Feeling nice...
2002-10-28 14:25:33
This will stay up until midnight EST:
I am I Don Quixote, the Lord of LaMancha!
2002-10-27 21:03:23
I so fucked up my German midterm.
This weekend, otherwise, has been busy. Anne came over on Friday night and we watched about 6 hours of anime - 4 eps of Lodoss TV, 6 episodes of Galactic Heroes (mmm, season 3), and the first ep of Weiß Kreuz Glühen which, to the surprise of many, is actually GOOD.
Saturday involved running to downtown DC to visit my sister who's been sick and staying at home all week. I got her some dinner and brought her Mentholatum and a 6 hour tape of the Food Network, which her cable system doesn't provide (though she gets free HBO and Showtime). Did little to now homework or studying.
Today was theatre day. The balcony seats at the National are....high. Really, really high. And cramped. But cheap. And Full. I had hoped to move down my row to a slightly more centered view but at the last minute the three people whose seats were empty arrived so that plan got foiled. I've got tickets in the same area but on the center aisle and one row back for Les Miz, which at least has an intermission.
The show itself is incredible if not a bit cut down from what it once was. The performers are all wonderful except for the person playing Aldonza, who was wondeful but came off as way too nice and sweet sounding (especially while singing) to truly come off as the embittered and battered cynic that the character is. Also amazing was the technical for the show which featured a wonderful set design, fire, water, flying, and some very groovy lighting. Overall recommended certainly at reduced cost ticket prices, may be worth full depending on what you're used to.
As far as content of the show goes, it has definately been cut down from what it was before with only minimal dialogue now in the show and the focus much more heavily leaning towards the songs which are all well rendered. This one's a classic which'll probably bomb because it's not in the trend, but see it anyways. Everyone should experience the classics.
After the show, I went and ran to Fresh Fields for my sister. Also picked up a 6 pack of German Beer (Bitbürger) and a belgian chocolate bar that claims to be 64% chocolate mass. Gotta love gourmet grocery.
Anyhow, time to flip through some brit history for the exam on tuesday and then help chris playtest his magic decks.
1 down 2 to go....
2002-10-24 21:56:32
224 exam is finished. IMHO I did OK, there's more that I wanted to include but couldn't for lack of time.
German is tomorrow. I haven't been the best person in studying for it (study for 30 min...30 min break...and repeat), but I did some worksheets that were laying around earlier and hopefully I did them correctly. It's practice nonetheless. Still have to do vocab, did read through the 4 grammar chapters (boring...lots of rote unfortunately), skimmed the cultural reading (joy, some bosnian bitching about how he misses sarajevo), and thought about the story and characters in the last 80 pages of drei männer. I'll do vocab before going to bed so that it can mill around in my brain when I sleep.
On another note re: German, I need more manga. I got through 2 books this week which is a lot for me. I have 9 volumes left and more than 9 weeks of the semseter to carry them around during. Guess that order's going to come sooner than I thought.
German Exam, Post Office, and finishing Lodoss TV tomorrow, Man of La Mancha on Sunday, Brit History exam Tuesday.
May I Be Excused? My brain is full....
2002-10-23 20:36:52
Just finished going through all my 224 notes. Dense lectures require dense notetaking, and I'd imagine I've got around 60-70 pages (30-35 sheets of paper front and back) of notes so far. I feel prepared and refreshed on what all of the material is, what a number of potential ID questions are, as well as a grasp on potential essays. I also flipped through my 225 midterm to see what everything was in terms of length and question type. All straightforward as expected. In a flash of irony, I wrote an ID on Clausewitz on the 225 midterm. I could get away with three sentences then, I'd have to write three pages to scratch the surface now.
The question on my mind currently, though, (or at least the academic one) is if I also want to study for German tonight. I don't really feel motivated (reading that much history is tiring), but I know that I should study because I need every review I can get to do well on my German exam Friday. I'll probably look at German after the 224 exam tomorrow, as well, of course, as tomorrow night. Still, getting that "study study" feeling is an important one and I can't afford to keep fucking up (got another 50% on the last quiz...). Methinks I should take deutsch pass/fail next term...
There's not really anyone online for me to talk to either. I've already chatted with a handful of folk today, and seem to have reached their LD50 in terms of talking to me, and anyone else that I'd chat with is offline. I don't feel like talking regularly with certain people anymore either. The last round of cons has changed things - a lot - in terms of status in this realm of amvdom and while it may not be noticable to some, it's definately there. It makes me a bit uncomfortable too, like I'm a straggler or something hanging onto someone elses coat as they move up in the world saying "take me with you, I'm bored down here". These are people I'm supposed to be friends with, or at least acquaintences, but it all feels different from before. I could name a name or two, knowing they don't read here, but word would filter back, which usually isn't a good thing.
I just realized that one of the pocky stickers on my monitor is for Glico's german equivelant - Stikato. I saw these in Strobl but never picked them up. Gun-Kristin (norway) did, though, and said they were pretty good. I took her word for it.
Got my Berserk 2 DVD in, watched the dub outtakes and scanned through it to make sure it was OK, will watch it some other time. I should've studied more between classes today, but so it goes. Got all the burns that I need done for mailout on Friday. Some folks are going to be quite happy with their packages. Never let it be said that I don't deliver and do it well. The podiatrist should be happy too - mailing his payment.
ELO is on winamp. Been listening to it for a while now (it's on track 9 of 13), and it definately is one of my favorite albums. It's one that I'll be listening to years from now because it's that damn good.
Anyhow, enough whining. Found someone to talk to.
Silver Lining...
2002-10-22 15:58:44
Every so often something bad can turn out for the best.
In this case it's the sniper. He knocked someone off right by where my British History professor lives, meaning that the professor couldn't get out of his apartment complex.
In other words, no class today, midterm postponed to next Tuesday. And with what other people in class were saying, it's a good thing for me - more time to study up on some of the people and overall themes now.
Sumida's midterm is still Thursday, will work on that tonight. German still on Friday, will work on that tomorrow and (mostly) Thursday.
Grocery shopping tonight. Good thing, too, because I need a lot of groceries.
Sunday is Man of La Mancha. Yay! I keep thinking that they had to cut something though, just because of the runtime - 2 hrs, no intermission. I *KNOW* the show used to be long enough to warrant intermission, namely because I've read the original script. The movie was 2 hr 12 min, which means that it's that long AFTER something got cut to make it more filmable...then again the film was also framed inside of a little more than is easy to do onstage.
Hopefully I'll get to finish Lodoss TV this weekend and do some AMV work as well. So little time...
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