair Color: Brown
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Virgo
-- Innie or Outie: Innie but why does it matter?
// series two - describe
-- Your heritage: Too screwed up to get into
-- The shoes you wore today: Haven't left the house so barefoot
-- Your hair: Short enough that Capt. Barlow felt the need to comment on it last time in ROTC.
-- Your weakness?: Chocolate.
-- Your fears: Snakes, stinging and biting insects, and myself
-- Your perfect pizza: Feta and pineapple. Fresh Tomato sometimes
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: Respect
// series three - what is
-- Your most overused phrase on aolaim: hehehe.
-- Your thoughts first waking up: "ah crap"
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: That they're the opposite sex
-- Your best physical features: My eyes. Even if they don't work right I love my eyes.
-- Your bedtime: Varies, later than it should be.
-- Your greatest fear: Dunno. Wouldn't want to say in public even if I did.
-- Your greatest accomplishment: Nothing yet. That's to be decided if anyone cares after I die.
-- Your most missed memory: Memories come back and bite people in the ass. They should never be missed.
// series five - do you
-- Smoke: No, but I've been meaning to start.
-- Cuss: Fuck yeah.
-- Sing well: No, but I wish I could because I enjoy doing it greatly
-- Take a shower everyday: Yup. 3 in the last 24 hours.
-- Do you think you've been in love: No.
-- Want to go to college: Already there and grad school applications are being written
-- Like high school: I hated high school and never want anything to do with it again.
-- Want to get married: No.
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys: Not to most Americans.
-- Believe in yourself: No
-- Get motion sickness: Only on long bus rides or when Eric's driving.
-- Think you're attractive: Not in the least
-- Think you're a health freak: Not on your life.
-- Get along with your parents: Better than I used to, but still can't talk about religion or politics.
-- Like thunderstorms: I love thunderstorms, but I hate the headache that I get for 24 hours beforehand.
-- Play an instrument: Nope. Want to learn guitar or piano.
// series six - in the past month, did/have you
-- Drank alcohol: Yes.
-- Smoke(d): No, but I've been meaning to start.
-- Done a drug: Does Excedrin count?
-- Made Out: Nope
-- Go on a date: Nope
-- Go to the mall?: Yes, but only because that's where the grocery store is.
-- Been on stage: I wish. I'm a shitty actor but the stage is awesome.
-- Been dumped: Nope.
-- Gone skating: Nope.
-- Made homemade cookies: Yes.
-- Been in love: Nope.
-- Gone skinny dipping: Nope.
-- Dyed your hair: Nope. Got it cut though.
-- Stolen anything: I don't THINK so.
// series seven - have you ever
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Nope
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nope, what's the point?
-- Been caught "doing something": define what's in the quotes
-- Been called a tease: Nope.
-- Been beaten up: Yes. And as soon as I get out of the dorms I'm buying a gun.
-- Shoplifted: Not that I can recall...
-- If so, did you get caught:
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Of course.
// series eight - the future
-- Age you hope to be married: Never
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 0. I know that I am unfit to ever be a parent.
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: N/A
-- What age do you want to die: I will be dead by 35.
-- Where you want to go to college: For Grad School? Toronto or McGill
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: A professor at some university or high school teacher for the DoD or teaching English in Austria or Germany.
// series nine - current
-- Current Clothes: Maroon T-Shirt, Blue Jeans, Bare Feet, Glasses
-- Current Mood: Unsatisfied and stressed.
-- Current Taste: Garlic from my failed soup
-- Current Annoyance: the idiots on the forums
-- Current Smell: Something. Not sure what.
-- Current thing you ought to be doing: Working on my Sci-Fi Paper
-- Current Desktop Picture: a scan of my most expensive LoGH cel
-- Current Favorite Groups: Musically? Listening to Marillion and the Hairspray OBCR a lot lately.
-- Current Book: A stack of about 10 on SF, and the final chapter of Keegan's "The Face of Battle". I don't even have time to read manga anymore.
-- Current DVD In Player: Blue Man Group: Audio. It needs to get replaced too, getting scratched up from so many plays.
-- Current Worry: Finishing the paper, doing well on my rotc exam, and kicking ass on my GREs....oh, and turning in my grad school applications on time.
-- Current Crush: Orange is good but I'll take Strawberry if you've got it.
Yay, Snow.
