This is a rant.
2002-11-03 13:08:15
This is a rant that I've been meaning to post for a couple days. Yes, you should read it. If you do, chances are you'll either 1)agree and say "I know people like that and they drive me nuts" or 2)be pissed off becaue you realized I'm talking about people like you, or 3)be too stupid to realize that I'm talking about you.
You see, this is a rant about stupidity. It's about some of the incredibly stupid people on this site. Namely, this rant is about the people who can't read.
Actually, "can't" read is the wrong thing to say. People who are truly illiterate deserve compassion and assistance in learning what really is a vital skill in our modern lives (after all, even as late as the 1800's one could live a practical and fulfilling life without knowing what a book even was). The people who piss me off are the people who DON'T read. The ones who think that the 3 pages of posted text are useless. The ones who don't notice things that are right in front of their faces and then complain about it.
What triggered this anger? Recently I sent a CD of my videos in to the AMV CD distro. While talking to RedWolf on AIM, he suggested that I use the distro as an indirect link, and that others had been doing so. I agreed and thought this would be a great idea, which is why about 10 videos now have indirect links that take you to the CD Distribution Center. Let me also say that there's been quite a bit of clickthrough for RedWolf, so it seems to be a success.
Then the bold numbers started showing up. And the email. I've now been contacted five times by people who are too stupid to notice that the stats at the top of all liner notes for distributed videos say "Indirect Link: AMV CD Distro - Go get my CD!" and the link says IN THE CODEC SECTION "AMV CD DISTRO". The link takes you to the main site of the distribution center, which has a link to instructions on how to get the videos on CD. Is it really so difficult to look at this? Do you really think I don't know that you can't download from there? Are you really so impatient that you don't want to wait a week to see a video? I've waited almost five months to see "Once Upon a December" again but I'm dealing with it. If doing this much work turns you off from seeing my video, so be it, but don't complain that I'm not hosting it when my bandwidth has been so unstable this year that uploading simply is not an option. Get a CD or go without.
All this for five people. Damn I'm getting snappy in my old age...
Lock in your votes....
2002-10-30 22:42:27
I've got 3 of my 4 classes for next term planned. For class number four do I take:
art history: interwar film (montage, expressionism, surrealism)
theatre management
the second semester of the rotc classroom course i'm currently taking?
I've got an equal interest in all three. Now is the time I ask for help. Send me an email (j-a-c-o-at-s-o-y-o-k-a-z-e-dot-o-r-g <remove the dashes and convert punctuation marks> or a PM on the forum with what you think I should take =)
2002-10-30 21:40:38
Has everyone moved over to LiveJournal now? I've got about 15-20 people on my list and only about 6 of them are posting on the org now with frequency whereas closer to 12-15 were beforehand. It's just so empty here now...the forums are a lot more dead too. While I appreciate the drop in spam and inflammations on the forum, it's a lot quieter than it used to be. Then again I only read about half the forums anyhow.
Still, I liked being able to read all the journals. Now I have to cycle through them one by one or get an LJ account, and LJ is a bit too public for my taste. The only people who read this are either friends or amv folk, and I don't have problems with any of them reading it. LJ entries are way too easy to circle around to people I don't want knowing about my journalling or life in general. It makes me uncomfortable that things are this public but I keep writing anyways.
Get my 224 midterm back tomorrow. It'll be nice to see what I missed. I hope that I get my brit history exam back as well but I doubt it. That's a lot of reading for 2 days for one professor. Got a 224 quiz as well, not too worried though. I need to get my papers going though...and my grad school stuff. It's time to crack down on that, and in fact it's now Friday's task - fix up my papers and pick a day for my GRE retakes. I'm thinking the Monday after Thanksgiving would be a good day.
Time to go figure out what classes I'm taking next semester. Ja ne!
The Good, the Bad, and the Stomping....
2002-10-29 22:13:25
Today was a mixed day. Some real cool stuff and some bad happened.
Bad first:
-I had to pay out $436 to the university because for some reason one of my scholarship checks has never come and they had a block on my registration.
-We got to the grocery, got through OK, but I dropped the bag with Chris's spaghetti sauce in it and broke 2 of the 3 jars.
-I'm still living in the same apartment as Matt and Yasha. This does make me long for being alone for Xmas break.
-Behind on Homework, playing catchup sucks.
-Fire alarm during Sumida's class, had to wait 10 min. outside in the rain, meaning that we didn't get a full lecture.
-I have to have 2 more advising appointments - one with the department chair and one with ARHU tomorrow to make sure that I only need 15 credits next term to graduate.
-Fucking with getting my Joseph DVD to convert to DivX properly so that I can VCD it without TMPEG choking and throwing nasty pixels everywhere.
-B33R. Bitburger isn't the best I've ever had (the helles I had at the Munich airport probably has that honor), but having good german beer with dinner was much appreciated.
-Finding a couple MP3s I wanted
-Being able to watch 2 more episodes of Spaced. This show rocks.
-Possibly having another VCD trade request
-Selling my Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat DVD. Great show, but not the best cast and a shitty performance.
-Having an interesting ROTC class today.
-Finding out that the new bandwidth controls go into effect Monday (bye bye Kazaa abusers!)
And the best thing that happened today:
Finding out that the grade distribution for the HIST224 (Military History) exam was as follows:
A - 1
B - 15
C - 28
D - 23
F - 7
Guess who got that A. Here's a hint for you: you're reading their journal.
I feel damn good about that. Good enough to overlook almost everything else that went off today.
Now if only someone would leave a review on Haru to Ashura....
(there would/should be a sappy/depressing rant here, but, well, you're all spared on behalf of the 224 grade)
MP3 down, midterm moronics
2002-10-28 22:36:48
Took the MP3 down. Yeah it's a bit early, but no one was getting it anyways.
My brit history midterm is tomorrow. Wish me luck, all. I didn't spend a lot of time reviewing it and I probably should. I still can't remember all the names of the politicians of the time, but the concepts and timelines are pretty set in the brain and it's essay so it shouldn't be too bad. 2-3 short essays in 75 min, not too hard.
Got my German grade today. It's a low C, which is better than I *THOUGHT* I did, but the whole class seemed rather...less than thrilled...with their results. A bunch of people stayed after to complain and it seems like another group is going to stay after to have discussions with th eprofessor on Wednesday. I should probably have a calm, outburst free discussion with her as well - I can't get a grade this low right now.
I also need to see an advisor to make sure I only need 15 credits next term...otherwise i'm out at least another grand to take a winter course.
Ich wär so gerne millionär....
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