2003-04-08 00:37:05
Found an mp3 of White Rabbit from the new Blue Man Group album. While it's grown on me after about 6 or 7 listens, it kind of irks me just how much they're trying to separate the new album from the 15 years of BMG background - Tubes, Audio, etc. The cover of White Rabbit, besides having guest vocalists, is a much harder sound than is common in the stage show or on Audio. What's annoying about White Rabbit is that they play it during Tubes, and this is a much more rocked out version than the stage one which is quieter, creepier, calmer...
I wonder if the DVD will have an off-vocal version so that you can sing along like the stage show...I doubt it more and more now.
In other news...classes were classes, I'm on page 4 of 8ish on the anime paper, it must be finished tomorrow no ifs ands or buts - it's due Wednesday =)
Going to DC tomorrow to have lunch with my sister and buy tickets for Hedwig. Also checking my PO box and starting the next book for 619 - "Sir John Fisher's Naval Revolution". Oh, and doing the next section for Deutsch. Yeah, I should sleep so that I can get this all done. And hopefully some AMV work. Those deadlines don't wait. Neither do parents expecting calls back and the inevitable arguments that follow.
In the meantime, FEED YOUR HEAD!
Strange as it seems, there's been a run of crazy dreams...
2003-04-06 00:11:23
I guess it's been a couple days since the last post...I broke 7500 hits, so thank you loyal readers. I plan on sticking around until 10,000 hits and then probably making the LJ jump like everyone else and double posting for a while. A couple people I'd considered good journal-reading friends jumped and haven't read here in months...abandonment sucks.
Speaking of abandonment, AIM has forsaken UMD. Tonight's been a night without AIM, ICQ, and IRC (web and most ftps seem to be working, BT isn't) it's been kinda quiet. Did I get work done as a result? Of course, not. Anime paper is only 2 pages in, book is about 9 pages ahead of schedule, but German still needs doing, lots of reading tomorrow, and I can't even send the anime to Nik for TAS tomorrow until AIM comes back up...on the other hand I *could* make an ftp account for it and email him...that would also work.
Speaking of things that work, I sold the transformer. Someone sniped the auction so I'll only get $15 for it after shipping costs, but it's $15 that I wouldn't have otherwise (on the other hand I still lost $35 out of stupidity...) and I won't have it sitting around taking up space. That reminds me, I didn't get any cleaning done tonight, either. My room right now is abominably messy to the point where it's making me uncomfortable with it. I really need to crack down and do the cleaning, dammit! Normally I do it over Spring Break, but yeah, didn't happen.
In the meantime, I continue to be a lazy slob. I try not to think about it too much, been stressed enough to be causing physical discomfort lately, which doesn't do me good, neither does having to play psychologist for a couple people last Thursday. I did it anyways, not because I like it, but because I feel obliged. As much of an asshole as I can be, I do look after my friends, it's the right thing to do, dammit! It appears that nobody's really doing so well right now, and it pisses me off - I didn't want my life to turn into a drug-free version of Requiem for a Dream. Then again I'm addicted to glucose...
Almost made it onto IRCnet...but failed, dammit! WTF is going on at NOC?!
I just realized that my phone's been off the hook for 20 minutes. Thankfully nobody ever bothers to call me so it's not really a big deal. Still, the fact that I haven't been able to get up from my chair for the last couple days without knocking the phone off the hook should say something about how much crap has accumulated in here. Maybe it'll be time for more giveaways soon...or selling things. Not only is Hedwig coming in May, Blue Man Group has a rock tour stop here (which I can live without, the big press is that this is NOT a touring production of Tubes...which grossly reduces my desire to go), also in May, then the NYC Gilbert & Sullivan Players are doing Pirates of Penzance in early June, Otakon in August, and if I'm still in the country, REM in October (if tickets aren't already gone).
So where will I be in the fall? I wish I knew. I wish I knew it all...but I don't.
