2002-10-06 00:13:21
4 days until the party begins.
AnimeUSA is coming up, it's the highlight of the coming week. Just have to keep reading. Lots of reading. And German. Lots of German. And IM'ing with other AMV people.
Doctor Who is on right now, it's perhaps Robert Holmes's worst story ever - The Power of Kroll.
The University net connection is still acting up. Fortunately Haru to Ashura is getting some alternative hosting soon. Many thanks to the master of Dokinium. This may lead to the AUSA video going up on the server after the con...but would you REALLY want to see it?
The new project is going well. Horizontal and Vertical Flip are my friends.
Mein neues Keyboard kommt am Montag. Yay!
Wow this monster is bad. Very bad.
Looking over the AUSA schedule it's going to be very busy on Friday and Saturday and then Sunday will be rather peaceful. At least there's a break or two on Saturday. Friday requires early arrival and then a long wait until panels and interesting stuff begin. This is standard for cons though and I've already worked out German so no problems for class. Just need to get the work done in advance.
Some semi-bad news tho. I'm out €30 because the DVD of Der Schuh des Manitu XL is coming out and it's got a full disc of new extras...and apparently some more language options and extras...which means that I have to have this disc. If nothing else it may have English subs ( isn't listing subs yet, only russian and German audio) or an extension on the original dub reel. *sigh* guess it'll go in with the giant Manga order.
Last Week's Manga: One Piece 3 (Finished)
This Week's Manga: Berserk 10
7 days and counting...
2002-10-03 21:47:53
I'm ready for the weekend. All I have is German tomorrow, and the work is done, though not very well. There are times when it just doesn't feel worth the effort.
5 CDs left to burn for AUSA giveaway. Then I get to do MPEG-2 backups (someone's box isn't getting a copy...) and special request discs, etc. Thank goodness Zox was generous and let me have this spindle.
My chair broke. I was leaning back too far and now it won't un-recline. It's more annoying than anything else, and I'm sure I'll get used to it. I just don't feel like spending money on furniture right now.
Anyhow, it's less than 7 full days now until the AUSA preparty kicks off. I'm definately looking forward to this weekend, it should be a fun time and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone...and sitting on a lot of panels.
Now if only this pesky university thing wasn't in the way.
2002-10-02 22:55:17
Tomorrow is longday. Four classes, one break, fooding, anime, and homework. Busy day. Starts early, too, 8:30 (when i get up). Hopefully I'll stay awake in Brit History.
Speaking of Brit History, I think Orwell took a page from Upton Sinclair for the second half of Road to Wigan Pier - Sinclair used the later section of his book to praise socialism, Orwell uses it to talk about the problems that it has. Yes, this is the important part of the book, but it's also the one that's dull and annoying to read because it just goes on and on and on and on for about 100 pages.
My ROTC reading is almost as dull, if not moreso. Two chapters of nothing but all the major Air Force units, where they're based, and a paragraph of their purpose. There's a lot of 'em too. I should study more for this class, I'm not taking it seriously and the midterm is coming up after the con.
I *AM* taking 224 seriously. Quiz tomorrow, reading done, notes looked over, will go over notes and reading again tomorrow during the break period.
German corrections are done, but now I have to do the REGULAR homework for Friday. *sigh* it never ends. Time to start reading again for 1950's too. I think we're reading the prof's book this time...or Keroac. One of the two.
Aquarian Age is a cool anime. It's got good music and interesting characters and great music. I finished Ep 4 today and want to see more.
It's getting late. Time to take a shower and get to bed. My sleep schedule is as much to blame for not sleeping well as anything else...tho I *DID* take a nap or two after class today. So it goes.
I hate my life...
2002-10-02 12:11:48
got a shit-awful grade on my german exam. we can redo sections and turn them back in and get up to 10 points back. i'm going to do this as i desperately need the points, but DAMN i fucked this stuff up bad.
ek: i've seen one piece in Japanese already, so dub voices don't fly for me. As far as funny things go, try picturing Ruffy's Japanese voice speaking in German. Yup, it works. I haven't read as far as Kuro tho (seen it in the anime) the manga I'm at the point where they're about to meet Usopp/Lysopp (the German has it is Lysopp...don't ask why), so we're starting that arc. I need to order more of the manga from Germany so that I can read it when I get there..of course I'm on book 3 of one piece (of 6 that I have) and 10 of Berserk (of 16 that I have) and am getting through about one chapter per day on a good day, so it's maybe a tankubon a week. I'm behind too.
At least I'm getting CDs burned. Not exactly the most important thing to be doing, but still needs to get done. I also watched the first episode of Puchi Puri Yuushi today. For those who don't know, it's the new anime by Gainax and is VERY cool, even if it IS based on Princess Maker. Now back to studying a bit before seminar.
I go sleep now...
2002-10-02 00:50:59
It's 1AM. This is a short entry. It's also the earliest I've gone to sleep all week. I feel tired, this is a good thing.
I won't have running water tomorrow morning when I get up. To make sure that I don't do something stupid like try to use the toilet in the dorm (this is what the ones at class are for), I've left myself a big ICQ note on my desktop to remind myself of this.
Maybe I'll end up buying breakfast at the union instead of eating it here. It's chepaer to eat it here, but no water makes cleanup hard...and keeps me around longer before I can use a bathroom. I need to get some cash and make change out of it anyways so that I can go get a haircut.
1 AUSA CD burned, 29 to go. If I run out at the con my computer (and burner) will be there to make more.
Current server time: Feb 01, 2025 19:42:42