Yasha the Inu....
2002-10-01 15:42:54
Those who have been reading a while got to read the "who everyone is" posting at the beginning of the school year.
Well, it's a month later and I can say this without doubt:
Yasha pisses the hell out of me.
He's loud, loud, obnoxious, complains all the time, has people over at more hours than I'd care to think (loud people), and is just ARGH. He has managed to set off a number of my pet peeves and there's still 6 more months that we all have to live with each other. Must get Kenny to call the room agreement stuff so that we can get this worked out.
Otherwise, the biggest bad thing going on lately is insomnia. I didn't even fall asleep on Saturday until 5:30AM and the last couple nights haven't been much better. I started falling asleep during Brit History again this morning, and even was out of it a couple times in 224 - which just doesn't happen. I'm debating taking a nap, but if I do I may not be able to sleep again tonight...then again it may be worth the risk.
9 effective days until AnimeUSA. Thursday is the kickoff as it's when people are getting into town and VicBond and one of his friends (forgot his org ID) are crashing at my place. The beginner's corner panel is blocked out and all that's needed now is making sure that Omar can get us a projector (we're not in the same room for it as all the other AMV panels). A couple other projects are underway as well. Those involved know what they are.
Whoever is using P2P on this campus needs to die a painful, miserable death. The network is so flooded with morons on Kazaa, etc. that loading Google takes 20 seconds. It should NEVER take 20 seconds to load Google, especially on the kind of bandwidth we're supposed to have. Those who have tried to download AMVs off my server should know that this is the reason why they keep timing out - the network just can't handle the requests. The Univerity is looking into the problem and should have a solution...sometime. There's also a router out in places on campus that's slowing down access. It's been five days since the problem's been posted on the OIT website but they've done nothing about it. Argh.
Unlike everyone else here I didn't go to AWA this weekend. There's this stuff called money. I can spend it on a plane ticket to AWA or I can buy groceries for a month. I can spend it on a hotel at AWA or buy 2 DVDs for projects. I can spend it on AWA reg or get a stack of manga from Germany. Or I can have it in the first place and maybe even save some. AUSA is going to rock financially - so dirt cheap to attend. Gotta love being a local...and getting perks for doing stuff.
EK: Yes Bebop is coming to the Austin film fest. However you would not be doing yourself a favor if you missed Das Experiment while it was playing there. It stars the guy who played Manni in Lola Rennt (or the hideous english title "run lola run"), and has been highly recommended by all my German friends...I tried to find the DVD of it in Munich and am now glad that I didn't - means I can buy it here subbed instead of having to do it myself.
And One Piece Doujin? That's almost as bad as getting doujins of Akazukin ChaCha.
Lazy Saturday...
2002-09-28 19:13:40
I've gotten almost no homework done so far this weekend. Pity, I started out so industriously....
That being said, I *DID* make a DVD bitrate encode of the original Daicon vids (yes, the ones that Gainax made before becoming Gainax.) Friends who are old skool are good to have. I also watched 6 eps of Groove Adventure RAVE, which despite its really cool name sucks incredibly. This is disposable entertainment at best, and after six uninspired, insipid, and dull episodes (read: I didn't even bother to finish watching a 3 ep battle), I deleted the entire first season.
I made up for it through. Azumanga Daioh rocks. That show is pretty much never a waste to watch. Good stuff, highly recommended.
Otherwise...a little reading has gotten done, and a lot of just loafing. I need to get it in gear and crack down on getting work done. And make stuff for AUSA. Still figuring out how many CDs to bring, what to put on them, etc.
The weekend approaches...
2002-09-26 23:50:46
I have a german exam tomorrow morning. Everyone wish me luck. The first vocab quiz was a bit hard, and I expect the exam to be as well. The hardest thing is that she refused to tell us the format, so while we know what's going to be on it, we don't know how we have to deal with the information, which makes learning things more flexible, but also more annoying.
I got the problems with the Lupin vids worked out. I ended up fixing another glitch that I found in the PM Dawn one tho. Grah, damn perfectionism.
