JOURNAL: iserlohn

  • This should be interesting 2002-09-02 22:43:17 Everyone's in and settled. Classes begin tomorrow. I turned 21 today. I felt the need to have this be a seperate entry and am entering it now. Paired with it is the guide to the journal for the coming semester/year. 
  • Not so lazy today...and more lazy... 2002-08-29 21:59:45 I seem to be doing less work to finish the scifi class on a daily basis, as well as less translating - only did one chapter today and one or two short bits for scifi. On the other hand I also spent about 3 hours getting stuff put into boxes and suitcases so that I can move out tomorrow with maximum speed and efficiency (anyone in the DC area with a car and a free morning is encouraged to help. I've got a 2L bottle of Mountain Dew to bribe people with...)

    Everything (except for the computer, LD's, laundry, cables, and a few minor things...and clothes that need hanger access) is now sitting in one of the currently unoccupied rooms. The guy living there could be coming back tomorrow for all i know, but I needed workspace and so his room got to suffer. It'll all be out of here tomorrow anyhow.

    AUSA video is done and encoded for entry. I'll burn it off and give it to Waldo sometime during the week. Why waste 37 cents when I can just hand it to the man?

    Otherwise...waiting for Chris to get online to find out when he's coming to help. Last time I moved there was stuff carried by hand, Eric's minivan, and Eric's brother's car. Hopefully we can fit this in 2-3 car trips and I can still move some of the smaller/lighter stuff by hand. I know I'm taking things when I go to check in. The camping backpack has clean clothes and I can take some of the bags of stuff...or wheeled things. We shall see.

    IRC has sucked lately. I've been just IM'ing people to keep entertained...and stalking livejournals. At least Conscrew started up again.

    As far as the forums go, I don't read either of the Off Topics anymore or anything outside of the General AMV/Contests/Cons forums regularly, and even in the general it's getting too nasty. Wasn't the point of having moderators to get rid of this crap? Grow up, people. Those of you who are adults (*coughjbonecough*) need to start acting like it. Those of you who aren't need to make a better impression. I'm only 20 and already I hate high schoolers and young folk because of people going nuts on the forums like this. If you want to impress people the first thing you need to do is show that you're worth listening to.

    That being said, rant mode is off.

    In other news, I went for my followup at the podiatrist's this morning. He said that everything is looking good and cleaned off some buildup that happens during the first week past fixing. I've been meaning to play DDR for the past couple days to see if it feels better that way, but I haven't yet, been too much of a bum.

    Tomorrow will be tiring. Saturday will be tiring. Sunday will be semi-annoying - have to go up to Baltimore to see parent. Even though we get along a lot better than we used to I still don't like doing it. Too much bad stuff from the past. So it goes.

    enough for now, going to go find where I put my developed pictures so I don't lose track of them. 
  • I am a lazy bum. 2002-08-28 21:49:37 I did remarkably little today. I added about 1-2 pages to my final scifi paper (about half what I needed to do for that section), tweaked the second half of the AMV, effectively finishing it for all the crap that it is, and translated the last 2 chapters on the Manitu DVD.

    This is all I've done in 12 hours. Pathetic, isn't it.

    Someone's moved into the room next to mine. Fine with me, I'm moving out soon. He amazingly enough, though, cleaned the room top to bottom. Pretty cool actually, but he also scraped stuff off the bathtub tile walls that I was quite content to leave where it was, and now it's in long black strips over the drain. I should just grow up and throw it out, but part of me doesn't want to. Yes, I know it's not going to kill me, but still. I was quite happy with it staying in its little cracks. Ah well.

    Must get up early tomorrow to go to the podiatrist's for my followup appointment. This means getting up at 8 so that I can check my mail really fast and potentially eat something before going halfway across campus to catch the bus to get there. At least I've got change. What sucks, though, is that it's during the middle of morning rushour, so the bus will be packed. Ah well, one does what one must.

    Tomorrow, one must get their ass in gear and do some laundry and get packing because they have to move the next day. Fortunately most stuff has been kept in its boxes or tupperware so it's just an issue of loading them up into a car and dragging them off somewhere. Suff that's in suitcases mostly got unpacked and needs to be repacked. Some things will get thrown out in the process, or at least reduced in size and content. Moving the books and tapes is going to suck. The truly important stuff for sentimental value, though, is in the closet and hasn't been touched since moving in here.

