JOURNAL: iserlohn

  • AMV Update... 2003-03-09 01:18:38 I have a finished first cut for my competing Otakon video.

    It does not suck. 
  • and Lola Runs... 2003-03-05 21:56:18 Sorry for not posting more frequently lately, was sick for most of last week (and the first couple days of this one), and it's really drained my energy, even if it was just a bit of a cold. Naps are a good thing when healthy, and absolutely vital when sick.

    My workload's been pretty heavy lately, too. Last week's book (The Armada) was pretty good, but as of 50 pages into the current one (Six Galleons for the King of Spain) I'm bored off my ass. This is a book with a lot of dense technical information about 16th and 17th century boats, and it's just not a subject that I'm interested enough in to really WANT to know the length to width ratios or rental prices per tonelada or anything like that. Still, must read it.

    German's...German. The quiz on Monday was pretty hard, I spent most of the hour on it (they're supposed to take 30 min, I took 45), and she didn't have them graded by today. Guess I'll see how I did on Friday, eh?

    Got the first AMST paper back, just a B, but there's plenty of time and room for proper improvement. And ROTC is...ROTC.

    Right now I'm working on finishing my study abroad stuff for next year (writing the essay, remembering to go get my transcript and letter from the career center, and filling out the form...). Also have a 1-2 pager for AMST to do next week as well as some quantitative analysis for AMST...and the eternal reading. I really don't read enough for pleasure anymore, mostly because I'm just reading so damn much for class. That's the one really scary idea about going abroad - not only having to read 300-400 pages/week/class, but having to do them in a foreign language. That's really going to hurt...but the payoff is there if I invest the time.

    I love Lola Rennt. Been keeping it on in the background while working on the essay and typing this up, but it's such an attention grabber...maybe I should've stuck with the soundtrack instead, but that's OK. At least I've seen it enough times by now NOT to need the translation. If you haven't seen this film (the official English title is Run Lola Run, which is *not*a good translation...), I can't recommend it enough. Anyone interested in film and video should see this movie.

    On the AMV front, things seem to be heading in the right directions. The main video for Summer is getting fleshed out, I've only got a few segments left where I need to pull clips before I can start tweaking and refining, and the MAT3K trailer is being mulled over and the video source should be en route to me now. I just need to pick up a couple of CDs to work on reconstructing the audio track and I'll be good to go as soon as the big project's over.

    In mental health news, still obsessed, still depressed. I suppose that I'll get over it one day, but who knows. We watched a (hideously boring) movie in AMST today about masculinities and the fact that guys feel the need to not talk about their depression and seek out help and such. While it's true to a degree, I just find shrinks to be a waste of money and totally full of - you guessed it - bullshit. Thank you Penn & Teller for making that word fashionable again.

    And here comes the best part of the movie - Running Three. Time to focus! 
  • Strike One... 2003-03-04 13:40:02 I got rejected from the University of Toronto. 
  • Un so.... 2003-02-28 01:08:13 Heute hab ich ein PM von stealthhe aufgenommen. Es war kurz und direkt, aber nett. Er hat für katsu entschuldigt und ein Anfrage für bashposts im Futur. Ich glaub' alles bei uns ist gut, aber kenn ich schon nicht, er hat mir an sein LJ beleidigt, aber er hat eine Stelle. Ich war ein bisschen gemein.

    Ich hoffe die Uni am morgen offnen ist. Ich brauche Essen und kann nicht zum Supermarkt ohne Bus oder Chrises Auto fahren. Es gibt mir ein kleines problem - Ich hab nur Spaghetti und Kuchemix zu essen. Un 2 Warsteiners.

    Ich will mehr schreiben, aber die Uhr ist spät und kenne ich nicht ob ich in 8 Uhr aufstehen muss, so geh ich jetzt. Bis später, alle!

    Oh, and for those not getting it, dealing with semi-private posts by writing them in German means that 1)most people won't understand it and 2)those that try to machine translate are going to find it hell to make out with my poor syntax. Multilingual posts will not be translated for ease of reading by all. 
  • VCAs and Stuff... 2003-02-25 01:18:59 None of my stuff made the VCAs. Am I surprised? Not really. The VCAs are like high school student council elections - only the popular people get in. Not surprisingly, I voted the way most people do in high school student council elections - for my "friends", or at least the people I have the most regular contact with that I think are worthy.

    In the meantime, I don't really plan on going out of my way to make VCA or crowd friendly stuff anytime soon. While Combustion, AE, Photoshop, and Lightwave may be the new trends, I plan on continuing to work in a way that makes me happy. If my video demands fancy effects (like Bravo did), they'll be there, but I'm pretty much only going to get dragged into the more complicated stuff kicking and screaming - it's just not worth it usually. The most fancy stuff I plan on doing for my current video short of noise reduction may be some *very* minor Photoshopping to remove a few mouths here and there, but that's it. Of course, this will probably cost me another Otakon. Then again, I've already failed three times so the tradition's established.

    This is the point where everyone says "but AMVs are about having fun and doing them for yourself and stuff." Bullshit. While I won't do a video that I'm not going to enjoy making, everyone likes getting crowd feedback. It's a wild rush, and if you get your video into main events at a major con (read: Otakon), you can have 2500-5000 people applauding for your video. Must be nice, I didn't even get the full attendance at Katsucon behind me, applause was scattered between those who got the jokes and those who were left far behind. There's no easy way to popularity or success in any field, and while following the manual can help, even that takes some serious effort.

    It is now 2:22AM by my clock, time to go to bed so that I can study, write, read, and flier tomorrow. 
Current server time: Jan 30, 2025 12:32:12