On the AMV front, I've gotten some progress done today. Abusing Vegas's timeline functions I've been able to find places to make corrections for the first 90 seconds of Officer Lockstock, and abusing ACID's total l33tness, I made a surround mix of Officer Barrel's's nifty, it starts out with everything pumping through all 4 speakers and then breaks so the vocals hit you from the front while the music envelops you from behind. Is it not nifty? Worship the 5.1 mix....which will NOT be shown at Otakon. It may make a nifty Omake on my Otakon CD's, though =)
Anyhow, daylight savings and all that makes me want to go to bed early so that I can get up and be functional before and after TAS for enough time to get my work done. That and I want to windows update and try to reset and see if that clears up any of the net problems. Till later!
Ein gemischtes Gefühl...
2003-04-02 23:23:55
I gave in to the hype and downloaded Koop's new vid. Contrary to popular belief that I hate everything good in video or positive, I didn't think it was bad. The concept was pretty sturdy, the scene selections were appropriate, and it had a nice flow.
That said, the effects are done to overkill. What I would have done (he says, probably incapable of doing a better job) is instead of doing 50,000 effects, picking a couple good ones and using them constantly to stylize the video presentation - some blurs, a bit of colour tweaking, enough to make everyone aware that something is WRONG with the whole dream-state.
The one thing that pisses me off is that if I moved scenes like this everyone would tell me i'm editing too fast to the song. Gotta love hypocrycy.
But enough about someone else's vid, this is MY journal, dammit, and I get to be selfish here.
Class today wasn't bad or hard, but it did feel long. I came home, did a little reading/skimming, dozed (this is becoming a trend), finished my reading for 619 for the day, and have been a sloth all night. I just don't feel like writing right now, perhaps because of the heat wave that's hit the area and the fact that my room is warm enough that I'm regularly draining the Brita and getting in that lazy warm kinda mood. That's OK, though. Done at 1PM tomorrow, can come home and work on the anime paper and some research tomorrow afternoon. Time does go by fast, though. Scary, really.
Getting the tickets for Hedwig on Tuesday. I don't have class so I can wake up, hopefully have lunch with my sister, and then go pick them up without worrying about deadlines, etc. and do my reading on Metro. This seems like a good plan to me at lesat.
Anyhow, I want to go to bed now. For those who are wondering/unaware, I'm selling the Transformer toy I bought at Katsucon on eBay. It's apaprently a bit rare, and nobody's bid on it yet, so please help me get this thing out of my house and help me to recover my losses by bidding. The URL is:
Thanks a bunch and g'nite all!
PS - I knew I was forgetting something. I cut the instrumental bridge out of Officer Lockstock. Ashyukun says he can't hear the cut, and the song still flows OK (it's got less soul, but better than having a gaping void) so it's gone. Time to start the tweaking!
2003-04-01 23:20:17
Did not see chicago, got to the mall about 5 minutes into the actual start of the movie. Saw Dreamcatchers instead which was a big mistake. It started out all cool with trippy psychic people and how they interact with the mundanes...and then it turned into an alien-shit-eels eating peoples' faces and trying to contaminate the water supply thing....not pretty.
Still have 11 seconds left of Officer Lockstock that I just can NOT plan out...I may end up having to see if I can cut them out, which would be a pity - the song is pretty boring and repetitive without SOMETHING there and I already knocked out 30 seconds of the bridge...grah.
Tired. Should sleep soon. Sleep good.
und so....
2003-04-01 18:03:18
Kai: I don't begrudge it to you. A friend of mine's GF applied to 12 schools and got one acceptance and 11 rejections...pretty crappy numbers IMHO, and a lot of money down the drain. CS/CE is a lot of work, too, so good luck to you on it.
In the meantime, I did a little work on Officer Lockstock earlier and checked how it would look filtered in TMPEG. The answer is that the filtered version looks NICE, and except for some wobble (which is only noticable if you look for it), the encode looks sexy. I just have to go through and tweak the entire video, as well as figuring out what to do for the money shot and the bridge...and the very beginning.
Also mailed in my taxes and some rebate forms today, cashed another rebate check, and going to see Chicago tonight. I know I said I was going to only see it on stage if at all, but it's doing a friend a favor. Otherwise, homework mostly. I need to do some AMST reading, but not right now, it's all short essays right now and I can read those at will or skim them between classes.
In the meantime, working on finishing Deutsch before heading to the movie.
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