JOURNAL: Reigna (Gina Pagán)

  • 2009-03-26 14:44:11 Wow I totally forgot about the VCAs. Congrats to the winners! I'll have to go watch some of them since I haven't seen like any of those videos.

    Sooooo out of touch with the amv world.

    Let's hope I have time to get back into things this year. >> 
  • 2009-01-23 12:39:25 Editing urge is getting harder to suppress. Maybe I'll crack soon. :O

    Video editing does not seem to mesh well with college life...well at least for me. Props to those of you that can pull it off. Need to find time for it between classes/homework/crew/social life to sit down and edit. I'm enjoying myself, though I REALLY miss the community. ;_; Yay for livejournal keeping me semi-updated with the .org peeps. Hope everyone is doing well. :) 
  • 2009-01-13 14:28:59 Hey the new year. :O I started a video buuut now I'm back at school so who knows when it will be finished. Also kind of behind on checking out some of the recently released videos that look interesting.

    Editing parties in the near future it seems. Hmmmm... :O 
  • 2008-12-26 00:19:22 Merry Christmas everyone!

    I want to get some of these recently released vids, but my stolen internet connection here at my grandma's is much too weak. :O 
  • 2008-12-23 03:18:16 So my project is set up and ready to go, the trick is just getting myself to start.

    Oh man so close. :O

    Too bad I won't be around until like Monday, since I'll be out visiting relatives. >>

    Oh and I've got a sweet poker set now. :3 
Current server time: Mar 09, 2025 21:16:02