JOURNAL: Reigna (Gina Pagán)

  • 2008-06-14 10:40:03 This video is awesome.

    I really should start editing. >> 
  • :O 2008-05-25 18:49:54 So that Boom Boom Satellites from like 20 years ago finally posted results:

    This was the video I entered into the contest:

    Yay I got an autographed version of their new album. o/ 
  • acen? 2008-05-23 19:01:27 Acen kicked ass. I miss everyone. ;_; It was nice being able to walk around during the con as oppose to crutching it everywhere. I don't remember the con being as disorganized in the past as it was this year. The contest was pretty solid, and everyone did a nice job on their panels. Congrats again to Ileia for winning Iron Editor. :O As always, it was great hanging out with everyone, and it was cool being able to meet some new people this year as well. :) Wish I could have stayed in Chicago with everyone a little longer, but I had to get back up to work. :O I'm sure I'll be back down there soon enough anyways.

    Now I just can't wait until AWAAAAAAAAAAA. :) 
  • 2008-05-15 10:31:40 Happy birthday, Crackerz! o/

    motherfucking acennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

    Going to be a party. :) 
  • 2008-05-05 11:40:50 Here are how my next couple of weeks are going to play out:

    Finals --> Philadelphia for Dad Vails Regatta (rowing team competition)--> New job-->ACENNNN--> omgdowntime-->Moving into new apt-->New video editing times? :O

    Going to be a crazy few weeks. I really want to like...edit. >> No time for such things right now though. >:O

    In three days, I'll be done with my first year at university. :O

    Acen is going to be frickin kickass. I'm so pumpeddd. 
Current server time: Mar 10, 2025 05:39:26