2002-12-05 04:35:48
Classes have been cancelled today. I get to find this out at 5:45AM because at 5:11AM I woke up with my head sharply in pain feeling like something was setting off pulses of random white noise in there to block thought or concentration. Took a 25 min. shower and just stood under the hot water absorbing as much heat as possible. Came back out to see that Anne had left me an IM saying that they posted the cancellation notice.
I'm actually kinda tempted to just start functioning now, but what self-respecting college student gets up before 6AM on a snow day and stays up? Especially when they've gotten maybe four hours of sleep otherwise and have other people (namely University maintenance) to do their shovelling. Apartment life is good.
6000 hits and what do you get?
2002-12-04 21:50:43
Another day older and even more stress.
Paper is at 1.5 pages. If we don't have class tomorrow I'm doing a LOT of reading to work on this.
If we do have class tomorrow things will proceed as they go, hopefully a full page or 1.5 tomorrow. This is important, so I have to make sure it's right.
Did nothing for GRE or graduate apps today, maybe after I take a shower and get ready for bed. Going to bed early last nite helped, repeating that today would probably be a good idea as well. Keeping relaxed before a presentation is a good thing.
Of course, we may not have class tomorrow. It's supposed to snow tonight, looking to be 3-6 inches by 10am, so everything may be cancelled....which would fuck everything up schedulewise....not a good thing. What will happen will happen, hopefully for the best.
Something good happened today. I got my Hairspray Cast Recording CD in the mail today. Everyone who likes oldies at all should get this CD, be it in mp3, hole punch, used, or cave in and get a copy that actually gives money back to the RIAA. The disc is 17 tracks, and all of them manage to combine the size of music for the stage with the catchy tunes and lyrics of 1960's pop. The best tracks are almost definately "The Nicest Kids in Town", "Run and Tell That!", "Good Morning Baltimore (Reprise)", "Without Love", and of course the finale "You Can't Stop The Beat!". The vocals are slick and while there's a couple of inflections that I like better on my bootleg of the show, the CD is incredible and I was bopping to the beat while walking home from the Post Office with this disc in my portable player. There's no copy protection on this one, so it's MP3 friendly. The insert book is full of good information, namely the lyrics, a passable show synopsis, and an introduction by John Waters himself. This is the kind of album that just makes you feel good - like the music it tries to emulate does. A must-hear.
2002-12-03 21:42:29
This is not a fun week. Next week will not be a fun week. I'm exhausted, unable to sleep, and massively overscheduled for the next 2 weeks. How the lineup looks now.
Tomorrow - Class as usual, work on grad school apps, personal statement, GRE studying, write paper
Thursday - Long Class Day, do same work as above, ROTC presentation
Friday - Class, do same work as above, extra GRE studies and some AMV work
Saturday - More GRE work and lots of paper writing
Sunday - See Saturday but lose a few hours to TAS
Monday - Class, Panic and do work from above.
Tuesday - Long class day, Les Miz if paper is finished
Wednesday - 10-15 page paper is due
Thursday - ROTC Final and GREs
Friday - 3 hour EEG experiment. Gotta earn fast cash somehow
Saturday - Study Day for Finals
Sunday - Same
Monday - Begin Finals. Try to find job.
And this is basically the end of my semester. The AMV for katsucon is, thankfully, mostly done. Getting that done will be one less stressful thing nagging at me and probably the easiest thing to finish off too. So tired though.
Kyburg had a good idea for dealing with this, and I'm going to try it when I finish typing. It also leads in to today's complaint, namely that the temperature plummeted over the last 24 hours so that on Monday the weather was chilly but passable and today was just ass cold. Cold enough that I'm going to the bookstore and getting a knit hat cold. Some gloves would be nice too, but those mean a run to target and that's not in the schedule for a while.
Starting to yawn a lot, time to see if a shower and a book will work....and do the dishes. Hopefully the pan that I've had soaking has had everything break down. Otherwise I have to find a scrubber sponge as well.
Oh, and I ordered new speakers 'cuz mine are on the blink. Sometimes they work right, the rest of the time they forget to work as stereo and just give me a mono center channel. I don't get it either, folks. Either way a new set of Altec Lansing 4.1's are coming here. Hopefully they're good for music and DVD and not just games. Will find out soon enough.
2002-12-02 21:12:58
someone get me off my lazy ass and writing my personal statement, scifi paper, and grad school apps!
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