    Am I going to miss this room? I guess. It's fairly spacious and has an unbeatable location, but I'm not missing things like the bandwidth going down when someone else has to restart or when the weather turns (it's been raining all day. Fortunately the net has been stable). I'm ready to have my FTP back and to not feel weird going into the common areas. I'm ready to have clean cookware again and use my own dishes and have control of the kitchen once again.

    So much to do, so little time, and only so much cash to cover it. Books are looking to break $300 this semester. Two of those are real textbooks, but paperback and for German, which means they're ones worth keeping for the sake of having a solid language reference. I wonder if I can sell back Fokus Deutsch. I hated that book. I'd have to purge it of a couple things first, like my class partner's phone number...

    Yes, I can finally get books back on Amazon. Thank goodness. I dunno how well they'll sell, but selling books is a good thing. Unfortunately most probably won't fetch much, if anything. So it goes.

    What else is there to talk about today? Not much, really. Loafed.

    It's a good thing I'm moving soon. It means that I don't feel bad about running out of food. I haven't broken out the chocolate from overseas yet, though. At least not for myself, I've given a couple bars away. I will probably have some of it tomorrow. We'll see.

    In the meantime, I want to do my dishes before I get to bed...and get to bed. I think I'll wake up to Shingo Mama. Always good to go with the genki early in the day. If I'm lucky I'll be able to get home on a bus transfer, too. We shall see! 
  • Water, Water Everywhere... 2002-08-27 14:43:38 but all of it is still.

    I was reflecting earlier this morning about my trip to Giant last Friday. I checked out the bottled water section, only to find the exact opposite of how it was in Austria: Except for Perrier there was no sparkling mineral water. There was some sparkling water, and there was (I think) some nonsparkling mineral water, but a remarkable lack of Europe's favorite form of Dihydrogen Monoxide.

    As I keep reminding myself every day, I'm definately back in the states. It's not really for the best, either.

    I did get more pictures back today, though. I think the only ones I don't have now are from the end of the second Munich stay and possibly a random roll from Strobl. I won't know until I finish the roll in my camera now and get the last two developed. Overall the pictures have been coming out OK, but I ended up not getting a good mountain picture after all. Unless it's on the last undeveloped roll. Who knows.

    Got the requirements to finish off the scifi course. I've got up to a week to do it, will probably do part 1 or something tonight (out of five...) and just keep working from that. I also want to do the last 4 chapters of Manitu, so I've got my work cut out for me.

    The AnimeUSA video is done and I've already got the MPEG-2 files made. I can't believe I put out this shit. Nightowl says that I'm just part of the year of slump. He didn't have to put it quite like that...

    It turns out that I'm going to have to retake my GRE's. While my lowest score was in the mid sixtieth percentile, Maryland wants 80 as a minimum. Shit.

    Some good news, though. My theatre books came from home today. Oh happy glorious Tommy book.

    I think the foot's healed enough to try a round or two of DDR tonight. The only sucky thing is that it means hauling not just the playstation downstairs but also the VCR because I don't have an RF adapter so I need it to run converter for me. Suck. Ah well. I'm back and suddenly weight conscious again. Fucking states.

    Found out the schedule for anime society this semester. The worst thing we're showing is Chobits. it's also the newest thing we're showing. A good mix of stuff again, most of it more "oldie but goodie" than hype and flash. I wonder when UMBC will get their schedule done...

    Got another free bottle of Mountain Dew today when I got the pictures back. Joy. If I had some ice and a blender I could make Mountain Dew Slurpees. Oh well.

    Moving is confirmed for Friday. I need to clean and start packing so that everything goes faster. I guess this is my sign to offline then. 
  • Yawn. 2002-08-26 19:33:53 Things are going to get so much more mundane now. Sorry folks, that's just the way it is.

    Today was a day for working on stuff. I got some things with the university taken care of, dropped off some more film for developing, and did some other stuff.

    One part of the other stuff is getting my AnimeUSA video done. I think it's either there or very close. I have to do the final Huffy render, but that's estimated by Premiere to need hours, so I'll do it when I go to bed. I think this vid's pretty shitty, but that's me. I pulled the concept out of my ass, but it looks like it's come out OK. Not great, but OK. It doesn't matter, as it's competing against Nightowl's video which is guaranteed to win the contest.

    The other thing is I've started translating Manitu again in the hope of getting a script done in time to get a master on either SVHS or DVD-R before AnimeUSA so I can bring it to show people. This movie rocks, folks. You want to see it.'s pre-moving and pre-school doldrums. Not a lot happening right now, but that'll change soon.

    Oh, and Target has blank CD's on sale this week. Must go on the way back from the Doctor's on Thursday. 
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