I may be getting a car soon. Well, it's my car, it's just been parked in Nebraska. I'd have to pay tax, title, gas, oil, etc. but supposedly the insurance is paid for at least a year now, which is nice. On the other hand, I don't really NEED it. While it sucks to rely on other people for groceries and rides to places, it's a definate help to my bank account, and if all I'm using it for is groceries and the occasional trip elsewhere, it may be better to just use something like Flexcar ( and pay for the mileage and time than regular gas and maintenence, especially since gas out here is so damned expensive. Well, will talk to the OCP people tomorrow...
2 weeks until anime usa. there is much rejoicing.
This weekend involves going down to DC to take riot photos, TAS on Sunday, and not a hell of a lot else.
2002-09-23 22:47:28
Today was a day for getting some homework and personal work done. I did my laundry and baked cookies, which was the personal work. I'm on target for my readings this week (and a bit ahead in a couple classes), and need to get my ass in gear and cram my german vocabulary for wednesday and study for friday's exam.
Also in the upcoming lineup is prepping for AnimeUSA. I've also started that by doing some more MPEG-2 exports, but both have had their share of...interesting problems. I redid part of Die Without You (the Lupin III / PM Dawn vid) before exporting. There's now a couple choppy segments due to slowdowns, but the video ends where I feel comfortable ending it (with a slightly varied ending feeling) and has one less uncomfortable cut.
Soldier of Love, on the other hand, is being an asshole. About 8 files on my third backup CD were corrupted and premiere isn't exporting them. This means that I've got three options: 1)Re-Edit the video with what I *DO* have to work around it, 2)Import the clips from the 320x240 distribution copy and blow 'em up to 640x480 to work with, or 3)beg someone to lend me the DVD of cagliostro and rerip the whole movie and try to find these clips again. Option 2 may have to be the best one. Anyone got recommendations for good noise filtering?
in the meantime, matt and yasha are annoying little fucks. they're loud, obnoxious, don't clean the kitchen when they use it, and forget to flush. this may be fratboys v2.
ah well, off to figure this crap out
2002-09-18 23:46:38
Work work work class class work work class.
My day is something like that...with a lot of wasted net time in there as well. Tomorrow is a long class day, 9:30 to 3:30 with one break of one hour. I'm really looking forward to the weekend...
tho the weekend is also busy. All-Nighter on Friday, Monkey King on Saturday, TAS on Sunday, and trying to get ahead on readings inbetween. On top of that, translation is finished on Manitu and I'm scrambling to get it timed and edited so that I can get some faint glimmer of hope of a master arriving for AnimeUSA. Well, we'll see.
Homework's been not necessarily heavy so far, but it's been constant. There is always something due every day in almost every class be it reading, a journal, more reading, a quiz, or still more reading.
The only thing I'm reading for pleasure anymore is Manga, and even that has educational value because it's in German. I did finish Angel Sanctuary 1 though. It looks like my manga reading pattern is one chapter a day, which is fine, it makes what I have last longer. The only exception is when I do metro rides, and even then I think I'm gonna just start carrying around my MP3 player with me instead, as I find that I can't focus for long periods of time and start loosing interest in the readings.
So, anyways, the goals and tasks for tomorrow are simple:
-Finish Drei Männer Reading
-Finish Was ist Deutsch reading and do the questions
-Finish Timing Manitu
-German for Monday
-Study for Vocab Quiz on Wed.
-All Nighter
-German for Monday
-Study for Vocab Quiz
-Monkey King
-Dr Who
-Finish German if not done
and so on. This is the life of me for this semester. I haven't opened Premiere in almost a week. It's kinda nice to get away from the editing pace, but fansubbing is just as much a consuming and draining task, if nothing else because of the fact that the work is mostly so repetitive and dull. Staring at SSA for 2 hours straight isn't a good time, and it's not even worth it until you have the master sitting in your hands.
I am so looking forward to AnimeUSA.
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